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Correction de fautes (1)

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Correction de fautes
Message de chacha7611 posté le 27-10-2008 à 09:18:12 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous, me voilà pour vous faire part d'un de mes travaux pour que vous puissiez m'indiquer les fautes que j'aurais pu oublier à la relecture...MErci d'avance, Have a good day^^

This article deals with the impact of robotics in warehouses. Indeed, a warehouse is a sum of fixed costs and varied costs. To earn money with it, it is necessary to optimize the space, the time and the productivity of operators. Some of these points can be managed by robotics to increase the profitability of the warehouse.

The first paragraph of this article shows, how is working a manual picking process. Pickers work sequentially, they see what products they have to prepare in their pick list. They take the first product, they put it in pick belts and they move in the warehouse to go to the next product and do the same thing. This method is not very well optimized, because a picker working a standard pick module of 250 stock-keeping unit walks approximately 1.5 km per order picked. Moreover some errors can be done by operators. Therefore, it represents a lot of time, and time is money for companies.

The second paragraph is about the power of robotics. In fact, robotics can increase the productivity and the efficiency of a warehouse without increase the space usage, in particularly when there is just-in-time delivery demands. This kind of machinery does not use a lot of space, and can be configured for each warehouse and for each need. Moreover, robotics can eliminate 100% of picking errors and reduce product damage. Robotics can handle each aspects of warehouse distribution from receipt of goods to sequential loading onto a trailer for customer delivery. In the end of the text, we can see a robotic gantry typical picking scenario since the arrival of goods in the warehouse up to their loading in a trailer.

Thanks to this text, we can see that technology can help firms to improve their productivity and therefore, their profitability. However, to put in place an automatic system in a warehouse, there is a lot work upstream. Thus, people have to calculate if the Return On Investment (ROI) will be real, the logistics department has to configure very well the Warehouse Management System (WMS). Furthermore, the warehouse must have a good relationship with its suppliers, because on each product it is necessary to have bar codes or RFID system to trace out the products from their incoming in the warehouse until their loading onto a trailer. Robotics systems need a regular maintenance and a permanent control. So, these systems require a staff to avoid dysfunctions.

To conclude, we can say that an automated system in a warehouse can be a tool to improve the profitability of the firms, but it is necessary to have a good implementation and a regular supervision.

Réponse: Correction de fautes de chacha7611, postée le 29-10-2008 à 08:14:17 (S | E)
Nobody for help me ??

Réponse: Correction de fautes de jean31, postée le 29-10-2008 à 09:27:23 (S | E)

"Tout vient à point pour qui sait attendre".
Voici ce que j'ai remarqué.
Ôte-moi d'un doute please. Sauf erreur, j'ai déjà lu ce même texte corrigé sur un autre site.
N'accorderais-tu donc ta confiance à personne ?

§2 =>The first paragraph of this article shows how a manual picking process works.
* Pas d'inversion car c'est une phrase déclarative et non interrogative.
* Et le présent simple.

§3 =>...without increasing the space usage, in particular when there are just-in-time delivery demands.
* préposition + V-ing
* in particular ou bien particulalrly mais pas un mélange des 2.
* there are + nom pluriel.

=> Robotics can handle each aspect...
*each + singulier. Il serait plus correct de dire every aspect.
=> ...from the arrival of goods in the warehouse to...
* From marque le point de départ dans l'espace et non pas since.

§4 =>Thanks to this text, we can see that technology can help firms improve...
* infinitif incomplet après help.
=> ...there is a lot of work upstream.
* a lot of.
=> improve the profitability of (0) firms...
* article zéro devant les noms employés dans la généralité.

Hope that helps.

Modifié par jean31 le 29-10-2008 09:27

Modifié par jean31 le 29-10-2008 09:28



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