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correction (1)

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Message de gred9 posté le 04-03-2008 à 17:19:29 (S | E | F)

quelqu'un peut me dire si c'est juste?

Read the following text
It was Harry's first day at his new school. Marigold Road Junior. Charles stood outside the headmistress's
office, wondering whether or not to go in. An argument of some kind was going on inside. He
could hear raised female voices, but not what was being said.
Harry said, “Eh up, Dad, what's goin' on?”
Charles yanked Harry's hand and said: “Harry, for goodness' sake, speak properly.”
Harry said, “If I speak proper I get my cowin' face smashed in.”
“By whom?” asked Charles, looking concerned.
“By who?,” corrected Harry. “By the kids in 'Ell Close, tha's who.”
Violet Toby came out of the headmistress's office closely followed by the headmistress, Mrs Strickland.
Violet shouted, “You lay a finger on one a my grandkids again and I'll 'ave you up, you 'ard-faced cow.”
Mrs Strickland did have rather a determined face, thought Charles. He felt the old familiar fear that schools
always induced in him. He held even tighter onto Harry's hand — poor little blighter.
Mrs Strickland smiled icily at Charles and said: “I'm sorry about that unfortunate scene. It was necessary
to punish Chantelle Toby on Friday and her grandmother rather took exception to it. Indeed, she seems to
have brooded on it over the weekend.”
Charles said, “Ah! Well I hope it won't be necessary to punish Harry, he's quite a sensitive little chap.”
“No I ain't,” said Harry.
Charles winced at Harry's ungrammatical protestation and said, “If you tell me which class Harry is to join,
I'll take him along…” A drop of water fell onto Charles's head. He wiped it away and, as he did so, felt
another splash onto his hand.
“Oh dear, it's started to rain,” said Mrs Strickland. Charles looked up and saw water splashing down from
cracks in the ceiling. A bell rang urgently throughout the school.
“Is that the fire alarm?” asked Charles.
“No, it's the rain alarm,” said Mrs Strickland. “The bucket monitors will be along soon, excuse me.”
And sure enough, as Charles and Harry watched, children came from all directions and lined up outside
Mrs Strickland's office. Mrs Strickland appeared at the door with a heap of plastic buckets which she doled
out to the children, who took them and placed them strategically underneath the drips in the corridor.
Other buckets were borne away into the classrooms. Charles was impressed with the calm efficiency of the
operation. He remarked on it to Mrs Strickland.
“Oh, they're well practised,” she said, rebuffing the compliment. “We've been waiting for our new roof
for five years.”
“Oh dear,” said Charles. “Er, have you tried fund-raising*?”
128 Devoir 04-AN11-07
“Yes,”said Mrs Strickland, bitterly. “We raised enough money to buy three dozen plastic buckets.” […]
Charles went into the headmistress's office and filled in a form registering Harry at Marigold Street Junior
School. He was pleased to be told by Mrs Strickland that Harry qualified for free school dinners. […]
“Your teacher is Mr Newman,” Mrs Strickland said to Harry. They reached Mr Newman's classroom and
Mrs Strickland knocked and walked in.
Mr Newman bent down and shook Harry's hand, saying, “I'm Mr Newman, your new teacher, and you're
Harry, aren't you?” […]
“He's a free school dinner child!” announced Mrs Strickland, loudly. Mr Newman said quietly, “They're all
free school dinner children; he's among friends.”
I - Comprehension

A - Global comprehension

Circle the letter corresponding to the right answer
a) Harry's school is new.
b) Harry's school is a run-down building.
c) Harry's school was repaired a few years ago.

B - Detailed comprehension
Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Tick the correct box and justify your answer with a short quotation.
(a) Harry was going to primary school. R X W ❒
“It was Harry’s first day at his new school. Marigold Road Junior.”
b) Violet Toby and the headmistress were having a quiet conv

Réponse: correction de faneva, postée le 04-03-2008 à 17:29:18 (S | E)
je dirai que c juste.C beaucoup comme texte en anglais ,je me demande si j'y arriverai



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