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Correction de fautes (1)

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Correction de fautes

Message de chacha7611 posté le 09-10-2008 à 15:57:55 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous, j'ai un petit commentaire d'article de presse en anglais à réalisé. Il s'agit du partenariat entre les entreprises... Certes pas très passionnant mais bon cela fait travailler l'anglais...
Pourriez-vous m'indiquer les fautes que j'ai commises ? MErci d'avance et bonne journée.

This article deals with the aim of partnership in a Supply Chain. Indeed, to improve its business efficiency or save money, it is necessary for a company to work in a partnership with its suppliers and its customers, but it involves a lot of problem.

First, we can see that a partnership between organizations it is very complicated. In fact, people do not know where or how to start it. Moreover, some of them have a lot communication problems for their network tools. The major problem is due to people. In fact, processes work well, but people does not apply them. So partnerships have to rely on great links whereas individual people.

For Clive Geldard, before a partnership you have to understand your trading partner and how a collaboration can fit in. Thus, you have to see how this partnership can help you and your partner. Moreover, you can analyze if it is very necessary to have a partnership with this firm or with an other one. Furthermore, you have to go step by step. For a lasting relationship it is necessary to start with small projects by using simple data communications and find out if you are compatible for a bigger relationship. In fact, it exists different levels of relationships with different suppliers. For example, if a small and medium sized company works with Renault it is not the same partnership as an other SMEs.

Some companies think that a partnership can become an industrial spying. That's why people are reluctant of this idea. If your partner leaves the relationship, he can disclose your processes to your rival. In every Supply Chain there are heroes and villains, that's why the main thing is to have trust in your partner. The technology can help firms to improve a relationship, same tools of communication, same databases... But it is just a tool, not a finality.

In the world, firms know that a relationship with its suppliers and customers is necessary, to save money. Indeed, firms can improve their processes and save costs with it, for example by avoiding the bullwhip effect or decrease stocks. But some obstacles appear like the instability of chains, the lack of true cooperation or the lack of trust. Some efforts have to do in this field, to increase the impact of a lot of relationship.

To conclude we can say that a partnership is formed between two or more people for mutual interests and in order to achieve common long-term objectives. It is imperative to safeguard the interests of respective parties in a partnership.

Réponse: Correction de fautes de joey93, postée le 09-10-2008 à 18:08:29 (S | E)
" a partnership between organisations is very complicated".
"many communication problems" many évite la répétition de "a lot of" déjà utilisé précédemment.
"but people DON't apply them".
"according to Clive/ from his point of view"
"if it's necessary" le "very" est déjà sous entendu dans cette idée de nécessité.
"another one", attention à l'orthographe.
"you should start with small project...." le modal "should" renvoit cette idée de conseil, ou si tu veux être plus ferme dans tes propos "it's compulsory to/ mandatory = revnoit cette idée d'obligation, et permet d'éviter la répétition de "necessary".
Je ne suis vraiment plus sure, mais je crois que l'on dit "reluctant to", une petite vérification dans le dictionnaire au cas ou!
"the main thing is to trust your partner"
"technology" pas d'article défini.
"some tools" attention à l'orthographe.
"some efforts should be done in this field" revois la voix passive qu'on utilise rarement mais qui aide à faire de belles tournures.



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