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Dear diary, (1)

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Dear diary,

Message de doggie posté le 20-09-2008 à 14:09:45 (S | E | F)

J'ai un texte à corriger s'il vous plaît.

Dear Diary,
How are you ? I hope you are fine. Today was a great one ! I started school at ten beacause my italian teacher was absent I've a test in Latin. I manage doing it. I think I will have a good mark ! After having lunch, I went to school as usual. I got a test in French and in "ASB". Finally, I had an English lesson. I found some girls nasty today. They annoy XXXXX, my best friend. I was tired. I think it's because it was the end of the week.
See you soon,

Merci beaucoup

Réponse: Dear diary, de lucile83, postée le 20-09-2008 à 16:30:03 (S | E)
Dear Diary,
How are you ? I hope you are fine. Today was a great one ! I started school at ten beacause my italian teacher was absent..... I've a test in Latin. I manage doing it. I think I will have a good mark ! After having lunch, I went to school as usual. I got a test in French and in "ASB". Finally, I had an English lesson. I found some girls nasty today. They annoy XXXXX, my best friend. I was tired. I think it's because it was the end of the week.
See you soon,

= faute; la présentation laisse à désirer aussi.
See you

Réponse: Dear diary, de doggie, postée le 20-09-2008 à 17:07:18 (S | E)


Dear Diary,
How are you ? I hope you are fine. Today was a great one ! I started school at ten because my Italian teacher was absent.I've a test in Latin. I manage doing it. I think I will have a good mark ! After having lunch, I went to school as usual. I got a test in French and in "ASB". Finally, I had an English lesson. I found some girls nasty today. They annoyed XXXXX, my best friend. I was tired. I think it's because it was the end of the week.
See you soon,

Est-ce correct ?
Encore merci lucile83 pour votre correction

Réponse: Dear diary, de lucile83, postée le 20-09-2008 à 17:25:37 (S | E)
Dear Diary,
How are you ? I hope you are fine. Today was a great one ! I started school at ten because my Italian teacher was absent.I've a test in Latin. I manage doing it. I think I will have a good mark ! After having lunch, I went to school as usual. I got a test in French and in "ASB". Finally, I had an English lesson. I found some girls nasty today. They annoyed XXXXX, my best friend. I was tired. I think it's because it was the end of the week.

Still 3 mistakes as I forgot 2 of them

Réponse: Dear diary, de intrepid34, postée le 20-09-2008 à 18:24:14 (S | E)

Seemingly a few more!
D'abord on ne demande pas si un journal va bien .... enfin...

Today was great because I started school at 10 as my Italian teacher was away.
I had a test in Latin and I managed to finish it. I think I will get a good mark. After lunch, I went to school at the usual time and had a test in French and "ASB". Finally I had English. I found that some of the girls were nasty today, they were annoying my best friend - maybe I was just tired as this happened at the end of the week.

Good luck!

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-09-2008 18:31
Il est préférable d'indiquer les fautes et non de corriger, vous le savez depuis que vous êtes sur le site !

Réponse: Dear diary, de doggie, postée le 20-09-2008 à 18:24:38 (S | E)
pour les deux erreurs en plus

Dear Diary,
How are you ? I hope you are fine. Today was a great one ! I started school at ten because my Italian teacher was absent.I had a test in Latin. I managed to do it. I think I will have a good mark ! After lunch, I went to school as usual. I got a test in French and in "ASB". Finally, I had an English lesson. I found some girls nasty today. They annoyed XXXXX, my best friend. I was tired. I think it's because it was the end of the week.

Merci encore !

Modifié par doggie le 20-09-2008 18:28

Merci pour la propsition proposée mais ça change un peu mon texte...
Mais !!! Doggie

Réponse: Dear diary, de lucile83, postée le 20-09-2008 à 18:36:16 (S | E)
Dear Diary,
How are you ? I hope you are fine. Today was a great one ! I started school at ten because my Italian teacher was absent.I had a test in Latin. I managed to take it. I think I will have a good mark ! After lunch, I went to school as usual. I got a test in French and in "ASB". Finally, I had an English lesson. I found some girls nasty today. They annoyed XXXXX, my best friend. I was tired. I think it's because it was the end of the week.

Good work !

Réponse: Dear diary, de doggie, postée le 20-09-2008 à 18:37:36 (S | E)
Merci pour les répondes données



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