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Corriger/this drawing

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Corriger/this drawing
Message de missmoon14 posté le 20-08-2009 à 16:15:17 (S | E | F)

je voulais une aide pour la correction de ce texte car je ne souhaite pas la rendre bourré de fautes. Merci d'avance

To begin with I drew for you and I hope that you like this drawing. I hesited to do this letter because I am bad in English. Now, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Amandine and my age isn’t important.I'm french and I live in Brittany, western France. Do you like France? When will you come back to paris?To write in English isn’t easy but I write you for whish you a good lucky.
I love your music. I am fond of when you sing “Miss” of Van Morrison. And you are a good actor, very good actor. But the other films that you played, aren't released in french and that is a pity. I would like to see "Little Ashes" in french but it does not exist in this language! This is a sad because I want to see it. You met a French fan in Los Angeles. He spoke about the blog on you. You remember? It is very cool and he said that you are a person very nice and funny.
I’m not this girl in love with you. No! Or I don’t want a bite of vampire, just an answer. Finally, I have a question: Have you got regret since your glory? Because when we become a star our life change and sometimes it’s bad and sometimes it’s very good! I think that the fan are very crazy because I saw a movie in google, when you were in New York for your movie and, this is very dreadful when the fan run behind you. I really hope to have an answer of you. I don’t write this letter to meet you because I am realistic. And I would like a dedication of you, please. I am very grateful to you for reading my letter.
Modifié par lucile83 le 22-08-2009 22:45

Réponse: Corriger/this drawing de linsey34, postée le 22-08-2009 à 10:51:51 (S | E)
Hello !!

en rouge les erreurs à corriger:

To begin with I drew for you and I hope that you like this drawing. I hesited to do this letter because I am bad in English. Now, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Amandine and my age isn’t important.I'm french and I live in Brittany, western France. Do you like France? When will you come back to paris?To write in English isn’t easy but I write you for whish you a good lucky.
I love your music. I am fond of when you sing “Miss” of Van Morrison. And you are a good actor, very good actor. But the other films that you played, aren't released in french and that is a pity. I would like to see "Little Ashes" in french but it does not exist in this language! This is a sad because I want to see it. You met a French fan in Los Angeles. He spoke about the blog on you. You remember? It is very cool and he said that you are a person very nice and funny.
I’m not this girl in love with you. No! Or I don’t want a bite of vampire, just an answer. Finally, I have a question: Have you got regret since your glory? Because when we become a star our life change and sometimes it’s bad and sometimes it’s very good! I think that the fan are very crazy because I saw a movie in google, when you were in New York for your movie and, this is very dreadful when the fan run behind you. I really hope to have an answer of you. I don’t write this letter to meet you because I am realistic. And I would like a dedication of you, please. I am very grateful to you for reading my letter.

Réponse: Corriger/this drawing de missmoon14, postée le 22-08-2009 à 14:57:41 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup .
Je vais essayé de corriger . Pourrais-tu me la vérifier lorsque ce que j'aurais mis la correction ? =)

Réponse: Corriger/this drawing de missmoon14, postée le 22-08-2009 à 15:23:09 (S | E)
Ce qui est en vert sont les choses que je n'ai pas réussit à corriger =|. J'espère avoir réussis ma correction !

To begin with I drew for you and I hope that you like this drawing. I hesitated
to do this letter because I am bad on English. Now, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Amandine and my age isn’t important.I'm French and I live in Brittany, western France. Do you like France? When will you come back to Paris? Write in English isn’t easy but I write to wish you a good luck for the continuation.
I love your music. I am fond of when you sing “Miss” of Van Morrison. And you are a good actor. I would have liked to watch other films you to play, but they aren't released in French. I would like to see "Little Ashes" in French but it does not exist in this language! This is sad because I want to see it. You met a French fan in Los Angeles. He spoke about the blog on you. Do you remember? It is very cool and he said that you are very nice and funny personn.
I’m not this girl in love with you. No! I don’t want a bite of vampire, just an answer. Finally, I have a question: Do you have a regret since your glory? Because when we become a star our life change and sometimes it’s bad and sometimes it’s very good! I think that fans are very crazy because I saw a movie on google, when you were in New York for your movie and, this is very dreadful when fans run behind you. I really hope to have an answer. I don’t write this letter to meet you because I am realistic. And I would like a dedication of you, please. I am very grateful to you for reading my letter.

Réponse: Corriger/this drawing de linsey34, postée le 22-08-2009 à 21:59:37 (S | E)
Alors, en bleu ma correction et j'ai rayé les erreurs à supprimer:

To begin with I drew for you and I hope that you like this drawing. I hesitated OK
to do write this letter because I am bad on at English. Now, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Amandine and my age isn’t important.I'm French and I live in Brittany, western France. Do you like France? When will you come back to Paris? Write Writing in English isn’t easy but I write to wish you a good luck for the continuation rest.
I love your music. I am fond of you when you sing “Miss” of Van Morrison. And you are a good actor. I would have liked to watch other films you to play in which you act, but they aren't released in French. I would like to see "Little Ashes" in French but it does not exist in this language! This is sad because I want to see it. You met a French fan in Los Angeles. He spoke about the blog on you. (What do you mean here?) Do you remember? It is very cool and he said that you are a very nice and funny personn.
I’m not this girl in love with you. No! I don’t want a bite of vampire, just an answer. Finally, I have a question: Do you have a regret since your glory? Because when we become a star our life changes and sometimes it’s bad and sometimes it’s very good! I think that fans are very crazy because I saw a movie on google, when you were in New York for your movie and, this is very dreadful when fans run behind you. I really hope to have an answer. I don’t write this letter to meet you because I am realistic. And I would like a dedication of from you, please. I am very grateful to you for reading my letter.

Réponse: Corriger/this drawing de missmoon14, postée le 23-08-2009 à 17:27:37 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ta correction

Ce que je veux dire ici (He spoke about the blog on you.) C'est que la personne avec qui il avait discuté, lui avait parlé d'un blog le concernant !



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