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The health / correction (1)

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The health / correction
Message de emmy93 posté le 30-01-2008 à 17:13:56 (S | E | F)

hello I have to write an essay to enter in a phisical therapist school but i don't know if it is correct.
Please somebody help me to correct my text.

I need it before february 5
thank U

This is the essay :

The health according to WHO is definite by a state of complete physical well-being, mental and social. It's when everything is working well at the level of physiological organization.
However people can't contribute to a perfect health throughout his life. This is why there are different professions of health which have been put in place for help the patient and thus achieve a certain homeostasis of the body which will followed by a positive result on the health of the individual. Among these professions, several attracted me but I had to make a choice.

Indeed, being attracted by the science of my youngest age I have wanted to exercise the skills germane to the health. My goal was to become a doctor. I had then attended a science curriculum that permitted me to entry into Medicine College.
Moreover I have taken aid courses and I got my diploma I also did an internship in school because my goal was to specialize me in pediatrics
Note however after two years of medicine and did not get my concur I had to reoriented me. So I wanted to study abroad more particularly to the USA while keeping my goal to exercise the trades of health, then I hesitate between several trades as nursing, chiropractic, pharmacy...
Studying the Physical Therapy to USA was therefore my choice and those for several reasons...

First find having been attracted by the system of education, I have chosen this school to attend classes and subsequently exercise the Physical Therapy. Indeed American schools are renomees throughout the world, and this would then be a great opportunity for me to integrate this school.
In addition, the Physical Therapy is a trades, which is in contact with several disciplines such as medicine neurology, general surgery, family practice ....and affects everyone ; infants, young and older. This is interessant because we have the choice to work according to these preferences. After I would like to specialize me in pediatrics.
Finally we note that the Physical Therapy is above all one who listen, touch and mass, which starts its manual therapy must succeed or the others have often fails,

As a result the physical Therapy is a métier that particularly attracted me by its goals, its purpose and the selection of these techniques used for readaptation of his patients knowing that the only means used are not the medicaments but only these hands.

Modifié par bridg le 30-01-2008 17:59
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