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Taylor (correction) (1)

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Taylor (correction)
Message de lizie posté le 26-02-2008 à 10:48:35 (S | E | F)

pourriez-vous m'aider à trouver et à corriger mes fautes...??

Merci d'avance.

1/Taylor is a woman who adopted TURTLE ;a cherokee child.
Annawake is an attorney
She works in an office that does a lot of work for the Cherokee Nation.
TURTLE is a Cherokee
She was adopted by TAYLOR.
2/The scene takes place

3/The nderlined word “I” refers to…

*We have dumped to Taylor a Cherokee child who names TURTLE.
But some years later, a lawyer named Annawake who does a lot of work for the Cherokee Nation; come to inform Taylor that with the eyes of the law.
She is guilty of having “stolen” this child, because the tribe did not give its approval.
Furthermore, the papers of adoptions are not good.
Discussion between these two women about Turtle.
Annawake explains the law to Taylor.

4/ Annawake manages to win Taylor’s confidence by taking time to explain to her the laws nicely; and by taking time to explain her who she was.
5/ Tle lines which account for Annawake’s actual presence are:…….
• The effects do they have on Taylor are:
• Taylor is irritated; she is afraid that we take her her child.
• She is fed up
• She is afraid thus she pays attention on what she says
7/ The arguments catch character uses to defend their points of view are:…….

12/Annawake has professional arguments. Whereas taylor has personal arguments.
Annawake is fir Cherokee.
She defends their rights.
Indeed, she does a lot of work for the Cherokee nation.
While taylor blames the tribe.
Indeed, taylor blames the tribe for having mistreated TRUTLE; and to have abandoned her.

14/At the first, taylor is on the defensive because she is afraid that we take her tortule.
But after her does not pay any more attention on the lawyer
Annawake she thinks of being in her good right
She is determined to go up that she is right
And to finish, she is confident because she knows that it exists for her a constitution too; and that there is only Cherokee who can be denfend.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-02-2008 11:23



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