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David / Correction

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David / Correction
Message de cathycm posté le 05-11-2009 à 18:10:51 (S | E | F)

bjrs Bonjour,
quelqu un pourrait-il me corriger les fautes les plus grosses? merci.

Hello David. How are you ?
Good afternoon! I am very tired.
It is because you are a drug addict.
How know you?
I have saw that you bought of the drug this morning.
It is right but....
Stop now shade up you have to stop snort.
Yes but i don’t know how arrest and i have not argument from me do scare.
First of all cocaine is avicious cycle. Because if you don’t says no you will lose your family an friends It is only the begin.
It is right help me very fast from leave this addiction.
Do you love your live?
Yes i do of course because?
Maybe cocaine can change your life like
Like if you aren’t lucky the rush won’t stop and you risck a hear attack or fall into depression...
Yes and if you plounge into depression you will do maybe terrible things
It look like a challenge. I can leave the life it is very important.
If you want to prove are a man you must grow up
Yes and the argument from a drug dealer are it will make you a man or it is fantastic trip it is wrong.
Good tu take conscience of the gravity of coaine
The exemples created a shock effect from me, i am happy that you are help.
Me so i think that you ‘ll stop heroine and cocaine.
In more the cocaine is very expensive and i not be irritable.
You love drug don’t you
Good reaction go good bye
Ok bye and thank you ....
Modifié par bridg le 06-11-2009 19:46

Réponse: David / Correction de robertbrou, postée le 06-11-2009 à 19:41:41 (S | E)
Voici mes suggestions:

Hello David. How are you ?
Good afternoon! I am very tired.
It is because you are a drug addict.
How [verbe] know you [placement]?
I have saw that you bought of the drugs this morning.
It is right [utiliser synonyme] but....
Stop now [ponctuation] shade [orthographe] up [ponctuation] you have to stop snort [gérondif].
Yes but i don’t know how arrest [faux ami] and i have not argument from me do scare (qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire?).
First of all cocaine is a vicious cycle. Because if you don’t [sujet] says no you will lose your family an [orthographe] friends [ponctuation] It is only the begin.
It is right [utiliser synonyme] [ponctuation] help me very fast [utiliser synonyme] from [mauvaise préposition] leave this addiction.
Do you love your live [orthographe]?
Yes i do of course because [vous manquez soit la fin de la phrase soit trois points]?
Maybe cocaine can change your life like [partie manquante?]
Like if you aren’t lucky [ponctuation] the rush won’t stop and you risk a hear [orthographe] attack or fall into depression...
Yes and if you plounge [orthographe] into depression you will do maybe [placement] terrible things
It look [utiliser synonyme] like a challenge. I can leave [partir?] the life [ponctuation] it is very important.
If you want to prove are a man you must grow up
Yes and the argument from a drug dealer are [accord sujet-verbe + manque conjonction] it will make you a man or it is fantastic trip it is wrong.
Good tu take conscience (qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire?) of the gravity of cocaine
The exemples [orthographe] created a shock effect [orthographe] from [mauvais mot] me, i am happy that you are help [gérondif].
Me so i think that you ‘ll stop heroine and cocaine.
In more the (qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire?) cocaine is very expensive and i not be [accord sujet-verbe] irritable.
You love drug [orthographe] don’t you [ponctuation]
Good reaction [ponctuation] go good bye
Ok bye and thank you ....

Hope this helps!

Réponse: David / Correction de crazco, postée le 06-11-2009 à 23:22:48 (S | E)
Hello David. How are you?
Good afternoon! I am very tired.
It is because you are a drug addict.
How did you know?
I saw that you bought drugs this morning.
You’re right but....
Stop now shade up you have to stop snort.
Yes but I don’t know how arrest and i have not argument from me do scare. [je ne comprends pas]
First of all cocaine is a vicious cycle because if you don’t say no to it you will lose your family and friends. This is only the beginning.
You are right. I need you to help me leave this addiction.
Do you love your life?
Yes I do of course.
Maybe cocaine can change your life like if the rush doesn’t stop and you have a heart attack or fall into depression...
Yes and if you plunge into depression you might do terrible things
It looks like a challenge. I must leave this lifestyle: it is very important.
If you want to prove you are a man you must grow up
Yes and your drug dealer will say it will make you a man or it is fantastic trip, but this is false.
Good tu take conscience of the gravity of cocaine [comprends pas]
These examples have created a shock effect for me. Thank you for your help.
So I think that you‘ll stop heroine and cocaine.
Also the cocaine is very expensive and irritable.
You love drugs don’t you
Good answer. Now I must say good bye.
Ok bye and thank you ....

j'ai essayé mais c'était un peu diffcile. il serait plus facile si t'as posté la copie française

Modifié par crazco le 06-11-2009 23:24


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