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Un accident choquant .Thème 2 (1)

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Un accident choquant .Thème 2
Message de violet91 posté le 21-03-2008 à 11:53:16 (S | E | F)

Bon matin les "copains,d'abord !" Bienvenue aux nouveaux !
Quel morceau préfèrerez-vous?

---------------- ---- UN ACCIDENT CHOQUANT .------------------------------

[... En désespoir de cause, Mr Wordsworth finit par dire : "Il s'agit d'un accident de la route* " -" Tiens ,monsieur?" . Jérôme trouva tout à fait plausible qu'ils appellent cela " Accident de la route". De toute évidence,
c' était la police qui avait fait feu ,en premier.. son père, lui, se refuserait à ôter la vie de tout être humain ....sauf en dernier recours.

-"Je crains bien d'avoir à vous annoncer que votre père a été gravement touché ,pour sûr." - "Oh."- " A vrai dire, Jérôme, il est mort, hier..Sans souffrir du tout. "- " ILS lui ont tiré droit dans le coeur, c'est ça ?".. -" Plaît-il ? Qu'avez- vous dit, Jérôme ?" -" Ils ont visé le coeur ?" - "Mais,personne ne l'a abattu,Jérôme............ ...........
Un cochon lui est tombé dessus . "

Une contraction violente et inexplicable saisit les nerfs faciaux de Mr Wordsworth : un instant , on eût pu croire qu'il allait éclater de rire. Il ferma les yeux, se recomposa un visage et débita comme s'il lui était besoin d'expulser cette histoire aussi vite que possible.
" Votre père déambulait dans une rue de Naples quand un cochon lui est tombé dessus. Un accident choquant! (Quel choc,comme accident!) . Il paraît que dans les quartiers les plus pauvres* de Naples, les gens élèvent des cochons sur leurs balcons. Celui-ci se trouvait au cinquième étage . Il était devenu par trop grassouillet! Le balcon a cédé ! Et,la bête a chu pile sur votre père."

Mr Wordsworth quitta son bureau précipitamment et se dirigea vers la fenêtre , tournant le dos à Jérôme. Son corps était en proie à de légères secousses.
Jérôme continua : " Mais, qu'est-il arrivé au cochon ?" ...." ]

1 ) Route se traduira ici par rue.
2 ) A Naples ,il n'y avait que des pauvres et des riches.

3 ) Question subsidiaire: comment expliquez-vous la réaction de Jérôme? (juste pour comparer).English or French answer. Thank you.


Cela vous a-t-il plu ? !! Prendrez-vous une troisième tranche ?

Bon courage ,friends. Have a nice is time for a leg of lamb!
See you..

Correction finalement prévue le dimanche 30 Mars. See you....

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de nick27, postée le 21-03-2008 à 19:14:00 (S | E)
In desperation Mr. Wordsworth ended up saying : "He had a car accident" - "really, sir?". Jérôme found it absolutely plausible they call that "a car accident". Anyway this is the police who had quite obliously opened fire first because his father would never agree to take any man's life away ... except in last resort.

- "I'm afraid I have to inform you your father has been badly hurt, for sure" - "oh" - "To tell you the truth, Jérôme, he died yesterday without suffering at all." - "THEY shot him in the heart, didn't they?" - "Sorry, what have you just said Jérôme?" - "They targeted his heart?" - "But he wasn't shot Jérôme ........ a pig fell down on him".

An odd violent contraction got in Mr. Wordsworth's facial nerves : at one point, one could have thought he was on the brink of bursting out laughing. He shut his eyes, thought for a while and then words started rushing out of his mouth as if he could no longer hold them back.
"Your daddy was walking in a street in Naples when a pig fell down on him. A shocking accident! They say that in the poorest areas in Naples, people rear pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. It had become slightly overweight and the balcony didn't hold up: the animal fell right on your dad".

Mr. Wordsworth rushed out of his office and went to the window, his back facing Jérôme. A sudden jolt took over his body.
Jérôme went on : "But, what happened to the pig afterwards?"

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de gee, postée le 23-03-2008 à 01:25:15 (S | E)
In sheer desperation Mr Wordworth managed to come out with: "It was a street-accident."
"In that so, sir?" Jerome found it quite plausible that they call that "street accident". Quite obviously the police had fired the first shot; his father for one would refuse to take any man's life…, if not as in last resort.
"I’m afraid I have to tell your father has been seriously hit for sure."
"To tell the truth, Jerome, he passed on yesterday. Without the smallest suffering."
"They shot straight to his heart, that’s it?"
"Pardon? What did you say, Jerome?"
"They targeted his heart?"
"Look here, Jerome, nobody shot him down.……A pig laid it onto him."

All of a sudden Mr Wordworth’s facial muscles got unexpectedly violently stiffened as to make believe for a moment he was on the brink of bursting out laughing. He closed his eyes, summoned up his look and started to pour out that story as quick as possible as to feel relieved.
"Your father was strolling around in a street of Naples as a pig skydived straight down bumping onto his head. What a bump for a street accident! In the poorest neighbourhoods of Naples people are said to breed pigs on their balconies. That one perched on the fifth storey. He had grown a bit podgy. The balcony gave way! The beast fell dead ahead onto your father."
No sooner said than done Mr Wordworth rushed away from his desk heading to the window as to turn his back on Jerome. His body got jolting because of a restrained bumping laugh.
Jerome went ahead with "Now, what was up to the pig?"

Bonus question Violet posed: Why this last question about the pig’s fate?
The whole story is happening in Jerome’s dreams.
Jerome is an orphan. What’s said about his father is a Freudian mean to oppose a missing father, a fantasy way to kill him. Therefore the pig is the emblematic weapon to achieve his goal. Could you ever find out a more mundane thing than a dirty pig? A dirty pig turned into a heroic agent of a boy’s self-assertion. It's quite normal you wonder what is going to happen to such a glorious character.

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de nanette33, postée le 24-03-2008 à 12:01:57 (S | E)
Hello violet,

In desperation, Mr Wordsworth said finally : "It's about a street accident " -" oh, sir?" . Jérôme thought it was quite plausible they call it "street accident". Obviously, the police had fired first... his father, he, would refuse to take any human being life... except at a last resort.

-"I'm afraid I have to inform you that your father was seriously wounded, sure"." - "Oh."- "To tell the truth, Jérôme, he died yesterday... whitout suffering at all."- "THEY fired him right in the heart, that's right?".. -" I beg your pardon.. What did you say, Jérôme ?" -"They aimed at the heart?" "But, nobody shot him down,Jérôme............A pig fell on him. "

The Mr Wordsworth's facial nerves were seizing by a violent and inexplicable contraction : for a moment, it seemed that he was on the brink of bursting out laughing. He closed his eyes, recomposed himself a face and trotted out as he needed to expel that story as fast as possible.
"Your father was sauntering in the street of Naples when a pig fell on him. A shocking accident! It appears that in the poorest neighbourhoods of Naples, people breed pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. It had become too plump! The balcony broke! And the animal fell just on your father".

Mr Wordsworth rushed out of his desk and went towards the window, turning his back on Jérôme. His body was jolting. Jérôme carried on : "but, what happened to the pig?".

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de alice, postée le 26-03-2008 à 18:03:09 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet,
A shocking accident

In desperation, Mr Wordsworth finally said: "It is a matter of a road accident". -"Ah, Sir?" Jérome thought quite plausible them to call that road accident". Evidently, the police had fired first; his father would refuse to kill any humain..... except as a last resort.
"I'm afraid to have to announce to you your father had been seriously hit, absolutely! -"Really Jérôme, he died yesterday.... without suffering at all." - "They aimed his heart, is that?"... -I beg your pardon. What have you just said, Jérôme?" -"They aimed his heart?" - "But nobody shot down him Jérôme...., A pig fell over him."
A violent and inexplicable contraction seized Mr Wordsworth's facial nerves: a moment it seemed he was going to burst out laughing. He closed his eyes, reconstructed his face and poured as he had to excrete that story as fast as possible. "Your father was strolling in the streets of Napoli when a pig fell down on him. A shocking accident: - (What a shock, this accident). It seems, in the poorest parts of Napoli, people breed pigs on their balconies. That one was on the fifth floor. It had became too podgy! The balcony gave! And the animal fell right on your father.
Mr Wordworth rushed out of his desk and made his way towards the window, turning his back on Jérôme. Jérôme continued: "But what happened to the pig?".

Modifié par alice le 26-03-2008 18:06

Modifié par alice le 26-03-2008 18:10

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de bonsai93, postée le 26-03-2008 à 22:50:02 (S | E)
j'essaie ce soir .......

In desperation ,Mr Wordsworth finally said :
« he had a street accident «
« Really,sir , »
Jerôme thought that it was quite plausible they call that « a street accident » .
Obviously,the police had first fired ; his father ,himself , would refuse to take off any human of life .........except in a last resort

« I'm afraid to have to tell you that your father has been seriously injured ,for sure «
« oh !»
« Actually, to tell you the truth ,Jerôme , he died yesterday without any suffering at all «
« They shot straight to his heart , didn't they ? »
« Sorry , What were you saying ,Jerôme ? »
« They targeted his heard ? »
« No, Nobody shot him down ,Jerôme ...........A pig fell down on him «

An odd and violent contraction got on Mr Wordsworth's facial nerves :during a moment , one could have thought he was on the brink of bursting out laughing .He closed his eyes ,recomposed himself a new face and starting rushing out of his mouth this story as fast as possible .

« Your father was strolling in a street in Napoli when a pig fell down on him .
A shocking accident !
It appears that in theses poorest neighbourhoods of Napoli ,people breed pigs on their balconies .
This one was on the fifth floor ;He had become so overweight that the balcony broke down
and the beast fell down right on your father »

Mr Wordsworth rushed out his office and went towards the window , turning his back on Jérôme.
His body was jolting
Jerôme carried on : « and , What about the pig ? »

What about the pig ?????
that is the question!!!!!
and when I imagine the big pig (perhaps not so pink that we can imagine !)and the so dirty streets in Napoli,
I think the picture was not beautiful to see and perhaps the cats (Napoli is known with them !!!) were very intersting and had a very good meal with it !!!I cann't imagine how was Jerôme's father. But I think you have an other answer with a such story !!
see you soon

et si ce n'était qu'un rêve qu'il rapporte ???????
Modifié par bonsai93 le 27-03-2008 15:21

Modifié par bonsai93 le 27-03-2008 15:31

Modifié par bonsai93 le 29-03-2008 10:08

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de violet91, postée le 27-03-2008 à 13:43:50 (S | E)

Hey! Friends! Aren't you interested in the subsidiary question ? I'd be glad you added your interpretation of it ...Press on "E" ,then repost,will you?...Thank you,very much !(mais si vous avez choisi de ne pas la faire ...liberté!)

Modifié par violet91 le 27-03-2008 13:49

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de pepe69, postée le 27-03-2008 à 14:54:03 (S | E)
Hello violet,

A shocking accident, or, rather, A flying pig.

In desperation, Mr Wordsworth finally said: "It is a matter of a pig crash"(1)"Hullo, sir?". Jerome found quite plausible they call that "a pig crash." Obviously, the police had fired first.....his father, would refuse to kill any human.....except as a last resort.

"I am afraid of having to tell you that your father has been gravely hit, absolutely! "oh". "To tell the truth, Jerome, he died yesterday.....without suffering at all." They fired straight to his heart, didn't they?"-"I beg your pardon? What did you say, Jerome?"-"They aimed at the heart?"-"But, nobody shot him down, Jerome.....A pig fell down on him."

A violent, inexplicable contraction gripped Mr Wordsworth's facial nerves: for a moment, we could have thought he was going to burst out laughing. He shut his eyes, changed his face and poured as it was necessary to tell this story as fast as possible.

"Your father was strolling in a street of Naples when a pig fell down on him. A shocking crash!(What a shock, as a crash!). Apparently, in the poorest quarters of Naples, people breed pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. It(2) had become too podgy! The balcony gave way! And the animal fell dead on your father."

Mr Wordsworth(Valeurdesmots) rushed out of his desk and made his way towards the window, turning his back to Jerome. His body was plagued by some light jolts.

Jerome went on: "But, what happened to the pig?".

(1) La chute d'un cochon depuis le cinquième étage peut, avec un peu d'humour, faire penser, sauf à celui qui le reçoit sur la tête, à la chute d'un avion! Le choc ne fut pas horizontal, mais vertical. C'est pourquoi je préconise l'emploi du mot "crash"!!!
(2) S'agissant presque d'un animal de compagnie, on peut s'autoriser à employer "he".
violet de nous avoir fait souffrir.

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de maya92, postée le 27-03-2008 à 16:59:36 (S | E)
hi violet,

In desperation, Mr Wordsworth ended up saying :
"It is a street accident"
"Is it sir" ?
Jérome found it quite plausible they call that "Street accident". Quite obviously the police had fired first..his father would never have killed any human being except as a last resort.
"I'm afraid I have to inform you that your father has been badly hurt, for sure"
"Oh !"
"To tell the truth, Jérôme, he died yesterday.. Without any pain"
"They shot him right in the heart, didn't they ?"
"I beg your pardon, Jérome"
"THEY aimed for the heart, didn't they ?"
"But no one shot him dead, Jérôme, a pig knocked him down"
A violent uncontrollable tenseness seized Mr Wordsworth's facial nerves : for a while one could have thought he was going to burst out laughing. He closed his eyes, recovered himself and poured all that out as if he had to get rid of his story as quickly as possible.
"Your father was strolling through a street in Naples when a pig fell on him. A shocking accident ! Apparently in the poorer parts of Naples, people breed pigs on their balconies. That one was on the 5th floor. It had plumped out too much, the balcony gave way and the animal fell right on your father !"
Mr Wordsworth rushed out of his room and walked to the window turning his back to Jerome, his body shaking slightly.
Jérôme went on :
"But, what happened to the pig ?"

I suppose the poor boy was all shook-up and did not realise exactly what had happened..thank you Violet - See you

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de swan85, postée le 27-03-2008 à 20:52:00 (S | E)
A shocking accident

In desperation, Mr Wordsworth said finally : It is a street accident.
“Really sir ?”.
Jerome found quite plausible they called it “street accident”. Obviously it was the police which had shot, first…,his father, himself, would refuse to take life to any human being……except in the last resort.

“I fear to be obliged to inform you that your father has been severely wounded, for sure” - “Oh” – To say the truth, Jérôme”, he died yesterday,
without suffering at all.
“ They shot him directly in the heart, that’s right ?..-
“ I beg your pardon? What did you say, Jerôme ?” they aimed at the heart ?” “ But, nobody has shot him , Jerôme……
A pig fell down on him.”

A violent and an inexplicable contraction seized the facial nerves of Mr Wordsworth : A moment, it seemed that he was going to burst out laughing. He closed his eyes, changed his face and talk as if it was necessary to get rid of this story as fast as possible.

“Your father wandered in the streets of Napoli when a pig fell down on him.
A shocking accident ! (what a shock, for this accident!) It is said that in the poorest neighbourhoods of Napoli, people breed pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. He was becoming too chubby ! The balcony broke ! and the animal fell down on your father.”

Mr Wordsworth left his desk in a hurry and went to the window, turning his back to Jerôme. His body was stricken by slight shocks.
Jerôme continued : “but, what happened to the pig ?”

What I think about his question :
Jerôme is a littble boy who, at the time of the accident has not yet realised the seriousness of the situation because he likes the animals too. Normally, later, he should hate this pig, but.....the story is not finished I think.

Modifié par swan85 le 29-03-2008 08:24

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de violette19, postée le 28-03-2008 à 11:05:49 (S | E)
Hello Violet91 !
Good morning to everybody !

A shocking accident. (2)

As a last shift, Mr.Wordsworth said at length : " It is a street crash . "
-"Really, sir ? " Jérôme thought quite plausible they named that "street crash" . Obviously, the police themselves had fired firstly..his father himself woud not take off any man's life.... except if he could not do otherwise .

- " I am afraid I have to tell you that your father had seriously been hit,surely ." - "Oh !" - " To speak the truth, Jérôme, he is dead, yesterday .. Without suffering anyway . " - " THEY have fired his heart straight on, isn't it ? - " I beg your pardon ? What did you say, Jérôme ?"
- " They aimed at his heart ? " - " But nobody has fired him, Jérôme........
A pig fell on him .

A violent, inexplicable contraction took possession of Mr Wordsworth 's facial nerves : for a short moment, one could have thought he was going to burst out laughing . He closed his eyes, he made himself a composed quiet face again, hasted as if he was in need of ejecting that story as quickly as possible .
" Your father was wandering in a Naples street when a pig fell on him .
A shocking accident ! ( What a shock, as an accident ! ) . In Naples poorest districts, it is said, people breed pigs on their balconies . That one was at the fifth floor . He had grown into a quite too much plump one ! The balcony broke ! Then, the animal fell straight on your father . "

Mr Wordsworth left his desk in a hurry, walked towards the window, turning his back to Jérôme . Slight shakes preyed on his body .
Jérôme went on speaking : " But, what about the pig ? "


Jérôme is only nine years old . So, he is, probably, still quite fond of tales and of animals, as almost all children are . Moreover, his father's accident looks like a tale such as children listen to, before sleeping, and he has forgotten his father's death . The pig story only matters to Jérôme !

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de nini59, postée le 28-03-2008 à 11:43:20 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet

In desesperation, MrWordsworth said:
-"It's a street accident."
Jérôme thought it was really plausible they call that " a street accident".Quite obviously, the police had shot first because his father would refuse to take somebody's life... except in last resort.
- " I'm afraid I have to announce you tha your father has been seriously hurt, for sure."
- "Oh."
- "To tell the truth, Jérôme, he died yesterday without suffering at all."
- "THEY shot him in the heart, didn't they?"
- "Excuse-me? What did you say,Jérôme?
- "They targeted his heart."
- "But, nobody shot him down, Jérôme.....a pig fell down on him."
A violent and inexplicable contraction seized Mr Wordsworth's facial nerves: for a moment, one could believe he was going to burst into laugher.He closed his eyes, recomposed his face and reeled off as he needed to eject this story as quickly as possible.
-" He was walking around in a street of Naples when a pig came down on him.A shocking accident.(What a shock, as a accident)It appears that in the poorest areas of Naples, people breed pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. It had become too plump!The balcony caved in! And, the animal fell down right on your father.
Mr Wordsworth rushed out of his office and went to the window, colding shoulder to Jérôme. His body was jolting.
- "But, what happened to the pig?"

3 Il pense que son père est un agent secret. Je pense qu'il est plus choqué par la cause de la mort de son père que par sa mort même.(enfin c'est mon avis)
pour cet exercice.
Bon weekend

Modifié par nini59 le 28-03-2008 11:44

Modifié par nini59 le 28-03-2008 11:51

Modifié par nini59 le 28-03-2008 13:39

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de TravisKidd, postée le 28-03-2008 à 15:36:31 (S | E)
Desperately searching for a reason, Mr. Wordsworth ended up saying "It was a car(/road) accident." "Hey, sir?" Jerôme found it quite plausible that they called it "a car accident". By all accounts, it was the police who had shot first.. his father, on the other hand, would never allow himself to take the life of any human being ....except as a last resort.

-"I'm afraid I have to announce to you that your father has been gravely wounded, for sure."- "Oh."- "To tell you the truth, Jerôme, he died, yesterday..Without suffering at all." " THEY hit him right in the heart, did they?" -"Excuse me? What did you say, Jerôme?"-"They aimed for the heart?"- "But, nobody shot him, Jerôme............ ...........
A hog fell on him."

A violent and inexplicable contraction siezed Mr. Wordworth's facial nerves. At one point, one could have believed he was going to explode from laughter. He closed his eyes, recomposed his face, and spouted off as if he needed to expel the story from his mouth as soon(/quickly) as possible.

"Your father was wandering on a Naples street when a hog fell on him. A shocking accident! (What a shock, for an accident!) It seems that in the poorest neighborhoods of Naples, people raise hogs on their balconies. This one happened to be on the fifth(sixth?) floor. It got too plump! The balcony caved in! And, the beast landed right on top of your father."

Mr. Wordsworth hastily left his desk and headed toward the window, turning his back to Jerôme. His body had become prey to some light tremors. Jerôme continued: "But, what happened to the hog?"

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de coferam, postée le 28-03-2008 à 18:57:52 (S | E)
A shocking accident.

In desperation cause, Mr Wordsworth, ends by saying : '' This is a street accident''- '' You, sir ?'' Jerome found quite plausible they call that : ''Street accident'' . Quite obviously, it was the police had shot the first, his father,him, is unwilling to take the life of all human being...except as a last resort.

-''I am afraid to have to break you that your father has been seriously affected, for sure.''-''Oh''-'' To tell the truth, Jerome, he
died yesterday...without suffering at all.''-'' They shot him right in the heart, that is it ?''-''Please,you ? What did you say,
Jerome ?''-''they targeted the heart? ''-'' But nobody shot him, Jerome......A pig fell on him. ''

A contraction violent and inexplicable captures the facial nerves of Mr. Wordsworth : an instant, we could believe that he would burst out laughing. He closed your eyes, reconstructed a face and delivered as necessary this story keep up with possible :
''Your father walked around in a street of Naples when a pig fell on him. A shocking accident !
(what shock as an accident!). It seems that in the poorer districts people bring up pigs on their balconies.One of them was on the fifth floor.It had become too plump !Le balcony gave way! And the beast fell just on your father.''

Mr. Wordsworth left quickly his office and headed for the window, turning his back to Jerome. His body was submerged by minor tremors. Jerome continued: '' But what happened to the pig ?''

Quesion subsidiaire : Comment expliquer la réaction de Jérome ? En fait j'ai choisi de répondre en Français, car c'est la seule et unique langue que je maitrise (enfin...presque !).
Jérome a 8-9 ans, donc très jeune, certainement avec une imagination débordante;on nous présente un père, et voilà qu'on nous le tue avant de le connaitre; la mère est absente...Je trouve normal qu'il vive dans un monde à lui qu'il est seul à comprendre...Que les adultes se toturent l'esprit pour comprendre, c'est une autre histoire...Mais j'ai apprécié la dernière question de jerome parce que c'est la seule qui m'a fait sourire !

Merci violette91 pour cette double réfléxion : en Anglais / Français

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de apau, postée le 29-03-2008 à 09:11:13 (S | E)

Hello Violet,
A shocking accident (part 2)
In desesperation, Mr WORDSWORTH finally said : " It's a street accident ".
" Is it sir ? " Jérôme found it quite plausible they call that " street accident ". Obviously the police had fired first... his father, him, would refuse to take any human being life... except a last resort.
" I'm afraid I have to inform you that your father was seriously wounded, sure ". " Oh ! "." To tell the truth, Jérôme, he died, yesterday... without suffering at all ". " THEY fired him right in his heart, didn't they ? ".
" I beg your pardon ? What did you say, Jérôme ? " " They aimed his heart ? ".
" But, nobody shot him down, Jérôme... A pig fell down on him that's all. "
A violent and inexplicable contraction seized Mr. WORDSWORTH facial nerves : for a while one could have thought he was going to burst out laughing. He closed his eyes, recovered himself and poured all that out as if he had to get rid of his story as quickly as possible. " Your father was strolling through a street in NAPLES when a pig fell down on him. A shocking accident ! Apparently in the poorer parts of NAPLES, people breed pigs on their balconies. That one was on the fifth floor. It had plumped out too much ! The balcony broken ! Then the animal fell down right on your father. "
Mr. WORDSWORTH rushed out of his desk and walked quickly to the window, turning his back to Jérôme. His body shaking slightly. Jérôme went on :" But, what happened to the pig ? ".
Question subsidiaire :
Je pense que Jérôme est tellement sûr que son père est un héros (les héros ne meurent pas !) qu'il est inquiet du sort de l'animal qui, lui, a dû se faire mal ! Je n'oublie pas que Jérôme n'a que 9 ans et qu'il " rêve " beaucoup, il a beaucoup d'imagination et je pense aussi, qu'il est très sensible.

Have a nice day Violet.

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de dolfin56, postée le 29-03-2008 à 17:27:43 (S | E)

In desperation, Mr Wordsworth finally said:"it's about a street accident".
-"really sir"? Jerome thought it was quite plausible they called that a "street accident".
Obviously, the police had fired first... his father, as far as he was concerned, would refuse to take any human life away...except in last resort.
"I'm afraid to have to tell you that your father has been seriously wounded, of course."- "oh"- really"-" Jerome, he died , yesterday, without suffering."- "they shooted at him , right in the heart- is that right?".- "I beg your pardon? what did you say, Jerome? "they aimed at the heart?" -but nobody killed him, Jerome.
"a pig fell on him"
a violent and inexplicable contraction seized Mr Worstword facial nerves.: for a short while, it seemed he was going to burst out laughing.he closed his eyes, composed again his features and recited, as he needed to expel this story as soon as possible.
-"your father was strolling in a street of Naples when a pig fell down on him.-a very shoking (and braining) accident!" it seems that in the poorest districts of Naples, people breed pigs on their balconies.this one was on the fifth floor. it had become too plump! the balcony gave away! and the animal fell right on your father".
Mr Worstword rushed out of his office,and hastened the window, turning away from Jerome. His body was lightly shaking.
Jerome went on:-" but what about the pig?".

as several people said above, I think Jerome refuses to lesson the truth, stays in his own idea of the situation, and perseveres in seeing his father as an hero, and so he only can die as an hero, killed by ennemies . we must recognise it's a more respectable death .

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de ariane6, postée le 29-03-2008 à 21:26:54 (S | E)
Hello Violet !

...In desesperation, Mr Wordsworth concluded : "It was a street accident."
-Really, sir ? Jerome thought it was quite plausible that they would call it a "street accident". Without any doubt, the police had fired first, his father would never kill any human being... except as a last resort.
-I am afraid to tell you that your father was severely injured,indeed.
-Oh !
-In fact Jerome, he died, yesterday... without any pain<.
- They shoot him right through the heart, did they ?
- Pardon ? What did you say Jerome ?
- Did they hit his heart ?
- But nobody shot him , Jerome..... A pig fell on him ...
A violent and inexplicable convulsion took place in the nerves of Mr Wordsworth's face : during a while it looked as he were going to laugh. He closed his eyes, recomposed his gesture and said quickly as though he had to expel the story as rapidly as possible.
- Your father was walking down a street in Naples when a pig fell on him. A shocking accident... It would seem that in the poorest quarters of Naples people breed pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. It had grown too plump ! The balcony broke, and the animal fell right on your father.
Mr Wordsworth left his desk quickly and went to the window, turning his back on Jerome. His body was skaking a little.
Jerome said : " What happened to the pig then ?"

Thank you Violet!!!...

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de violet91, postée le 30-03-2008 à 14:42:16 (S | E)
et grand bravo à "ce cercle de famille qui s'agrandit! " Cela me touche beaucoup que vous "mordiez" de plus en plus à mes choix!! Je ferai en sorte de ne pas vous décevoir!

Bonjour à woodyrun ,partie au soleil d'une autre î peony..qui n'a pas de montre, mais plein de bonne volonté!...

"A shocking accident" c'est maintenant qu'on lui "rentre dans le lard!"

1 ) desperate> desparately (desperation,despair)(= esperatum! latin)= fortunate> fortunately.

2 )Quite [kwaït:diphtong)=tout à fait(adv).# quiet(adj) [kwaïet: triphtong)(quies, quietis!latin= quiet, coi, calme
3 ) THEY: presque toute institution qui emploie des milliers ,centaines ou plusieurs "travailleurs" : police, justice, army...staff(personnel),class, group ,family, couple..(les 3 derniers : si vs les considérez comme en état fusionnel: sg!) Plutôt pluriel, car ils sont bien différenciés: he and she.

4) His father WOULD not take (ôter) :condit. à valeur modale/ refus := would never accept..(comme will et won't ,en forme forte)

5 ) A being ,a human being (nominalisation) : une être.

6 ) At a last (ultime,der de der)resort = recourse: recours,issue (légitime défense ou faute d'autre solution)# a skiing ,a seaside resort : une station de ski, balnéaire..

7 ) Prétérit : daté , révolu! Le père est mort sur le coup!! Il n'a pas eu le tps de dire "ouf" ou "Whoops!"ou ""Tout ce qui tombe du ciel est béni!""Thank Goodness! What is falling on my head ?"
He "died yesterday!" orth. =lie(mentir),tie :nouer :lied(liar)tied.< to cryspied. baby,babies!

8)Without + gérondif(verbe) without suffering at all.

9 to shoot, shot , shot: fusiller,tirer avec arme à feu,au coup de pied droit!Shooting(nominalisation) :la chasse (de nos jours et ordinaire)# hunting (avec hounds: une meute )horses,bows(arcs)arrows(flèches),stabs (poignards) et other weapons..= cruelty .:le cerf (hart) n'a aucune chance. Voir l'élevage de les trophées des célébrités !! Tant et tant d'heures à persécuter un cerf. -To shoot a film :tourner un film.- On peut aussi "hunt,chasse à - tout autre chose...sauf aux toilettes : la chasse = flush.

10 )heart[ha:t]le coeur,homophone de hart [ha:t):le cerf. "Braveheart" : William Wallace (2,05m),héros de l'Indépendance écossaise..pas Mel Gibson (52 ans)(1,73m)= "Mad Max"(1979)..."drôle de bonhomme" cet américano-australien aux petits pieds et méchantes idées! Anyway, Les vrais Ecossais n'ont pas apprécié de voir leur héros raccourci. ----# hearth fr) âtre,le coeur de la cheminée [ha:th (doux)>]# surtout de hurt (blesser ,heurter,)['heurt] :faute si commune!

11 ) "I beg your pardon ?"je mendie (a beggar) votre pardon ("Astérix /Bretons")= excuse me, could you please repeat? # forgive me (par-donne moi!)

12 )"What did you say": à peine dit ,c'est fini : donc prétérit. Jérôme ne reste pas la bouche ouverte.."Paroles,paroles ,paroles.." elles se sont "envolées!" Si vous introduisez "just".les paroles résonnent encore dans l'oreille.

13 ) To fire at: viser.= to target (targeted) cibler .A target: une cible et des "darts" fléchettes (pubs en GB)to aim at

13 ) Les nerfs faciaux: il m'a semblé qu'il y avait peut-être erreur anatomique: les "nerves" conduisent-ils les zygomatiques (muscles faciaux du rire : ns en avons 17: des majeurs et des mineurs ,comme en musique!) Du boulot pour un rire!(le sourire est inné: les nouveaux-nés aveugles ou sourds-muets sourient naturellement : c'est beau et émouvant.

14 ) to close (avec application)# to shut presqu'automatique: fermer la porte en la poussant..comme notre "p'tite bouche ,quand on nous dit "shut up". "La ferme !"(Pardon me)...on peut la rouvrir!" Close your eyes : j'ai une surprise pour toi!" "Sunday closed!" Pas pour moi, en tout cas.
15 ) La traduction de "on" est passionnante!..=homo,hominis:l'homme.

..d'ailleurs ,suite au prochain épisode!

Modifié par violet91 le 30-03-2008 14:45

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de violet91, postée le 30-03-2008 à 15:52:58 (S | E)
N.B : drôle de chose à "to spy: espionner >spied et cry >cried

15 ) "on" : c'est personne et tout le monde! "You" la plupart du temps ; mais" in France ,WE (on) mostly drink coffee. In GB,THEY (on ,eux) drink tea." On peut s'insulter ou se féliciter soi-même "I have done a good work on a bien travaillé,hein? violet!)- Mais on n'est pas bien? "Are you going mad ?" donc ,si l'auteur imagine des spectateurs ds le bureau de M.W pense "you".(vous auriez été là) ou "somemone". ---Ou la voix passive : my car has been stolen...he has been arrested.(agents implicites).ou explicites The lesson has been explained by Teacher So&So.

16 ) to expel (latin) :expulser. Mis à la porte du lycée : expelled.

17 ) Le film commence : flash- back! passé continu...Be (pret.)+ BV-ing..was walking, strolling (il a la place au milieu des ordures de se balader avec une pince sur le nez!), wandering (poor soul..!il erre.:alors là, il a manqué de perspicacité: pourquoi choisir CETTE rue?

18 ) Naples est moins chantant que "Napoli" Vous imaginiez Pavarotti? "O ! sole mio!" et un bon plat de spaghetti ou gnocchi. Italian!

19 ) What a shock ! (article). What an idiot accident!" "What a pig!" (au sens propre, si j'ose dire!)

20 ) J'avais prévenu !! Deux classes sociales à Naples :the poor and the rich. Donc comparatifs. Duel. The poorer and the richer. L'aîné des deux : the older(elder dans certains cas*).:le plus jeune de 2 : the younger.
"The more ,the merrier " " Plus on (we) est de fous, plus on (we) rigole!"

21 )They say.."narratur," "narrant".pour les latinistes .

22 ) "They" breed ( bred,bred, pour cx qui..): élever ,produire.(pointe de racisme chez M.W.) c'est sur le Continent! Un enfant peut être "well-bred ": bien élevé,ou,alas! "ill-bred" (élevé de façon "malsaine") Il y en a aussi qui ne semblent pas élevés du tout!..Brought up à " la Rousseau ou à la "baba-cool"!. Breeding (nominalisation): l'élévage.(agricole ou de Françoise Dolto).

23 ) A balcony (nies). Pas en GB.,sauf dans quelques villes marquées par la France ,comme Bristol (Bordeaux): quartiers chics : balcons en fer forgé. pas de volets (shutters)non plus. "Curtains "intérieurs : question d'habitude..pas commode pour nous. Il y a quand-même du soleil et de la clarté en GB!

24 ) "This" one : réactualisation: gros plan sur LE cochon (rapprocht)encore bien vivant! "That" pour la narration au passé ou le péjoratif!. Cette espèce de cochon!( pas le cas ,ici!)Savez-vous que les cochons noirs -noirs siciliens sont très recherchés par les éleveurs. j'en "connais" une à Haworth (Yorkshire, pays des Brontë sisters) qui s'appelle "Gloria"!

25 ) V.actifs (apparemment passifs): venir,devenir ,aller, tomber, mourir.. :pensez "j'ai venu --devenu--allé--tombé--péri! aux ."have" si tps composé. Vous retomberez sur vos pieds (de cochon) avec "Veni, vidi, vici!"

26) To become = to get (plus dynamique et commun).

27 ) Dodu (comme le "père") plump (bébé). Gros,gras : too fat,heavy..

28 ) Céder, craquer : to break , to break (off) ,to give way (céder le passage! How smart and elegant!).Pas de to "yield" : "céder" à un incorrigible séducteur.

29 ) La bête: the beast( "qui sommeille en vous!"): il y en a qui ont des instincts sauvages ,ici! The animal." A chu" comme Icare ,les ailes en moins ,l'odeur en plus !Et le cochon "ne voulut rien savoir!"

30 ) Quitter :to leave ,left,left (pour cx qui...) Il ne court pas ..à moins d'aller ailleurs pour une urgence personnelle! De panique..que croyiez-vous?!

31 ) To turn one's back on : tourner le dos à..

32 ) To shake, shook, shaken : agiter ,secouer, ébranler "Shake the disease!"
A (cocktail ) shaker ! # to jolt : secouer de choses incontrôlables (le fou rire).

Merci toujours de votre de vos "progrés" vous envoie "le morceau" de choix. " Le pauvre homme !", tout de même.Un "héros pas ordinaire !"..

Modifié par violet91 le 30-03-2008 16:09

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de violet91, postée le 30-03-2008 à 17:16:53 (S | E)
de votre allons-y!

----------------A SHOCKING ACCIDENT ( part 2)-----------------------------

[... Mr Wordsworth said with desperation : " It was a street accident." -"Yes,sir?" It seemed quite likely to Jerome that they would call it a street accident. The police of course had fired first ; his father would not take human life except as a last resort.
" I'm afraid your father was very seriously hurt , indeed. -" Oh!"
- " In fact, Jerome, he died yesterday. Quite without pain." - " Did they shoot him through the heart ? - " I beg your pardon? What did you say , Jerome?" -"Did they shoot him through the heart ? "- " Nodody shot him, Jerome. A pig fell on him." An inexplicable convulsion took place in the nerves of Mr. Wordsworth's face ; it really looked as though he were going to laugh. He closed his eyes, composed his features and said rapidly as though it was necessary for him to expel the story as fast as possible. " Your father was walking along a street in Naples , when a pig fell on him. Apparently,in the poorer quarters of Naples, they keep (breed) pigs on their balconies. This one had grown too fat. The balcony broke. The pig fell on your father ."

Mr. Wordsworth left his desk quickly and went to the window, turning his back on Jerome. He shook a little with emotion.

Jerome said : -" What happened to the pig ? ".......]

Et la question subsidiaire ?
Comme très bien dit par violette19 Jérôme a sa part de rêve. Il n'a que neuf ans et est un garçon très imaginatif. Il se crée un père héroïque,faute de le voir quasiment jamais et de le savoir à l'étranger ou sur les mers ..Pensionnaire à long terme, pas vraiment affecté, il s'invente un monde comme tout petit enfant où toutdevient possible. Les héros ne meurent jamais ou alors de façon illustre. Un cochon? Incroyable histoire ! Il ne doit pas y croire et ,aimant les animaux comme tous les enfants, il s'inquiète de l'état de la bête, à l'arrivée,au moment du choc.. A-t-il eu la moindre chance de s'en sortir
? Ou Jérôme doit-il se préparer à plaindre le pauvre "petit" cochon?

As Violette19 explained so clearly, Jerome is a dreamer. He is only nine and a very imaginative little boy. He creates a heroic father , probably because he doesn't see much of him.The father is abroad or sails across different seas. As a boarder for long, being almost abandoned, he doesn't seem affected by the announcement. He invents a world for himself where everything becomes possible, as all young children do. Heroes never die, do they ? Or they pass away on an illustrious circumstance..A pig ? What an incredible story ! Fancy such a thing ! He just can't believe his ears..or, like most children, he is fond of animals , he is worried about the animal's state at the moment of the shock (the "meeting"). Did it still have a chance to be alive ? Or was Jerome going to pity that "poor little thing"?

Freud a pensé que Jérôme tuait son père d'une sale façon! Le punissant de ne point venir le voir au pensionnat!..

BRAVO aux seuls trois bons "étudiants" qui ont suivi l'auteur et les conseils du prof!: maya,coferam et> apau!!!The poorer..

Encore merci, merci de vos visites et de votre Anglais de plus en plus intéressant..l'humour ,avec. A la prochaine "tranche" , rire ou de chagrin? See you with great pleasure !violet

Modifié par violet91 le 30-03-2008 17:22

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de gee, postée le 02-04-2008 à 06:13:39 (S | E)
I want to return the thanks to Violet.
If we enjoyed the hard time at translating, Violet got stuck to jotting down several pages of correction tips.
I guess that all the translaters who had a hard time on this second episode were so happy to get umpteen notes, corrections, pieces of information.
I say "all", thus not only the three good pupils, but also the common ones and even a fool like me who got flabbergasted by so many details. Some of those details are beyond me but I pretend to catch something. I do my best to improve the language, and last but not least, the knowledge in general. For instance I had never heard so far that my heart's chromosomes had left a gene pointed as h when leaving Scotland.
Keep up the good way, Violet. Never give out!

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de violet91, postée le 02-04-2008 à 11:25:37 (S | E)

Thank you dear gee for encouraging me ...Shall I conclude you are a brave Scot?

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de pivoine91, postée le 09-04-2008 à 11:59:26 (S | E)
A shoking accident (part two) :

Finally (giving up hope), Mr Wordsworth ended to say : "It is a street accident" -" Why, sir?"- Jerome thought quite credible that they name that "street accident". Quite obviously it was the police who had made-fire first. His father, he, won't agree to take human being's life except in last resort. "I fear most to have to say to you that your father has been most certainly damaged (wounded) seriously. "In fact, Jerome, he died yesterday without suffering at all" - "They have shot straight the heart, isn't ?" - "What, what have you said, Jerome? "They have shot at the heart ?" - "But, nobody has shot at him, Jerome...A pig has fallen over him". A slashing and odd tensing of Mr Wordsworth 's facial nerves, one moment, we have had thought that he went to laugh. He closed his eyes, reconstitued his face and delivered as he needed to eject that story as soon as possible - "Your father walked around a street in Naples when a pig has come down on him. A shocking accident ! (what shock as accident !). It seems that in the poor (poorest) Neapolitan districts, the people raise pigs on their railings. That was on the fifth floor. The pig was become only too plump, the railings have caved in ! And the animal has fallen just on your father". Mr Wordsworh left his office hastily and went to the window colding shoulder in relation to Jerome. His body was shaken with light movies. Jerome continued : "But, what happened about the pig ?"...

Que penser d'une telle réaction de la part de Jerôme ? Sous le choc d'une telle annonce, ayant sûrement tout imaginé quant à la cause du décès de son père, apprenant que ce dernier a, en fait, été victime de la chute d'un cochon qui lui a été fatale, dans ce contexte et l'affolement, il prend des nouvelles l'animal. Pour certains, "il n'y a pas photo" (en langage familier !), ce qui peut surprendre ! la vie d'un
animal par rapport à la vie d'une personne (encore que...), il est peut-être membre de la SPA anglaise. D'ailleurs, nous ne savons pas qui il est, quel âge il a, ce qu'il fait dans la vie, qui sont ses parents, quelles sont ses relations avec son père.....tous ces renseignements éclaireraient notre lanterne ou bien est-ce tout simplement de l'humour anglais, tel que nous l'aimons !. A savoir et...à suivre. Thanks. Peony91

Hello Violet91 8

Ce paragraphe devrait être placé en tête, mais à ce stade, je ne touche plus à rien car depuis deux semaines, je galère avec ce texte, il faut dire que je commence par le copier en français, puis je le traduis et comme je navigue sur internet avec les différents dictionnaires anglais-français, il m'arrive de perdre mon texte (et ce twice) !!!Entre temps ma souris a pris la clef des champs, ma barre "http" a eu la danse de Saint Guy et j'ai été à plusieurs reprises "disconnected" (je connais désormais le mot par coeur !!! Tous ces empêcheurs de tourner en rond ont eu raison de ma patience, de ma ténacité et de mon courage légendaires ! J'ai donc décidé de faire un break pour laisser retomber la pression et la colère...puis, ne "lâchant pas le morceau" (traduction anglaise ?) telle Pénélope (pseudo que je prendrai peut-être un jour !) je me suis remise à l'ouvrage et voici ma prose in englisn, please ! But I'm "sorry, so sorry" (cf the singer Brenda Lee in the fifteenth 's years) and "Too much is too much". Hasta luego. Go ahead !!! and have a good and nice day reading my translation ! Illico, j'enchaîne avec the hird part and then ...I put my head ("on your shoulder" other singer...) among the stars in the sky...

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de violet91, postée le 09-04-2008 à 12:48:41 (S | E)
Poor little usual, I do appreciate your humour and I am flabbergast (as gee often says) by your strain.

Merci vivement à cette super mère d'élèves et amie!

Réponse: Un accident choquant .Thème 2 de nefertiti, postée le 11-04-2008 à 17:32:19 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet91,

Comme prévu, je réponds que maintenant à cet exercice, vu que le précédent n'avait pas été enregistré, j'ai tout recommencé. J'ai lu ton corrigé mais j'ai préféré poster ici mon texte avant correction.

Desperately, Mr Wordsworth finished by saying : "It is a street accident".
- "Really, sir ?"

Jerôme thought very plausible that they called that "street accident". Obviously, the police had shot the first ... his father, him, would never stop the life of any human people ... except as a last resort.

- "I am afraid to announce you that your father had been seriously hurt".
- "Oh".
- "To tell the truth, Jerôme, he died yesterday, without any pain".
- "They shot straight in the heart, did they ?"
- "What did you say Jerôme ?"
- "Did they aim at the heart ?"
- "But, nobody shot him, Jerôme ... A pig fell on him".

A violent and inexplicable contraction caught the facial nerves of Mr Wordsworth. One moment, we could believe he would burst out laughing. He closed his eyes, he made his face again and talked very rapidly as he needed to eject that story as fast as possible.

- "Your father was strolling about in a street of Napes when a pig fell on him. A shocking accident ! It seems that in the poorest neighbourhoods of Naples, people raise pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. He had become too fat. The balcony gave way ! The animal fell straight on your father."

Mr Wordsworth left his desk hurriedly and went towards the window, turning his back on Jerôme. His body was suffering from light jolts.

Jerôme continued : "But, what happened to the pig?"



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