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Verification-Correction de phrases

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Verification-Correction de phrases
Message de zawa posté le 06-09-2009 à 11:33:13 (S | E | F)

Bonjour !!! =)
Quelqu'un pourrait il me dire si il ya des erreurs dans ces phrases ?
Merci d'avance
I would be Titanic movie because I would be famous and lot of people I would like me.
I would be POP music because I would be sing in lot of Irish pub.
I would be a C3 pluriel green because I would be very sweet and small.
I would be Desperate Housewife (soap opera) because I like gossip and love story.
I would be the sun because I could be hot all the year.
If I were a man, I would be very sad ...
I would be water because it's healty.
I would be a cookery book because I like cooking and eating.
I would be my dogbecause he sleep and eat everytime.
I would be a four leaved clover because I could have lot of Luck; and live in Irland.
I would be the Irland because landscaoes are beautyfull and people are very nice.
I would be a coconut because I could live in a tropical country.
I would be Eiffe Tower because I could touch the sky.

=). Thank you everybody

Réponse: Verification-Correction de phrases de seb06000, postée le 06-09-2009 à 11:48:05 (S | E)


je vous indique les pistes de correction:

would be Titanic movie because I would be famous and lot of people I( pourquoi ' I'?) would like me.
I would be POP music because I would be sing ( structure verbale à revoir) in lot of Irish pub.
I would be a C3 pluriel green (position de l'adjectif 'green') because I would be very sweet and small.
I would be Desperate Housewife (soap opera) because I like gossip (forme du nom à revoir, gossip seul ne marche pas) and love story ( il faudrait mettre au pluriel).
I would be the sun because I could be hot all ( all ne marche pas avec un dénombrable singulier) the year.
If I were a man, I would be very sad ...
I would be water because it's healty (orthographe).
I would be a cookery book because I like cooking and eating.
I would be my dogbecause he sleep and eat (present simple à revoir) everytime.
I would be a four leaved clover because I could have lot of Luck (mal dit); and live in Irland (orthographe).
I would be the Irland (ortho.+ article à supprimer, pas devant un pays singulier) because landscaoes (ortho)  are beautyfull (orthographe) and people are very nice.
I would be a coconut because I could live in a tropical country.
I would be Eiffe (orthographe + article manquant) Tower because I could touch the sky.

Voilà si vous avez besoin d'aide, n'hésitez pas!



Modifié par seb06000 le 06-09-2009 11:52

Réponse: Verification-Correction de phrases de zawa, postée le 06-09-2009 à 12:17:05 (S | E)
et la ? =)
I would be Titanic movie because I would be famous and lot of people would like me.
I would be POP music because I would sing in lot of Irish pub.
I would be a green C3 pluriel because I would be very sweet and small.
I would be Desperate Housewife (soap opera) because I like the gossips and love stories.
I would be the sun because I could be hot everyears.
If I were a man, I would be very sad ...
I would be water because it's healthy.
I would be a cookery book because I like cooking and eating.
I would be my dog because I could sleep and eat everytime.
I would be a four leaved clover because I could have a lot of Luck ; and live in Ireland.
I would be Ireland because landscapes are beautyfull and people are very nice.
I would be a coconut because I could live in a tropical country.
I would be the Eiffel Tower because I could touch the sky.

Réponse: Verification-Correction de phrases de seb06000, postée le 06-09-2009 à 12:23:52 (S | E)

I would be Titanic movie because I would be famous and lot of people would like me. (ok)
I would be POP music because I would sing in lot of Irish pub (lot + singulier?).
I would be a green C3 pluriel because I would be very sweet and small (ok).
I would be Desperate Housewife (soap opera) because I like the gossips (pourquoi un article devant un pluriel?) and love stories.
I would be the sun because I could be hot everyears (non! regardez la règle de "all") .
If I were a man, I would be very sad ...
I would be water because it's healthy (ok).
I would be a cookery book because I like cooking and eating.
I would be my dog because I could sleep and eat everytime.
I would be a four leaved clover because I could have a lot of Luck ; and live in Ireland (ok).
I would be Ireland because landscapes are beautyfull (orthographe) and people are very nice.
I would be a coconut because I could live in a tropical country.
I would be the Eiffel Tower because I could touch the sky (ok) .

Consultez cette fiche de grammaire pour vous aider (traduction de 'toute l'année)

Lien Internet

Allez courage, c'est presque fini


Réponse: Verification-Correction de phrases de zawa, postée le 06-09-2009 à 12:55:36 (S | E)
I would be Titanic movie because I would be famous and lot of people would like me. (ok)
I would be POP music because I would sing in many Irish pub.
I would be a green C3 pluriel because I would be very sweet and small (ok).
I would be Desperate Housewife (soap opera) because I like gossips and love stories.
I would be the sun because I could be hot all the time/all year .
If I were a man, I would be very sad ...
I would be water because it's healthy (ok).
I would be a cookery book because I like cooking and eating.
I would be my dog because I could sleep and eat everytime.
I would be a four leaved clover because I could have a lot of Luck ; and live in Ireland (ok).
I would be Ireland because landscapes are beautifull and people are very nice.
I would be a coconut because I could live in a tropical country.
I would be the Eiffel Tower because I could touch the sky (ok) .
Wououh !! I think that is good !!
Merci pour votre patience, après c'est longues vacances c'est dur de se remettre dans le bains...

Réponse: Verification-Correction de phrases de seb06000, postée le 06-09-2009 à 13:05:28 (S | E)
pas de souci je comprends

I would be POP music because I would sing in many Irish pub (many+ singulier? non!)

would be Ireland because landscapes are beautifull( ortho) and people are very nice.

Voilà reste plus que ça!



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