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correction et avis sur un email (1)

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correction et avis sur un email
Message de draganbxl posté le 17-06-2008 à 23:31:13 (S | E | F)

Bonjour et déjà merci de prendre le temps de me lire!

Je dois envoyer un email et j'ai rédigé ce texte. D'éventuelles améliorations sont bienvenues. C'est la première fois que j'envoie un mail sans passer par Google Translation, j'espère que ça "passera la rampe".

Two of my friends are going to Croatia during holidays, from the 16th to the 30th July. They are looking for an accomodation (one room). They are a maried couple, and young (35). They were thinking about passing two days in town but finally they asked me if I know a place where they could stay for the whole two weeks in the countryside. Do you thing that it would be possible for them to stay in the Dusan's house? Or do you know anyone else who could propose them an accomodation in another small village? Maybe you have another friend who would be interested? They say that they can pay 250 euros for 14 days, but I think it is possible to ask them 300. (I do not ask a part of the money.)
Tell me if you have any idea?

Merci si vous avez un avis à donner.


Réponse: correction et avis sur un email de alili, postée le 18-06-2008 à 07:41:40 (S | E)
1e avis, cher/chère Dragan : toute traduction réalisée par un être humain est forcément meilleure qu'une traduction faite par une machine. Bravo, donc !
Pour le reste : quand il manque quelque chose, du vert quand il y a des corrections à faire

Two of my friends are going to Croatia during holidays, from the 16th to the 30th July. They are looking for an accomodation (one room). They are a maried couple, and young (35)(inverser l'ordre et condenser : "un jeune couple marié"). They were thinking about (prép.) passing (pas le bon verbe) two days in town but finally they (ordre des mots) asked me if I know (concordance des temps) a place where they could stay for the whole two weeks in the countryside. Do you thing (orth.) that it would be possible for them to stay in the Dusan's house? Or do you know anyone else who could propose (pas le verbe le plus approprié) them an accomodation in another small village? Maybe you have another friend who would be interested? They say that they can pay 250 euros for 14 days, but I think it is possible to ask them 300. (I do not ask a part of the money.)
Tell me if you have any idea?
Yours (revoir la formule de politesse),

Réponse: correction et avis sur un email de draganbxl, postée le 18-06-2008 à 10:21:54 (S | E)
Un grand merci pour tes observations, c'est très encourageant. Je suis déjà en train de travailler aux corrections et ce soir je pense pouvoir mettre ici le corrigé. L'idée de mettre en vert les passages fautifs est très efficace! Dragan

Réponse: correction et avis sur un email de draganbxl, postée le 18-06-2008 à 12:27:58 (S | E)

Voici le texte modifié. Reste-t-il des erreurs?

Dear X,

Two of my friends are going to Croatia during next holidays, from the 16th to the 30th of July. They are looking for accomodation (one room). They are a young couple (35). They were thinking of spending two days in town but finally they asked me if I knew a place where they could stay for the whole two weeks in the countryside. Do you think that it would be possible for them to stay in the Dusan's house? Or do you know anyone else who could offer them an accomodation in another small village? Maybe you have a friend in the area who would be interested? They say that they can pay 250 euros for 14 days, but I think it is possible to ask them for 300 euros. (I do not ask a part of the money.)

Tell me if you have any idea?

Best regards.





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