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Correction of some sentences

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Correction of some sentences
Message de loupevivante posté le 20-09-2009 à 17:55:13 (S | E | F)

Are theses sentences correct? Thank you for your help...

1. To sum up, whether it is a football game or a Queen’s declaration, going through some social troubles and famous destiny people, this dynamic city, Kingston-Upon-Hull, is ready to bite the bullet to improve its situation.

2. The accent which characterizes that town may represent, with the several social problems like drugs habits and unemployment, one cause of the exodus that is happening today.

3. One example being the fishing industry which completely collapsed in the 1970s.

4. So, it was as a market town that Hull was first known.

5. Hidden through all these attractions which characterize the United Kingdom, that geographical concept which includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, is a town that the present doesn't know a lot about but that the future will make popular for sure: Kingston-Upon-Hull.

6. That place, which attended(saw) the birth of the famous and immortal Beatles band, doesn't blow its own trumpet in spite of the rich and diverse history that it hides like a treasure showed little by little thanks to the castles and the public gardens.

Thank you again for your future help...

Réponse: Correction of some sentences de seb06000, postée le 20-09-2009 à 18:03:46 (S | E)
hi! let's correct the end of your text :

1st sentence: ok

2nd: "The accent which characterizes that town may represent" meaning?

3rd: ok



6th: saw

You've done it!

Réponse: Correction of some sentences de intrepid34, postée le 20-09-2009 à 18:27:50 (S | E)
Having some doubts, Mrs Wolf?

The second sentence is rather bizarre, or so I thought when correcting your essay.

Try this : The accent (general feeling) which characterises (English and not American spelling) this town may represent, with its social problems such as drugs and unemployment, some of the causes of the exodus that is happening today.

Do you have this sentence in French? It's a good one, all right.

Kind regards

P.S. Thanks Seb!!

Réponse: Correction of some sentences de loupevivante, postée le 20-09-2009 à 23:25:54 (S | E)
THANK YOU...your help is very important for me...!


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