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Scrambled words '26'

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Scrambled words '26'
Message de marit64 posté le 28-08-2009 à 22:44:18 (S | E | F)


Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- Ready to attack or oppose; quarrelsome. ..... (sgvreagsie)
2- A period of a hundred years. ..... (tyncreu)
3- A time of very bad economic conditions, with serious unemployment etc. ..... (mspul)
4- A school for very young children. ..... (rekngedirnat)
5- To make a low sound of grief, pain etc. ..... (amno)
6- Made of two layers of material (often decoratively) stitched together with padding between them. ..... (leqdtiu)
7- A fastening for a strap or band. ..... (cekblu)
8- A continuous pain. ..... (haec)
9- A person who deals with letters, accounts etc in an office. ..... (ecklr)
10- A bridge-like part of a road etc which passes over another road, a railway etc. ..... (rsopvsea)

Good luck and have fun!

You'll receive the answers next Thursday.

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '26' de brettdallen, postée le 28-08-2009 à 23:41:08 (S | E)
Hi Marit,
Hope you had a break and enjoyed it!
So what about:
4)kinder garten

I'm glad you're back! thank for getting back to work for us!

Réponse: Scrambled words '26' de dolfin56, postée le 29-08-2009 à 11:44:07 (S | E)
Hello Marit, how are you?
hope you enjoyed your (short) holidays !

1- Ready to attack or oppose; quarrelsome. ...aggressive
2- A period of a hundred years. ...century
3- A time of very bad economic conditions, with serious unemployment etc. ...slump
4- A school for very young children. ...kindergarden
5- To make a low sound of grief, pain etc. ...moan
6- Made of two layers of material (often decoratively) stitched together with padding between them. ...quilted
7- A fastening for a strap or band. ...buckle
8- A continuous pain. ...ache
9- A person who deals with letters, accounts etc in an office. ...clerk
10- A bridge-like part of a road etc which passes over another road, a railway etc. ...overpass

we are ready to go on working with you , it's an useful pleasure!

Réponse: Scrambled words '26' de swan85, postée le 29-08-2009 à 13:56:59 (S | E)


Thank you very much again for the interested work
you are suggesting to us.

Here are my replies :

1/ Aggressive
2/ Century
3/ Slump
4/ Kindergarten
5/ Moan
6/ Quilted
7/ Buckle
8/ Ache
9/ Clerk

See you soon.

Réponse: Scrambled words '26' de nina80, postée le 29-08-2009 à 17:51:14 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit,

1 - aggressive
2 - century
3 - slump
4 - kindergarden
5 - to moan
6 - quilted
7 - buckle
8 - ache
9 - clerk
10- overpass

Merci Marit. J'espère que vos courtes vacances ont été reposantes et ensoleillées.
Heureuse de vous retrouver pour de nouveaux scrambled words

Réponse: Scrambled words '26' de pivoine91, postée le 30-08-2009 à 11:05:28 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit !

1. aggressive
2. century
3. slump
4. kindergarten
5. moan
8. ache
9. clerk
10. overpass

et pour les 6 et 7 ?

It's always a great pleasure to find and read you again after the holidays !! Have a good ? Rappelez-moi sans vous fâcher l'heure locale, merci d'avance. Many thanks. Peony

Réponse: Scrambled words '26' de eos17, postée le 30-08-2009 à 12:33:07 (S | E)
Hello marit
Here my replies
10- overpass
Thank you for your scrambled words .Have a nice week .

Réponse: Scrambled words '26' de marit64, postée le 03-09-2009 à 21:18:10 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your nice work!

Here are the answers:

1-aggressive (agressif) 2-century (siècle) 3-slump (crise économique)
4-kindergarten (école maternelle) 5-moan (gémir) 6-quilted (matelassé)
7-buckle (boucle) 8-ache (douleur) 9-clerk (employé de bureau)
10-overpass (pont autoroutier).

Thank you very much for your participating.

So long


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