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Aide sur une traduction en anglais (1)

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Aide sur une traduction en anglais

Message de gylles posté le 26-09-2008 à 18:52:37 (S | E | F)

J'ai traduit ce texte d'un programme de TV avec une amie du chinois (taiwainais à l'anglais), quelqu'un pourrait-il me signaler où sont les fautes? Merci d'avance!

-Hi there! Welcome today to everyone for our broadcasting "You push I report". I'm Dajinzhou.
"I'm Xiaoxinde".
-Er... very good. "You push and I report" is a new and developing popular channel. Here everybody can let us know about everythings that he thinks being emerging and interesting. So for exemple if...
"If what?"
-So if everybody thought something interesting, please come on and push it here. Well for exemple in other words...
"And what about the website? So the website? Why not to say immediately to everybody where's the website?"
-The website is here.
"And after we will make a film of it for the TV to let everybody see it; Isn't it, teacher?"
-It has been said inside out!
"Hey, everybody keeps it in mind he must push on the door! Er well, so what's the theme we're to introduce today?
Today this will be introduced to you: hey, it is a golden blond haired Russian beauty who teaches you a new word everyday. My favourite music has come out. This thing has been recommend by an article from Tumi. So it stems itself from Youtube's website all with this golden blond haired and spicy girl, she's really spicy, her breasts are very big and she wears very little clothes.
Next why is she so popular, look at the number of people she has made suscribed until now and wich outstrips, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 110292 of people! Wow!
-Then why don't we have too?
"Er... because..."
You don't need to speak if you're not able tell your answer. Ha, ha. Well... Ladies and gentlemen this spice girl is really spicy, moreover she dresses few clothes, and she also stirs up people with a posture wivh revealing all, but it has something to do with learning languages, it's concerned by the art of linguistics and she hopes to enhance her languages skills in USA; that's the reason for wich she has done these kind of lessons. She's even inter-connected with the users, exactely as if you'd want to know about what is the radical of the world karaoke, so she will know above it... ah this word?? then there will be the tone of this Muscovite spice girl "Ho, ho..." So foreigner would think, wow so sexy ah, with fine hairs wich start setting upright...
She's wearing spicy and hot very much...
As I see it for myself, I don't find her individually very beautiful.., but according to foreigners it exceeds the standard.
"So do I find her face is rather pretty beautiful, but isn't it cause of her breasts are big enough?"
-So in the view of foreigners, her kind of face and body are extremely spicy.
"And the legs are either long and thin."
Yes, and the reason for wich she's so cool is, the things she introduces to you are as good as the contain, the words she introduces, for instance what is the origin of a word, ah! as this one football, it doesn't a matter to say why this one is called soccer, and this one is called football, what is the difference between them?



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