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Express an opinion (1)

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Express an opinion
Message de casca7606 posté le 06-11-2008 à 19:21:06 (S | E | F)

Bonjour et merci de me donner votre avis.

Je dois exprimer mon opinion sur : eating habits in USA.
Voici mon travail:
Eating habits in USA, I think they aren't good for health. If you ask me, I will tell you that American food is tasty and good for the mouth but not for the body, because it is very fat and if you abuse of this, you could become obese. In fast food they aren't a lot of vegetables or fruits and meals contain a lot of sugar. In my opinion, fast food are practical if a day you have no time to eat,you take your car, and in less than five minutes you have your lunch or diner. Personally, I go to fast food once or twice a month but some people eat there every weeks and sometimes every day. The film "Super Size Me" show to people the risks when you eat fast food at every meal and I hope that big consumers of fast food who saw the film realised the risks they take. So for me eating habits in USA can be good if you don't abuse of fast food.

Réponse: Express an opinion de casca7606, postée le 06-11-2008 à 19:28:54 (S | E)
petite précision je dois rendre ça demain ^^

Réponse: Express an opinion de azer3, postée le 06-11-2008 à 19:56:12 (S | E)
Voici cette approche qui peut t'aider a dégager certain erreurs dans ton rédaction.Ainsi je tien a dire de bien faire attention au fautes de structuration, et d'orthographes.Bon courage.
Eating habits in USA.
I think that eating habits in USA aren't good for health. If you ask me, I will tell you that American food is tasty and good for the mouth but not for the body, because it's make you very fat,so if you abuse-it, you risk to become obese.Fast food don't contain lot of vegetables or fruits.Meals contain a lot of sugar. In my opinion, fast food are practical if some day you have no time to eat,you take your car, and in less than five minutes you have your lunch or your diner. Personally, I go to fast food once or twice a month but some people eat there every weeks and sometimes every day. The film "Super Size Me" shows to people the risks when you eat fast food every meal and I hope that big consumers of fast food who saw the film realised the risks that they take. So for me eating habits in USA can be good if you don't abuse of fast food.

Réponse: Express an opinion de robertbrou, postée le 06-11-2008 à 22:51:27 (S | E)

Voici mes commentaires.

I think that eating habits in USA aren't good for ?? health. If you ask me, I will tell you that American food is tasty and good for the mouth but not for the body, because it's make you very fat,so if you abuse-it, you risk to become obese.Fast food don't contain lot of vegetables or fruits.Meals contain a lot of sugar. In my opinion, fast food are practical if some day you have no time to eat. You take your car and in less than five minutes you have your lunch or your diner. Personally, I go to fast food once or twice a month but some people eat there every weeks and sometimes every day. The film "Super Size Me" shows to people the risks when you eat fast food ?? every meal and I hope that big consumers of fast food who saw the film realised the risks that they take. So for me eating habits in USA can be good if you don't abuse of fast food.

1. Les "??" veulent dire qu'il manque quelque chose
2. it's make you = it is make you. Reformuler le sujet-verbe
3. Supprimer le trait d'union
4. Accord sujet-verbe
5. Trop général. Soyez plus précis.
6. Accord sujet-verbe
7. Orthographe
8. I eat fast food -ou- I go to fast food restaurants
9. Orthographe


Réponse: Express an opinion de casca7606, postée le 07-11-2008 à 21:48:41 (S | E)
Merci ^^



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