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Correction de présentation anglais 2

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Correction de présentation anglais 2
Message de overshambles posté le 01-11-2009 à 20:03:46 (S | E | F)

, j'ai posté un sujet il y a déjà presque une heure et je souhaitais juste le relancé !
Il s'agit d'une présentation d'anglais. Une personne m'avait déjà répondu et j'ai essayé de corriger les fautes que j'arrivais à corriger mais il faudrait de l'aide pour finir de le corriger ! Merci par avance !
Voici ma présentation avec en vert, ce que j'ai su corrigé et entre parenthèses ce que je ne sais toujours pas corriger ! J'aimerais donc que vous me disiez si ma correction est correcte et que vous aidiez à corriger ce que je ne sais toujours pas faire !

My name is Clarisse but my friends call me Cla. I am 15 years old and I live in ( ma ville ) since I was born. I like this city. I am small, I have brown hair at the middle-lengths and blue eyes. I have glasses and I have some freckles on the face. I am only girl. I am rather stubborn but optimistic but I try to be smiling . At school , I hate to give ( construction de hate à revoir => préposition) a talk! My favorite subjects are mathematics and biology . I don't love too much school because I hate routine . Furthermore, I like the culinary specialities (voc) of my country of origin, Italy. I practise two hours of swimming a week and I like that! I swam for 10 years! This year, I also play badminton once a week.
My father is an electrician and my mother is retired. I like being on holidays and making nothing. Watching TV or innovating in cooking! I do not often travel but I like visiting new countries. I went to Italy, Spain and Germany! I would like going to Australia, to Canada and in Florida! I had a guinea pig but he died. I kept it 5 years. I would like to live in a house with a garden and to have a cat. I do not know yet what i’d like to do later but I would rather like to be in the medicine. To finish, my dream would be to see and touch the persons who died and whom we loved.

Je vous remercie de l'attention que vous porterez à mon travail.

Réponse: Correction de présentation anglais 2 de zizette, postée le 01-11-2009 à 21:44:07 (S | E)

Voici quelques pistes supplémentaires:

My name is Clarisse but my friends call me Cla. I am 15 years old and I live (present perfect en be + ing) in ( ma ville ) since I was born. I like this city. I am small, I have brown hair at the middle-lengths (pourquoi pas 'medium long hair'?) and blue eyes. I have glasses and I have some freckles on the face. I am an only daughter. I am rather stubborn but optimistic but and (il n'y a pas d'opposition ici) I try to be smiling . At school , I hate to give ( construction de hate à revoir => préposition) (hate + V-ing) a talk! My favorite subjects are mathematics and biology . I don't love school so much because I hate routine . Furthermore, I like the culinary specialities (traditional dishes) of my country of origin, Italy. I swim two hours a week and I like that! I swam (present perfect en -ing) for 10 years! This year, I also play badminton once a week.
My father is an electrician and my mother is retired. I like being on holidays and making (doing) nothing. Watching TV or innovating in cooking! I do not often travel but I like visiting new countries. I went to Italy, Spain and Germany! I would like going (to go) to Australia, to Canada and in (to) Florida! I had a guinea pig but he died. I kept it 5 years. I would like to live in a house with a garden and to have a cat. I do not know yet what i’d like to do later but I would rather be in the medicine. To finish, my dream would be to see and touch the persons who died and whom we loved.

Voilà! Bonne lecture!

Modifié par zizette le 01-11-2009 21:45

Réponse: Correction de présentation anglais 2 de overshambles, postée le 02-11-2009 à 11:40:08 (S | E)
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aide !


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