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Aide pour exposé (1)

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Aide pour exposé
Message de tislydu94 posté le 04-03-2008 à 14:32:34 (S | E | F)

je suis une élève de 3e et je dois faire un exposé en anglais
sur la segregation,j'ai traduis les informations de français en anglais
et je vouslais savoir si vous pourriez vérifié que mon texte n'ai pas de fautes

Voici le texte:

It is in 1865 when serf hood was constitutionally abolished on all territory of Union it is in 1865 when serf hood was constitutionally abolished on all territory of the Union, with the vote of the thirteenth amendment.
Then fourteenth and one voted for fifteenth amendments, who guaranteed the civil rights of the Blacks, and their equality in front of law with Whites. However, these amendments in Constitution remained dead letter, especially in the states of the south where legislative devices allowed reducing the number of Blacks up to 90 % who can vote or come on elections.
It is in 1880s when a new system put on in place: segregation. White and black were separated: every community had its own restaurants, hotels, playgrounds, parks for children, schools or churches.
With the first one then the Second World War, the Blacks were very slowly inserted within commune’s squadrons... Bed it is in 1948 when la one decided on "desegregation « in the army, while it continued in the society.
It is only an to leave the presidency of Trumann that segregation was considered as anti-constitutional by the federal power which notably forbids segregation in schools.
Certain states opposed then to federal directives, what caused numerous conflicts.
The conjugated conflict protest black movements with the intervention of the federal State put an end tooth racial segregation in years 70-80 in the United States.
However, from certain states, or in certain quarters of big cities, a segregation resides, slier, because economic, and more individual.

Et d'après vous ce texte suffit pour un exposé de 5/10min ?
Merci d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-03-2008 14:42
titre en minuscules

Réponse: Aide pour exposé de faneva, postée le 04-03-2008 à 16:50:50 (S | E)
hello,je trouve ça largement suffisant pour un exposé ,après c toi qui décide!



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