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After school (correction) (1)

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After school (correction)
Message de graphicdesigner posté le 16-04-2008 à 16:30:30 (S | E | F)

Bonjour a celle ou celui qui saura m'aider je dois me presenter demain en anglais je ne suis pas sure de mon texte. Merci deja par avance !!

After the school I wanted at once to make an artistic career.
It has been 10 years since I work in the graphics
I began by making the school of the chamber of commerce of Paris to be a decorator Merchandiser.
Then I changed opinion and I made a school of graphics in Paris during 2 years with one year of specialisation 3D;
At the beginning I didn't still know if I preferred the multimedia or the publishing.
I worked 2 years in communication agency for famous brands as.
I realized all the visual supports there print.
Then I put myself in the clubbing event I made flyers and emailings for the biggest club of Paris.
Then I worked on one year in an agency specialized in the multimedia or they made interactive games and pubs tv I was able to work on important projects with...
It's like that I knew what I wanted to do and where I wanted to work in the edition(publishing).
I joined a recruitment agency which has me present the company(society)..

Modifié par bridg le 16-04-2008 16:38

Réponse: After school (correction) de r4bfort, postée le 16-04-2008 à 19:53:47 (S | E)
After school I aspired to achieve an artistic career. (un autre choix: a career in the visual arts)

It has been 10 years since I first worked in graphic design.

I began by studying at (attending, matriculating to) the school of the Chamber of Commerce of Paris to be a decorator merchandiser. [qu'est que c'est "decorator merchandiser"?]

Then I changed my mind and I decided to attend a school of graphics in Paris for two years, with one year of specialization in 3D.

At the beginning, I did not know (was uncertain, was undecided) if I preferred multimedia or publishing.

I worked for two years in communications agency for famous brands.

I realized all the visual supports there print. --- Cette phrase n'a pas un sens.

Then I became involved with club promotions. I made flyers and emails for the biggest club in Paris.

Then I worked for a year in an agency specializing in multimedia. They made interactive games as well as television. I was able to work on important projects while with them.

Because of that, I knew what I wanted to do and where I wanted to work in the production: publishing.



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