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Correction de texte ?

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Correction de texte ?
Message de swanko posté le 07-06-2009 à 17:16:56 (S | E | F)

Comme leçon, je devais faire une interview pour mon cours, j'ai réussi à la faire
mais je doute que cela doit être soit parfait, et qu' il y a sûrement beaucoup de fautes. Si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger les fautes que vous voyez... Merci.

Maxime:Hello Mister the Coach , Can i interview you ? It's for an article of press.
Charly:Hello, of course, I introduce you Tanguy, my player.
Tanguy: Hello.
Maxime:Well, I will ask you some questions, initially Where and how you met?
Tanguy:it was at the time of Open of Australia, 4 years ago of that, I disputed a match, has the end of this one, a known trainer, it was charly my trainer today who was of the witness.
Charly:I had said to him that it had played this match well and that I was interessé so that he becomes my pupil, he accepted.
Maxime:it is a quite beautiful meeting for you, pass, before playing tennis which made and for how long?
Tanguy:I left a small period of odd jobs has Evron, or I could make deliveryman, waiter and driver all that during approximately 1 years.
Charly:For me, before I was a former professional player, I traversed the world during 15 years, in autralie, in the United States, in France and thus now I reconverted myself as a trainer.
Maxime:since all this time you have shared your passion, tennis and while speaking about that, or live and or lived for this day?
Tanguy:I currently live has Paris since 1 years, but before I lived has Evron, my birthplace during 17 years.
Charly:I have lived also Paris for 30 years, I am of Moroccan origin, I lived it low during 5 years.
Maxime:being in the world of tennis, you have to travel much and meet personalities, can you say some to me more?
Tanguy:during my career I made the turn of the continents:Australia it ya 3 months or I met Federer a large player, Paris at the time of Roland Garros or I could see politicians, I pass from there.
Charly:Yes this trade offers many opportunities, that A was the same case for me, I met much of anybody.
Maxime:Have annecdotes has itself to tell me at the time of your respective careers?
Tanguy:recently I was wounded with the knees during a match and I had to make a pause of 1 month, his my returned trise, I were disappointed, as regards the surprises, much of moments or I gained near to the end with chance, I was surprised A each time and relieved.
Maxime:and you Coach?
Charly:during my time, I had disappointments has causes of some defeats, but nothing low register, has side there were also victories, and to finish, the end of my career has I had stopped because of a fracture has the leg because of an accident, I could not make tennis more.
Maxime:I thank you for having answered my questions, one palpitating life that is that of tennis player.good continuation and has soon.
Charly:thanks too and the next time.
Tanguy:Thank you, bye.

Modifié par kolimang le 07-06-2009 21:00

Réponse: Correction de texte ? de linsey34, postée le 08-06-2009 à 13:03:31 (S | E)
Dear Swanko,

en rouge les erreurs à reprendre:
-Revois l'ordre des mots dans les questions
-Certaines phrases ne veulent rien dire au calque avec le français
Maxime:Hello Mister the Coach , Can i interview you ? It's for an article of press.
Charly:Hello, of course, I introduce you Tanguy, my player.
Tanguy: Hello.
Maxime:Well, I will ask you some questions, initially Where and how you met?
Tanguy:it was at the time of Open of Australia, 4 years ago of that, I disputed a match, has the end of this one, a known trainer, it was charly my trainer today who was of the witness.
Charly:I had said to him that it had played this match well and that I was interessé so that he becomes my pupil, he accepted.
Maxime:it is a quite beautiful meeting for you, pass, before playing tennis which made and for how long?
Tanguy:I left a small period of odd jobs has Evron, or I could make deliveryman, waiter and driver all that during approximately 1 years.
Charly:For me, before I was a former professional player, I traversed the world during 15 years, in autralie, in the United States, in France and thus now I reconverted myself as a trainer.
Maxime:since all this time you have shared your passion, tennis and while speaking about that, or live and or lived for this day?
Tanguy:I currently live has Paris since 1 years, but before I lived has Evron, my birthplace during 17 years.
Charly:I have lived also Paris for 30 years, I am of Moroccan origin, I lived it low during 5 years.
Maxime:being in the world of tennis, you have to travel much and meet personalities, can you say some to me more?
Tanguy:during my career I made the turn of the continents:Australia it ya 3 months or I met Federer a large player, Paris at the time of Roland Garros or I could see politicians, I pass from there.
Charly:Yes this trade offers many opportunities, that A was the same case for me, I met much of anybody.
Maxime:Have annecdotes has itself to tell me at the time of your respective careers?
Tanguy:recently I was wounded with the knees during a match and I had to make a pause of 1 month, his my returned trise, I were disappointed, as regards the surprises, much of moments or I gained near to the end with chance, I was surprised A each time and relieved.
Maxime:and you Coach?
Charly:during my time, I had disappointments has causes of some defeats, but nothing low register, has side there were also victories, and to finish, the end of my career has I had stopped because of a fracture has the leg because of an accident, I could not make tennis more.

Réponse: Correction de texte ? de linsey34, postée le 08-06-2009 à 13:05:17 (S | E)

tu mets des "has" partout ! Que crois-tu que "has" signifie?

Maxime:I thank you for having answered my questions, one palpitating life that is that of tennis player.good continuation and has soon.
Charly:thanks too and the next time.
Tanguy:Thank you, bye.



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