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When should we use “ do”

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When should we use “ do”
Message from pencil88 posted on 04-12-2009 at 18:55:16 (D | E | F)

Hi everyone,
I need your helps. I don’t understand when should we use “ do” in a sentence or not :
For example:
“ I do believe that the best way to excel in English is to speak with the Natives” and “ I believe that the best…”

Re: When should we use “ do” from seb06000, posted on 04-12-2009 at 18:59:46 (D | E)

"do" is used as an emphatic form. When you use the 'do' in an affirmative using simple present simple, you insist on the fact, you put the emphasis on it.

' I believe he's nice' => simple statement => neutral

'I do believe he's nice' => trust me! I am sure! I insist, he is nice! => your opinion is highlighted

I do hope you understand my explanation

Re: When should we use “ do” from pencil88, posted on 04-12-2009 at 19:31:11 (D | E)
Of course, I do understand ! Thank you so much !

Re: When should we use “ do” from may, posted on 08-12-2009 at 20:42:21 (D | E)
Hi pencil88,

I do have the same response as Seb06000.

Re: When should we use “ do” from krnntp, posted on 13-12-2009 at 03:24:37 (D | E)
One comment, as a native speaker I don't think you are likely to hear someone say "I believe he is nice". More likely, you would hear "I think he is nice". ("It's my opinion that he is nice").

"I think John is nice" - expresses an opinion.

"I do think John is nice" - if you place a lot of stress on the word "do", it sounds like you are arguing with someone who claims you don't think John is nice!
For example:
Bob - "We went to a wonderful seafood restaurant last night. Jane had fried mussels, and I had this amazing grilled salmon."
Susan - "I thought you didn't like fish?"
Bob - "I DO like fish! It has to be fresh, that's all."

"I do think John is nice" - If you're not correcting someone who said that you "don't" or "didn't", this sentence is equivalent to saying "I really think John is nice." or "Well, I think John is nice". MOREOVER, this sounds very British. You are very unlikely to hear an American use "do" in this way.
For example:
Margaret - "Don't forget, dear, the garden tour's on Saturday."
Reginald - "I do hope the weather will be fine this weekend."

Best - krnntp

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