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correction du resumé d'un livre (1)

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correction du resumé d'un livre
Message de zebulo posté le 29-05-2008 à 18:55:28 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir, Hi everybody!

Voilà je devais faire un resumé de mon livre préféré , "la petite robe de Paul" de Philippe GRimbert. Bref j'ai peur d'voir fais des fautes de temps et autres donc si vous avez des suggestions n'hésitez pas.
Merci de jeter un petit coup d'oeil ce serai sympa

I'm going to tell you about a book whose title is “La petite robe de Paul”, this book was written by Philippe Grimbert, a french author, who is also famous for having written another book, “Un secret” which was adapted for the cinema last year.
This later book has received the Goncourt price from the students.
He was published on two thousand and five.

It tells us a story about Paul, a fifty year old man, who attends a series of conferences.
During the hour of midday, he visits the neighbourhood when he's attracted by a white dress in a shop window.
He's going to buy it, and for an unknown reason, he takes the size six. While is only daughter is adult.
This child dress disturbs the universe of the couple, when Irene, the Paul’s wife finds the strange dress.

This novel is a detective story because the couple tries in his past in order to find the secret of white dress.
Maybe, it’s a real story because the writer is psychoanalyst.

I highly recommend it to you because it’s a unique story.
Moreover the author has a particular style.
Every details makes you desire to know what happens next.

To conclude we know that the best things are the first, and it’s the first novel of Philippe Grimbert, however his other books are all fascinating.

So buy it!

Réponse: correction du resumé d'un livre de hoger, postée le 29-05-2008 à 19:39:20 (S | E)
I'm going to tell you about a book whose title is “La petite robe de Paul”, this book was written by Philippe Grimbert, a french author, who is also famous for having written another book, “Un secret” which was adapted for the cinema last year.
This later [check the difference between "later" and "latter"] book has received the Goncourt price from the students.
He [who, the author?] was published on [wrong preposition] two thousand and five [you don't have to spell the year out; numbers will do].

It tells us [why don't you use the verb "to be"?] a story about Paul, a fifty year old man, who attends a series of conferences.
During the hour of midday [how abou "lunch break"?], he visits the neighbourhood when ["when" refers to a time, a neighbourhood is a place] he's attracted by a white dress in a shop window.
He's going to buy it, and for an unknown reason, he takes the size six. [put a comma] While is only daughter is adult.
This child dress disturbs the universe of the couple, when Irene, the Paul’s wife finds the strange dress.

This novel is a detective story because the couple tries ["to try" = "essayer"] in his past in order to find the secret of white dress.
Maybe, it’s a real story because the writer is [article!] psychoanalyst.

I highly recommend it to you because it’s a unique story.
Moreover the author has a particular style.
Every details makes you desire [to strong!] to know what happens next.

To conclude we know that the best things are the first [you may want to turn this around], and it’s ["this is"] the first novel of Philippe Grimbert, however his other books are all fascinating ["as well"—otherwise you imply that this book is not fascinating].

So buy it!

Réponse: correction du resumé d'un livre de zebulo, postée le 29-05-2008 à 19:58:41 (S | E)
Ok merci beaucoup hoger je vais reprendre tout ça .
bonne soirée



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