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Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III

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Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III
Message de violet91 posté le 14-12-2009 à 00:14:25 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir ,amis fidèles,motivés, sensibles et éventuels nouveaux passagers." I must confess" que j'ai vu un peu juste devant l'ampleur du sujet. Ce 3ème volet n'est pas aussi "smooth" que il en faudra bien un 4ème pour clore en douceur et sérénité l'histoire extraordinaire de notre petite Irlandaise.

Courage à tous..: l'intérêt respectueux , d'abord .

-------------------Une miraculée pas ordinaire . Thème III--------------------------

....[.L'embarcation numéro 16 résista à la violence des flots et des tourbillons impressionnants . Iris et autres bienheureux élus avaient vu ,là-haut, ce qui ,jamais, ne s'effacerait de leurs mémoires. L'insoutenable moment du choix : femmes et enfants passaient avant les hommes , séparations terrifiantes , adieux déchirants...tout cela sur la musique dite apaisante de " Plus près de toi, mon Dieu !", orchestrée par Wallace Henry qui dirigea jusqu'à la fin ses six musiciens . Parmi eux figurait le seul ami connu d'Iris , un violoniste .

Puis, il leur fallut accepter, impuissants, de voir "la mort en direct". Les naufragés munis de bouées , dispersés tout autour étaient en moins d'un quart d'heure emportés par les eaux glaciales et funestes.

Bateaux de pêche non équipés de radio et autres navires étaient pourtant dans les parages, mais pas encore assez près. Certains équipages rapportèrent avoir pris pour feux d'artifice ou feux insolites ce qui était en fait fusées de détresse, tirées tous les quarts d'heure. En outre, les émetteurs-mêmes du Titanic avaient lâché très vite ..

Sous les yeux épouvantés de la jeune Irlandaise et de ses compagnons d'infortune.. le paquebot tout-puissant se dressa comme dans un dernier sursaut,se rompit au niveau de la quatrième cheminée et plongea d'un coup dans l'éternité .Il était 2h20. Quatre longues années avaient été nécessaires à la conception, la construction et au lancement du Titanic escorté de ses remorqueurs, ce 2 Avril 1912 ,à Belfast.. Un peu plus de deux heures suffirent au prestigieux "insubmersible" pour devenir le tombeau monumental et mythique que l'on sait..

La nuit maintenant silencieuse se faisait de plus en plus noire et glacée.

RMS Le Carpathe arriva en même temps que l'aube. A quatre heures , il vint au secours des premiers rescapés. Tout sauveteur s'affairait à réchauffer d'épaisses couvertures et boissons presque brûlantes ces malheureux en état de choc.Iris assise sur le pont au milieu de jeunes mères,non loin d'un davier, tenait serré sur son coeur le précieux bébé dont , bientôt, elle n'entendrait plus jamais parler..sinon, peut-être,âgée dans sa retraite du Suffolk. Elle buvait un thé réconfortant en berçant ce trésor d'un moment .

Dans la blancheur irréelle de ce matin lugubre, surgit une femme éperdue qui le lui arracha des bras sans un mot, sans un remerciement...]

--------------------Adapted from a true story---------------------------------

Je ne pouvais bâcler cet épisode. La fin sera heureuse.
Il y a malgré tout matière à "se régaler" en traduisant. Prenez votre temps...en cette période surchargée et festive.

Enjoy yourselves with English. Your French violet. ( after midnight)

Correction prévue tout début Janvier.

Modifié par violet91 le 03-01-2010 22:49

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de dolfine56, postée le 14-12-2009 à 15:19:16 (S | E)
Bonjour dearviolet,

Grâce à toi, nos petits neurones ne vont pas risquer de se rouiller pendant ces courtes vacances...
Au lieu de nous prélasser "on a smooth sea", comme promis,
nous allons donc devoir nous confronter au tragique naufrage de ce géant des mers ,qui se croyait "unsinkable" , et attendre Janvier 2010 et le 4è épisode pour couler... des jours heureux.
---------- --- ----- -- et--- ---- --

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de lou31, postée le 14-12-2009 à 15:44:11 (S | E)
Holi violeta et

The boat number 16 withstood the violence of the waves and impressive whirlwinds.Iris and other lucky elects had seen,up here,what, never,woult not remove of their memories.Untenable choice : women and children had at all cost to survive before the men teerifyting divisions and emotional farewell...all that on the music said calming of "more with you my God" orchestraded by Wallace Henry who conducted until the end his six musicians.Among them there was the only known Iris friend, a violinist.

then..they had to accept, powerless, to see "the live dead" the sinking provide with life buoy,dispersed all around were in less quarter hour carried in the icy and fatal water.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de moony59, postée le 20-12-2009 à 13:19:44 (S | E)
Hello violet and everybody,here is my translation:

...[The lifeboat number 16 withstood floods and impressive whirlpool.Iris and the other lucky candidates had seen up there what would never erase from their memory.The unbearable time of the choice:women and children first,terrifying separation,heart-rending farewell...all that on the tune of"nearer to thee my God",orchestrated by Wallace Henry who conducted his six musicians until the end.Among them stood Iris's only known friend,a violonist.

Then powerless they had to accept to watch " Death in live".Wearing a lifebuoy the castaways who were scattered all around were carried away by the icy and deadly water in less than 15 minutes.

Though fishing boats without a radio and other ships were closeby but not enough.Some crews said that what they mistook for fireworks or strange fires were actually signal rockets which were pulled every quarter of an hour.Moreover Titanic's transmetters were swiftly out of order.

Under young Irish girl's frightened eyes and her fellows sufferers' the almighty liner stood up as in a last jump and broke just where the fourth funnel was and in a wink it forever sank.It was 2.20 am .Four long years were required for the design,the building and the launching of the Titanic which was convoyed by its tugboats on this 2nd April 1912 in Belfast...A few more than 2 hours were enough for the prestigious unsinkable ship to become the huge and mythical tomb we know.

Now the silent night was getting darker and darker and colder and colder.

Rms "The Carpathia" arrived with dawn.At 4 o'clock it came to save the first survivors.All the rescuers were busy to warm those shocked poor people with thick blankets and hot drinks.
Iris were sitting on the deck with young mothers near a davit.She hugged the precious baby she would never hear about anymore...or maybe in retirement in Suffolk.She was drinking some strenghtening tea as she was rocking this treasure.
In the unreal colourless of this gloomy morning a crazy woman loomed up and grasped the baby from her arms without a word nor even thanks...]

I tried hard but I did it! There are certainly a lot of mistakes but as said Pierre De Coubertin :"l'important est de participer".

à toi violet et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à tous!
Modifié par moony59 le 20-12-2009 18:56

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de nina80, postée le 21-12-2009 à 20:01:39 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet,

Such a miraculous survivor III

The lifeboat number 16 withstood to the fierceness of the waves and impressive wirlwind. Iris and some lucky chosen ones, had seen, up there, what they could never erase from their memory,the unbearable moment of the choice: Women an children were chosen before men, terrifying separations, heartbreaking farewells - all that, on a supposedly soothing music on "Closer of thou my Lord", orchestrated by Wallace Henry who directed his six musicians to the very end. Among them, appeared the Iris'only friend :a violonist.

Then,helpless, they had to accept to be looking at "the death in live". The castaways provided with lifebuoys, scattered all around, were sweeped away by the fateful icy waters.

Some fishing boats, not fitted out with radio and other boats were round about, but, not enough. Some of them reported they had mistaken distress rockets, fired every fiveteen minutes, with some fireworks or unusal fires. Besides, the Titanic's transmitters were rapidely broken down.

Before the terrified eyes of the young Irish and her companions in misfortune, the "all-powerful"liner stood up in a last fit of energie, then came down breaking her at the fourth funnel and, all of a sudden, went down into waters for ages. It was two hours and twenty minutes.It took four long years to plan, built and launch the Titanic, which was escorted of her tugs on that April 2nd 1912 in Belfast. A bit more of two hours were enough at the famous "unsinkable" to become the monumental and mythical grave we know.

Now, the silent night was getting darker and darker , colder and cloder.

RMS The Carpathe arrived at dawn. It was 4 a.m when she gave assistance to the first survivors. Every rescuer busied himself to warm with thick blankets and nearly boiling drinks these pitiful people in a state of shock. Iris was sitting on the deck among of young mothers, near a cramp, clasping the precious baby on her chest, of which she whould never hear about, if not when she would be very old in her refuge in Suffolk. She was drinking a fortifiyng tea, rocking that fleeting treasure. In the unreal whiteness of the gloomy morning, a woman, out of her mind, appeared suddenly, she snatched the baby from Iris, without a word, nor thanks.

Modifié par nina80 le 22-12-2009 11:16

Modifié par nina80 le 22-12-2009 11:19

Modifié par nina80 le 23-12-2009 17:50

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de eos17, postée le 24-12-2009 à 19:05:12 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet
En espèrant que j'irai au bout de la tâche car j'ai beaucoup d'ennuis avec ma connexion au site .
Such a miraculous survivor III
..The lifeboat number16 withstood the violence of waves and impressive whirlwinds.Iris and the other chosen ones had seen up there, what they would never erase of their memory. The unbearable time of choice:women and children moved before men,terrifying separations ,heartbreaking farewells ...All that on the soothing music of"nearer to thee my God ",orchestrated by Wallace Henry who conducted his six musicians until the end .Among them,was present the Iris's sole friend, a violonist .

Then ,powerless, they had to accept to watch "death in live".The shipwrecked ,provided with their life belt,scattered all around ,were carried away by the freezing and fatal waters in less than a quarter hour .

Fishing boats without radio and other boats were ,even so ,in the surroundings ,but not enough close yet .Some crew members said that they mistook flares shooted all quarter hour for fireworks or strange lights .Besides ,the telegraph of the Titanic had broken down quickly .

Under the frightened eyes of the Irish lassie and her unfortunate fellows ...The powerful liner rose in a last burst of energy ,broke at the level of the fourth funnel and ,all at once ,dived (sank) in the eternity .It was 2h2O am.Four long years had been necessary to concept ,to build,to launch the Titanic escorted by her towboats,on that 2nd of April 1912,to Belfast .A few more than two hours were enough to the prestigious "unsinkable"to become the monumental and mythical tomb we know ...

Now the silent night was more and more dark and icy .

RMS the Carpathe arrived with dawn .It was 4 am ,when she aided the first rescues .Each rescuer was busy warming up those shocked unlucky people with thick blankets and nearly boiling drinks .Iris sat on the deck among young mothers ,not far from a cramp,held close the precious baby of whom she wouldn't never hear about...may be ,old in her refuge in the Suffolk.She was drinking a stimulating tea ,cradling that treasure at that time .

In the unreal whiteness of this gloomy morning ,a distraugh woman sprang up and grasped the baby from her arms without a word ,without a thanks...
violet pour ce troisième épisode .

Joyeux réveillon
Lien Internet

Modifié par eos17 le 25-12-2009 11:08

Modifié par eos17 le 28-12-2009 18:20

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de dolfine56, postée le 26-12-2009 à 15:35:26 (S | E)
Hello dear violet

Such a miraculous survivor III

...The lifeboat number 16 withstood the violence of the waves and impressive whirwinds.Iris ,and other lucky chosen ones ,had seen what would never fade from their memory.The unbearable time of the choice: women and children went first, before men, terrifying separation, heart-rending forewells...All that took place with the supposedly soothing music of "Nearer to Thee, my God",orchestred by Wallace Henry who conducted his four musicians till the end.Among them, was a young violonist,the Iris' only known friend.

Then,powerless, they had to accept to see the "dead in live".The fitted with lifebelts shipwrecks, scattered all around, were swept up by the icy and fateful waters, in less than a quarter hour.

Some fishing boats ,without radio ,and other boats were in the surrounding area, but not close enough,yet.Some of the crews told they mistook flares, shooted each quarter ,for fireworks or unusual fires.Besides, the Titanic's transmitters had quickly broken down...

Under the terrified eyes of the Irish lassie and her fellow suferers...the almighty liner stood up as in a final spurt, broke off at the fourth funnel level and, all at once,swooped down in the eternity.It was 2h20 a.m.Four long years had been necessary to plan, build and launch Titanic, escorted with her tug boats, on that April,2d 1912 in Belfast.....a few more than two hours were enough for this prestigious unsinkable boat to become that monumental and mythical tomb we know...

Now, the silent night was turning more and more dark and icy.

RMS Le Carpathe arrived with dawn.It was 4h a.m when it began rescuing the first survivors.Each rescuer bustled about, warming up these unfortunate shocked people with think blankets and nearly burning drinks.Iris, sat on the deck among young mothers, not far from a davit, was hugging on her brest the precious baby of whom she would never hear about, except maybe,when very old in her refuge, in Suffock.She was drinking a fortifying tea while cradling this fleeting treasure.

In the unreal whiteness of this gloomy morning,a distraught woman appeared suddenly and snatched the baby from her arms without a word, without any thanks....

Heureusement, que tu nous a promis une fin" heureuse"...parceque, là, dans l'instant, je ne vois pas spécialement la vie en rose. ..heureusement, c'est Noël, le soleil brille , oui, oui, oui ,le sapin aussi...
Excellente nouvelle année à toi, violet, et à tous les fidèles et méritants participants.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de ariane6, postée le 27-12-2009 à 00:01:56 (S | E)
Hello violet !

Après le réconfort de ces jours de fête, l'effort ! ... chapitre III, j'y cours rageusement, courageusement ...

----------Such a miraculous survivor. Part 3-------------

...Lifeboat 16 resisted the violence of the waves and the enormous eddies. Iris and the other fortunate people witnessed above them, scenes which would never be wiped from their memories.
The unbearable moment of decision : women and children ran past the men ... terrible separations and heartbreaking farewells, everything to the soothing musique entitled "Nearer, my God, to Thee", orchestrated by Wallace Henry who led his six musicians right to the end. Among them was the Iris's only friend, a violinist. Then, they had to watch helplessly, death "live".
All around them, shipwrecked people in lifebelts were swept away in the freezing cold deadly water in less than a quarter of an hour. Fishing boats without radios and other ships were in the area, but they were still not enough. Some crews reported they mistook flares, fired off every quarter of an hour, for fireworks or unexplained fires.
In addition, the Titanic's radio transmitters had broken down very quickly. Under the terrified eyes of the young Irish lady and her companions in misfortune, the mighty liner made a last stand, broke in two at the fourth funnel then sank for ever. It was 2:20 am.

Four long years had been necessary to design, build and launch the Titanic, escorted by her tugs in Belfast, on that 2nd of April 1912 ... A little more than two hours had been enough to turn the prestigious "unsinkable" liner into that huge mythical tomb.

The still night became darker and darker and more frozen. RMS Carpathia arrived with the dawn. At four o'clock, she came to the rescue of the first survivors. The rescuers were kept busy warming the poor shocked people with thick blankets and boiling hot drinks.
Iris was sitting on the deck amongst young mothers, not far from a davit. She was holding tightly to her heart the precious baby whom she would never hear about again, or maybe, in her old age when she retired to Suffolk.
She was drinking a heartening tea, cradling this fleeting treasure. In the surreal brightness of that dreary morning, a frenzied woman came up and pulled the baby out of her arms, without a word, without a thank you ...

Merci violet ! Bonnes vacances !

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de intrepid34, postée le 27-12-2009 à 11:39:11 (S | E)
Dear Violet

From my southern hemisphere vantage point - I shall endeavour to translate your "theme" upon my return.

I hope all you "translators" had a Merry Christmas and will have an equally prosperous New Year - I return to the "cold winter" this week after a very warm/albeit sad (I lost my father) holiday "down under".

Best and kind wishes

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 28-12-2009 à 15:40:34 (S | E)
Encore un peu de temps avant de clore cette riche année 2009 sur le site, je viens vous apporter mon parfum de . Vous dire à tous, candidats fidèles , passagers, nouveaux, de tous âges et de différents horizons que c'est pour moi un plaisir toujours renouvelé de vous "concocter" des textes variés et de vous y voir toujours plus nombreux, plus réceptifs. Vos marques d'intérêt et d'amitié me touchent évidemment beaucoup. Connaîtriez-vous d'ailleurs une telle que moi qui ne serait pas hypersensible ....à tout?!!

Je vous souhaite donc une excellente fin d'année ,de la sérénité pour digérer les coups durs arrivés à à tous , une embellie de douze mois pour 2010. All the best to you all, dear friends.


Your French violet vous promet un programme alléchant . Une bise à chacun(e) and cheerful cheers pour tous vos numéros spéciaux et immersion totale!!

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de swan85, postée le 28-12-2009 à 15:57:24 (S | E)
The craft n° 16, resisted to the waves violence and impressive whirlpools. Iris and the other fortunate people had seen, above, what would never be erased from their memories. The unbearable moment of the choice : Women and children first, terrifying separations, heartbreaking farewell….all on the so-called soothing music of “Nearer, my God to Thee” orchestrated by Wallace Henry who conducted his six musicians until the end. Among them was the only known friend of Iris, a violinist.
Then, they have been compelled to accept, powerless, to see “the death in live”. The shipwreck victims provided with buoys, scattered all around the ship were in less than 15 mn swept into the icy and fateful waters.

Fishing boats without radio and other ships were however around, but not enough. Some shipmates reported that they mistook the fireworks or unusual fires for distress flares which were fired every 15 minutes. Besides, the transmitters of the TITANIC had been out of order very quickly.

Under the terrified eyes of the young Irish lassie and her fellow sufferers..the almighty liner raised itself as in a final spurt of effort, broken up to the level of the fourth chimney and dived suddenly into eternity. It was 2.20 a.m. Four long years had been necessary to design, to build and to launch the TITANIC escorted by tug boats, this April 2, 1912 in Belfast.
A little over two hours had been sufficient for the prestigious “unsinkable” liner to become the mythical and monumental tomb that we know..
The silent night now became more and more black and icy.
RMS The CARPATHE arrived at dawn. At 4 a.m, she rescued the first survivors. Every rescuer was busy warming up these poor shocked persons with thick blankets and nearly boiling hot drinks. Iris who was sat on the deck among young mothers, not far from a davit, clasped the precious baby to her bosom, whom she would never hear about ....except, perhaps, old in her Suffolk refuge . She was drinking a fortifying tea while cradling this momentary little love.
In the dreamlike brightness of that gloomy morning, a desperate woman appeared suddenly and wrested the baby from her arms without a word, without any thanks…
Thank you very much VIOLET.

I wish you and to everybody a VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS YEAR 2010

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de nanette33, postée le 28-12-2009 à 22:52:37 (S | E)

Hello everybody,

Désolée de ne pouvoir, par manque de temps, me consacrer comme il le faudrait à ces si intéressants exercices, mais je tiens à vous souhaiter à tous une excellente fin d'année et une très bonne et heureuse nouvelle année.

Merci chère violet pour tout le temps que tu nous consacres et pour la qualité de ce que tu nous concoctes et nous mitonnes. Souhaitons pouvoir continuer encore longtemps dans cet esprit.

Un grand bonsoir de Bordeaux !

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de coferam, postée le 29-12-2009 à 14:09:52 (S | E)
Such a miraculous survivor! (Theme III)

...[ The craft number 16 resisted to the violence of water flow and impressive whirlwinds. Iris and the other blissful elected had seen, above, what, never, would fade of their memories. Unbearable while of the choice : women and children passed before the men, frightening partings, agonizing leave-taking...All that on the soothing music said music of " Closer of you, my God! ", orchestrated by Wallace Henry who managed till the end his six musicians. Among them was the only friend known from Iris, a violinist.

Then, it was necessary to them to agree, powerless, to see " the live death ". The castaways provided with buoys, scattered any goshawk were within a quarter of an hour taken by icy and disastrous waters.

Fishing boats without radio and the other ships were nevertheless in the area, but still not enough near. Some crews brought back to have taken for fireworks or unatural fires what was in fact distress flares, fired every quarter of an hour. Besides, the broadcasting same of Titanic had broken very fast...

Under eyes frightened of the young Irishwoman and of her companions in misfortune the almighty ship raised herself as in a final spurt of effort, broke at the level of the fourth funnel and dived at one stroke in the eternity. It was 2:20 am. Four long years had been necessary for the conception, the construction and in the launch of Titanic escorted by its tugboats, on this April 2nd, 1912, in Belfast.. A little more than two hours were enough at the prestigious "unsinkable" for becoming the monumental and mythical grave which we know.

Now the night silent made itself more and more black and ice-cold.

RMS The Carpathe arrived at the same time as the dawn. At 4 o'clock she came to save the first survivors. Any rescuer bustled about to warm thick blankets and almost burning drinks these poor wretches in a state of shock.Iris sat on the deck in the middle of young mothers, not far from a cramp, liked tightened on its heart the invaluable baby about whom, soon, she would never hear otherwise, maybe, old in her pension of Suffolk. She drank a comforting tea by rocking this treasure of moment.

In whiteness unreal of this lugubrious morning, appears a desperate woman who tore away it to her arms without a word, without a thanking.]

J'avais posté sans t'avoir souhaité un tas de bonnes choses dans cette période (que j'adore)où une fin et un début se chevauchent d'une façon si éclatante !Joyeux Passage !

Modifié par coferam le 29-12-2009 14:11

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de lou31, postée le 30-12-2009 à 08:56:28 (S | E)
Dearviolet ainsi qu'à vous tous

Plein de bonnes choses pour cette nouvelle année

Lien Internet

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de lucile83, postée le 30-12-2009 à 09:06:43 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,
Merci de ne pas "noyer" cette chère miraculée avec des posts très touchants et festifs et de garder le cap de la traduction qui est le but principal de ce topic.
Désolée d'être passée en "mode rabat-joie" pendant quelques secondes.
Best wishes

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de maya92, postée le 02-01-2010 à 11:59:30 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet et très bonne année,

Lifeboat number 16 stood up to the violence of the waves and to the impressive whirlpools. Iris and some others lucky ones had seen, up there, something they will never forget, the unbearable choice : the women and the children were to survive to the men at any price. Dreadful separations, heartbreaking farewells.. all that wrapped up in the soothing music ‘Closer to Thou, my God’ played by Wallace Henry who conducted his six musicians till the end. Among them, Iris‘s only known friend, a violin player.
Then, powerless, they had to witness ‘death live‘. The castaways, equipped with buoys and scattered all around, were washed away into the icy and lethal waters in less than a quarter of an hour
Fishing boats, without radio, and other ships had been sailing around, very close but not enough, yet. Some of them reported they had mistaken unusual fires or fireworks for the distress rockets shot every quarter of an hour. Moreover, even the transmitters of the Titanic were out of order
Before the very eyes of the young Irish girl and of her companions in misfortune the mighty liner stood up as in a last start, broke off at the level of the fourth funnel and sank down for all eternity. It was 2.20 a.m. Four long years were needed to design, build and launch the ‘Titanic’ escorted by her tugboats on this 2nd of April 1912 in Belfast. About 2 hours were enough for the impressive ‘Unsinkable’ to become a monumental and mythical tomb.
The night, fully silent now, was getting darker and still more freezing.
RMS ‘Le Carpathe’ came with dawn. At 4 o’clock, they rescued the first survivors. All the rescuers fussed around, warming up those poor shaken up souls with woollens and scalding drinks. Iris, seated on the deck among some young mothers, was holding tight the precious baby whom, soon, she would not know anything of… save, maybe, in her old age. She was drinking an invigorating cup of tea while rocking her fleeting treasure.
In the unreal whiteness of this gloomy morning, a frantic woman appeared suddenly, and, without a word, without any thanks, she snatched away the baby from her arms

Merci Violet - Bonne Année à tous et toutes

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de lakata, postée le 02-01-2010 à 12:16:32 (S | E)

Bonjour violet !

Histoire de te remettre cérébralement en forme après les probables agapes de fin d'année, je te propose de compléter le court texte suivant :
H---- N-- Y---
Je te l'accorde, c'est du costaud. Mais ton thème, ne l'est-il pas, costaud ???

Bien. Quand tu seras enfin parvenue à décoder mon énigme, ce dont je ne doute pas, tu pourras considérer la réponse comme tienne. Non, tu ne rêves pas ! Cadeau !!!

Thème III(qui, lui, n'en est pas un...):

...[ Lifeboat 16 held its own against the wildness of the waves swirling in gigantic eddies. Iris and other lucky chosen ones had been, up there, witnesses to what would ever remain in their memories. The unbearable time of selection : women and children first, before men, terrifying partings, heartrending farewells...all that with the allegedly soothing "Nearer My God to Thee" as background music, orchestrated by Wallace Henry who led his six musicians until the end. In their midst, a violinist, Iris's only known friend.

They had then yet to accept to look on "live death" : despite theirs lifebelts, the shipwrecked people all around were swept off within a quarter by the lethal icy water.

There were yet some fishing boats, those without radios, and other ships, all not far off, but not nearby enough. Some crews reported they had mistaken what were in reality distress rockets, shot every quarter, for fireworks or unidentified fires. Furthermore, Titanic's transmitters themselves had failed soon afterwards...

And then, before their very eyes, the young Irish lady and her companions in misfortune looked on with dread as the all-powerful liner rose in a final burst of energy, broke at the fourth funnel, and sank at one go into eternity. It was twenty past two in the morning. It had needed four long years to design and build Titanic, then to launch her in Belfast, escorted by her tugboats, on that April 2nd 1912. It just took a little more than two hours for the prestigious "unsikable" liner to become that mythical colossal tomb.

From then on silent, the night was getting pitch-dark and more and more freezing.

RMS the Carpathia arrived as dawn broke. At four o'clock a.m. she came and rescued the first survivors. Every rescuer was bustling about warming up those unfortunate shocked people with thick blankets and quite boiling hot drinks. Seated on the desk, not far from a davit, amidst some young mothers, Iris was clasping tightly to her breast the precious baby whom she would soon never hear about, maybe except once old and retreated in Suffolk. She was drinking a fortifying tea while cradling that fleeting treasure.

In that wan dreamlike gloomy morning, a distraught woman appeared suddenly who grabbed it from her arms, without a word, even thank you...]

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de bonsai93, postée le 02-01-2010 à 13:04:27 (S | E)
Lifeboat number 16 withstood the violence of the waves and the impressive whirpools. Iris and the other lucky ones had seen up there what would never been erased from their memory. The unbearable moment of the choice , when women and children came before the men , terrifying separations , heartbreaking farewell ….all that with the supposedly soothing music of « closer to Thee my Good » orchestrated by Wallace Henry who conducted his 6 musicians until the end .Among them was the Iris' only known friend , a violinist.

Then , powerless, they had to accept to watch « the death in live ».The castaway wearing a lifebelt, dispersed all around, were swept into the icy and fateful water in less than 15mn

Some fishing boats without the radio and other ships were yet around , but not close anough.Some crews told that they tought that the destress rockets fired off each 15mn ,were some fireworks or unusual fires . More , the Titanic's transmitters get quickly out of order …..

Under the frightened eyes of the young Irish girl and her companions in misfortune …. the most powerful liner stood up in a final spurt of effort and broke near the fourth fennel and sank immediatly into the eternity
It was 2,20 am.It took four long years for the conception , the building and the launching of the Titanic escorted by her tugs , on this 2nd April 1912, in Belfast . It only took about 2 hours to the prestigious « insinkable » ship to become the monumental and mytical grave that we know

The night , now silent , became darker and darker more and more frozen

RMS « le carpathe » arrived on the down .It was 4 a m , she could help the first survivors .Every rescuer were bustled about warming up with thick blankets and nearly boiling hot drinks , the poor shocked persons .Iris was sat there on the deck among young mothers, near a davit , she was hugging on her chest the precious baby of which ,soon ,she would never hear about …. except ,old , in her retreat in Suffolk. She was there , drinking a fortifying tea , lulling her treasure of now.

In the unreal whiteness of that gloomy morning , appeared suddenly an overwhelming woman who snatched the baby out of her hands without saying a word, without a word of thanks …...........

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 05-01-2010 à 16:13:55 (S | E)

Bonjour mes p'tits mignons.Je vous remercie de bien vouloir attendre la fin de la semaine...pour la correction...your violet n'a pas trop la tête à l'Anglais...
Que les retardataires ne se gênent donc pas ! Les nouveaux, non plus...


Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de gabi26, postée le 11-01-2010 à 00:24:16 (S | E)

"The frail lifeboat number 16 withstood the fury of sea waters and dreadful vortices. Iris and other blessed chosen ones had been witnesses, up there, of what was never to wear off in their mind. The unbearable time of the choice : women and children came first before men, unspeakable parting words, heart-rending farewells... the whole lot on the would-be soothing melody of « Nearer my God to Thee », orchestrated by Wallace Henry who conducted to the bitter end his six « musicians » . Among them was the sole-known Iris' shipmate, a violonist.

Powerless, they had then to accept to watch “direct Death live”. The shipwrecked passengers supplied with lifebuoy and scattered all around them were deadly carried away by the frigid and dire waters in no more than fifteen minutes.

Fishing boats deprived of radio device and other ships were in the neighbourhood, though they were not close enough yet.
Some shipboard crews'members reported back they had taken for fireworks or unusual flares what in fact were maroons launched every fifteen minutes. Withal, the very transmitters of the Titanic had fallen into silence very quickly.

Before the eyes of the appaled young Irish maiden and her companions of misfortune... the almighty liner rose up as in an ultimate jolt, dislocated in the fourth funnel and foundered at one go into eternity. It was 2.20am. Four long years had been necessary to design, construct and launch the RMS Titanic convoyed by her tug-boats on April 2nd, 1912, in Belfast. Hardly more than a couple of hours were necessary for the resplendent “unsinkable” to become the gigantic and mythical shrine by all known.

The night now filled with silence was becoming more and more dark and ice-cold.

The Royal Mail Steamer Carpathia came with the dawn. At 4.00am, she gave assistance to the first survivors. Each rescuer was kept busy warming these poor ones in shock with thick blankets and almost burning-hot drinks.

On the deck nearby a davit was seated Iris. Amongst young mothers she was holding straight against her chest the dear baby she would soon no longer hear about, except, perhaps, when she would be old and retired in Suffolk. She was drinking a fortifying tea while cradling this treasure of a time.

From the unreal white halo of that grim morning suddenly came out a distraught woman who dragged away the baby from her arms without a word nor a thank."

Et une très bonne année 2010 à Violet et à chacun d'entre vous! Bonne nuit...

Modifié par gabi26 le 11-01-2010 08:03

Modifié par gabi26 le 11-01-2010 20:01

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de traviskidd, postée le 11-01-2010 à 07:32:10 (S | E)
....[.Boat number 16 resisted the violence of the deep and of the impressive whirlpools. Iris and other fortunate chosen ones had seen ,up there, what ,never, would be erased from their memories. The unsustainable moment of choice: women and children passed before the men , terrifying separations , wrenching farewells...all over the supposedly appeasing music of " Nearer, my God, to thee!", orchestrated by Wallace Henry who conducted until the end his six musicians . Among them figured the only friend known to Iris , a violinist.

Then, they had to accept, powerless, seeing "death up close". The shipwrecked provided with life preservers, dispersed all around were in less than a quarter of an hour carried away by the icy and fateful waters.

Fishing boats unequipped with radio and other ships were, though, in the vicinity, but not yet close enough. Certain crews reported (mis)taking for fireworks or (unusual ) fire what were actually distress flares, fired every quarter-hour. Moreover, the Titanic's very own transmitters had given out very quickly.

Under the horrified eyes of the young Irishwoman and of her companions in misfortune.. the almighty liner lurched up as in a last somersault,broke apart at the level of the fourth chimney and plunged all at once (down) into eternity .It was 2:20AM. Four long years had been necessary for the conception, construction and launch of the Titanic escorted by her tugboats, this 2nd of April , in Belfast.. A little more than two hours were enough for the prestigious "insubmersible" to become the monumental and mythical graveyard we know (today).

The now-silent night grew blacker and blacker and icier and icier.

RMS Le Carpathe arrived at the same time as the dawn. At four o'clock , it came to the rescue of the first survivors. Every rescuer went about heating up thick covers and almost burning-hot drinks these unfortunate ones in a state of shock.Iris sitting on the bridge in the middle of young mothers, not far from a [davier ], held tight over her heart the precious baby who , soon, she would never hear about again..unless, maybe,old and in her retirement from Suffolk. She drank a comforting tea while cradling this treasure of a moment.

In the surreal whiteness of this gloomy morning, emerged a desperate woman who tore him from her arms without a word, without an expression of thanks...]

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violette19, postée le 11-01-2010 à 19:30:43 (S | E)

Bonjour Violet, Bonjour à tous,

Voici, tard c'est vrai mon travail . Brr...! malgré la neige environnante, les eaux glaciales autour du Titanic restent presque 100 ans après vertigineuses mais passionnantes .

The number 16 craft resisted the violent waves, the impressive whirlpools . Iris and some others, lucky, privileged, had seen, up there, what would never wear off their memories . The unbearable moment of choosing : women and children came before men, terrifying partitions, heart-rending farewells…all that while "Nearer of thee, my God”the be-said calming down music was sounding, orchestrated by Wallace Henry, who conducted his six musicians up to the end . Among them, there was a violonist, the only one known as a friend of Iris’s .
Afterwards, helpless, they had to accept to see “ Death live”. Armed with lifebuoys, the shipwreckeds, all around scattered, were taken away by icy, disastrous waters in less of quarter of an hour .Fishing boats, not equipped with radio, other ships were nevertheless in the area but not near enough yet .Some crews confessed they had taken for fireworks or unusual fires what was actually distress signals, set off once a quarter of an hour .
More, The Titanic transmitters themselves had very quickly failed .
In front of the terrified eyes of the young Irish girl, of her companions in misfortune, the most powerful liner rose as in a last jump, broke at the level of the fourth funnel, and suddenly dived into eternity .It was 2.20 a.m. Four long years had been required to the design, the construction, the launching of The Titanic, escorted by her tugs, that 2 nd of April 1912, in Belfast . ..
Hardly more over two hours , that was enough for the prestigious “ unsinkable” to become the monumental, mythical grave we know .

The night, silentful now, was growing darker and darker, icier and icier .

R.M.S. The Carpathia arrived at the same time as dawn . At four o’ clock a.m., she came and helped the first survivors. Every rescuer busied himself warming those poor souls by thick blankets, almost boiling-hot drinks . Iris, sitting on the deck among some young mothers , not far from a davit held tight on her breast the precious baby whom she would soon never again be told of …except perhaps old, in her Suffolk remote .She was drinking some comforting tea while cradling this treasure of a moment .
In the unreal whiteness of that gloomy morning, a distraught woman appeared suddenly, who tore him away from her arms, without any word, without thanks .

PS : mardi 12 : J'avais oublié une phrase, celle qui précisait 2h20 !
Modifié par violette19 le 12-01-2010 11:15

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violette19, postée le 11-01-2010 à 19:33:23 (S | E)

Je présente à tous ceux du site mes voeux les meilleurs pour une belle et bonne année !

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 12-01-2010 à 19:12:50 (S | E)
Good evening , all friends...I am very sorry for being so late..but this time..I AM on my way to you. Thank you ever so much for being so many good and hard-working students.

Lien Internet

and the course of RMS Titanic ended in disaster about 450 miles short off her destination ( she was bound for New York )

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 12-01-2010 à 22:30:19 (S | E)

- Voici ma je suis prudente vu la difficulté!..(sorry)

-------------- Such a miraculous survivor .Text III-----------------------------------------------------------------

..[.Lifeboat number 16 withstood the violence of the waves and impressive eddies.

Iris as well as other fortunate people had witnessed up there on the deck what they would never be able to wipe out of their memories.

The agonizing moment of choice : " women and children first"(to be attended) before men , which meant dreadful partings and heart-rending good-byes...all that on the pretended soothing Christian hymn* " Nearer, My God, to Thee " orchestrated by Wallace Henry who conducted his six musicians until the very last minute. There, stood , among them , Iris's only reported male friend aboard ,a violinist.

Then ,helpless,they had to face the sight of " Death at work "* . Shipwrecked people provided with life-preservers were scattered all around and actually swept away by the icy* and fatal water in less than a quarter of an hour.

Fishing-boats unequipped with wireless sets and other ships were in the area* though..but not near enough yet. Some crews admitted they had mistaken distress flares , launched every fifteen minutes, for fireworks or unexplainable fires. Moreover, Titanic's own transmitters had failed very quickly.

Just before the appalled eyes of the young Irish lady and her companions in misfortune , the almighty liner rose in the air with an ultimate heave ,then broke apart right below the fourth funnel and went down* into the depths and Eternity. It was 2:20 AM.

Four long years had been required for the design, the building and the launching of Titanic escorted by her tugs in Belfast's harbour on that second of April in 1912 . Two and a bit hours were sufficient to turn the magnificent "unsinkable" ship into the gigantic mythical tomb we know.

The now still night was getting darker and darker and even more freezing.

RMS Carpathia and dawn arrived at the same time. At four o'clock , she could haul the first survivors aboard. Every single rescuer kept bustling around to warm up those poor wretched souls in a state of shock with thick blankets and really hot drinks .
Iris was sitting amongst young mothers, not far from a davit ,holding tight on her breast that precious baby (whom) she was about not to hear of* anymore...or, by chance, once retired and old-aged in Suffolk.

She was sipping some heartening tea while cradling this fleeting treasure.

Out of the ghastly paleness of that mournful morning, a frantic woman leapt* at her and grabbed the baby from her arms, without saying a word, without saying "Thank you" ...]

---------------- Adapted from a true story -------------------------------------------------------------------

*1 ) Music (j'ai préféré préciser)

*2 )"Death at work", or si l'on ose "death live" ce qui fait un attelage hardi.

*3 ) Icy = j'ai trouvé dans les archives " glassy sea" = vitreous(glazy,shiny,vitrified) sea .Pour moi, cela faisait trop(tôt) cercueil de verre ou du "Grangé"? Et,ce n'est pas la même chose....

*4 ) Area, vicinity (si danger immédiat de contact?) "vicinity of enormous icebergs" ,justement.

*5 )Went down = sank : les verbes alternent dans témoignages et rapports d'enquêtes.

*6 )Lancée avec "to be about to" (imminence),je ne pouvais plus employer "to hear about "(entendre parler de ). Mon "of" se justifie toutefois,car la personne en question se serait directement manifestée au téléphone.. cela, beaucoup plus tard.

*7 )Leapt est peu à peu remplacé par "leaped". Mais j'aime les verbes irréguliers ! C'est bon pour le style UK et pour vous!

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 12-01-2010 à 23:18:07 (S | E)

Un connaisseur a dit ( pourtant bien avant, dear Travis, il s'agit de Molière, XVIIth century):

-" Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère ?"
les Fourberies de Scapin.1671*

-Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac (celui de Rostand)avait,lui, écrit :

-" Que diable allais-tu faire dans cette galère ?"
" Le pédant joué ". 1654.

Je suis au "pic" de la fatigue avec cet épisode..j'ai eu peur de perdre le "cap" . Merci d'attendre demain pour la suite et surtout de m'avoir suivie ou plutôt précédée (peur de rien, ces p'tits mignons!) vais rejoindre mon "perchoir" et aborder une "péninsule" qui s'appelle mon lit !! Let us unfasten our life-belts ! Safe and sound ! Good night !

et c'est plus sûr..

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de dolfine56, postée le 13-01-2010 à 15:00:19 (S | E)
Dear Violet,
pour ce début de correction.

Nous espérons que tu as passé une excellente nuit, ici ----
ou là ---------------à moins que ce ne soit là
et attendons la suite avec intérêt, as usual.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 14-01-2010 à 20:13:06 (S | E)
La ..woilà !..Le processus est en marche ..violet at work ! Bonsoir dear patient friends (you know I am already grateful to you for your work...)

Bonne fête à my Little Nina blue>


font color=#0000FF>Back to TITANIC'S SINKING and RESCUED people.

1 ) Toujours pas d'article à lifeboat si suivi d'un nombre qui le détermine précisément.Lifeboat number 16 or lifeboat16 . A craft plutôt a vessel ; a raft : un radeau.
les 20 canots de sauvetage du Titanic transportèrent 711 personnes : 6 died .Donc 705 were rescued (that way).

2 )To withstand* (stood,stood)= to resist.Sortir vainqueur ( didn't go into pieces)

3 ) Rough sea [rf) # smooth [smth] sea.(mer mauvais,mer calme,lisse)= "Smoothie" : jus de fruits à la mode ,lisse et pulpeux.(ne pas dire comme dans certains restaurants ou cafés: un "smoozie!"

A la vérité,cette nuit-là du 14/15 Avril , "flat calm sea" : la période ,les conditions atmosphériques :starry night, clear sky ( 0 nuage)..dans deux jours arrivait l'éclipse totale de soleil.

This eclipse occurred two days after the RMS Titanic sank in the northwestern Atlantic ocean under the darkness of new moon.[1]

Lien Internet

Pour accentuer le dramatique de la circonstance et de toute façon ce qui pouvait se passer à cause des canots choquant l'eau,les mouvements contraires et surtout le choc produit par la manoeuvre brutale du liner et des flots le heurtant à contre-courant :
the violence['vlns] of the waves and
--impressive eddies ( a more or less dangerous reverse stream) : an eddy.(avec un petit "e",lui) .Les ordres auraient été de faire machine arrière-toute soit "full reverse/stern").

Lien Internet
..Les Canaries..

.aussi à la(very) Pointe du Cap Ferret (pas vrai nanette, mamy40 ,ariane ..où "le" bunker affleure..(stricte interdiction de se baigner et c'est à pic!) les "Passes"..(impassables pour tant de marins)cf."Thalassa" .

Whirls tout seul peut être générique (wind,sand ,water..) > whirpools peuvent se produire partout,y compris dans certaines machines à laver... .(pas contre un énorme obstacle)
Pas de "breakers" ,ici, des brisants.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 14-01-2010 à 22:55:39 (S | E)
Redressons-nous...j'ai dû gîter ,toute à ma correction!..

Lien Internet

5 )Iris as well as ..:n'a pas été épargnée ,non plus.

6 ) Fortunate (destiny?)# lucky (to me, ne convient pas à la gravité du contexte).Et, ce n'était pas le hasard..puisque les femmes avaient priorité. Blessed = bénis (pourquoi pas ? ..protégés "des dieux")

7 )To be the witness (témoin)Lien Internet
,comme ce superbe film sur une communauté amish (anabaptiste)de Peter Weir (1985).

--to witness :être témoin de , assister à .

--On peut être amené à "witness" une scène ,puis en faire un "testimony" au tribunal .(dépositin,témoignange)To testify.

8 ) Above ['bv]:au dessus de / up there : là-haut.

9 ) Not to be able to erase or wipe out : incapables (able to, unable to = capacité,incapacité particulière)d'évacuer ,fe faire le vide,d'effacer .ces traumatismes.(to wipe : essuyer pour nettoyer).Presque "to get rid of ": se débarrasser de.(pour survivre)

10 )Memory : la mémoire.(to remember) .A memory : une mémoire sélective, olfactive ,visuelle, tactile, gustative*!!
Lien Internet

Violette..te souviens-tu de la savonnette de Tatie (pas Tante Léonie!)à Périgueux?!! Quel plaisir!..

" J'en passe et des meilleur(e)s" .Il y en a aussi qui ont" la mémoire qui flanche "(W.Churchill dixit à propos des Français : "un peuple qui a 368(à vérifier) fromages diffé peut pas perdre la guerre !"..ou Jeanne Moreau,bien sûr(qui ne l'a surtout pas).Donc plusieurs types de mémoires, des mémoires plus ou moins bonnes,plus aptes à ceci ou cela....

.Lien Internet
(vous l'attendiez ?)

-A memory (-ries): un souvenir resté clairement en mémoire.(ancré..pour revenir au Titanic).Il leur aurait fallu parvenir à l'"oblivion"...pour faire la résilience (pas vrai,dolfin? Cf.Boris Cyrulnik(a,enfant( 6 ans 1/2), échappé(de la Grande Synagogue) à une rafle de Juifs commanditée par Papon (Préfet à Bordeaux!) : toute sa famille a péri en camp de déportation /extermination) : "l'art de naviguer dans les torrents" pour "renaître de sa souffrance"- "il y a une vie après l'horreur") )..J'ignore si, plus tard (Freud arrivait),certains survivants ont suivi des thérapies. Ils ont ,en tout cas ,beaucoup parlé,écrit..Il n'y a pas longtemps que l'on parle de résilience (comme "faire le deuil" et "faire avec"). La vieille dame du film de Cameron..for instance./ Quant à la " very last survivor ",bébé au moment du naufrage, Millvina Dean (1912-2009)est morte dans son sommeil ,à 97 ans ,le 1er Juin 2009...qu'en a-t-il été de sa vie? .........

11 )Out of their memories(pl.).L'Anglais est plus "mathématique" (hello lakata )que le Français.
Autant de mémoires que de gens.

These men wear hats on their heads./ "les fermes avec leur(s)cour(s) carrée(s)" :Chateaubriand l'a écrit(dans ses "Mémoires"= Memoirs) au sg. Le pl. a été toléré récemment à une dictée d'examen. Pourtant,chacune sa ferme, comme chacun chez soi!..

12 )Agony ['gni] Ooo : moment de manque,senstiment ,attente insupportables (à en "mourir")[ you suffer agony] et "mortal agony" (la vraie) .
(death's door)
Agonizing = terrifying,awful,unstainable..

Unbearable (me) paraît un peu moins insupportable et moins dans le champ sémantique.

13 ) To attend : assister (à) ou quelqu'un. ( University, somebody in danger)

14 ) " Women and children first" : expression ,semble-t-il, venue du Titanic. Porteuses de vie et d'avenir..

Lien Internet

Ne me taxez pas de "féministe" cite Aragon au moyen d'un homme remarquable!

--Pauvres petits garçons interdits de pleurer pour" devenir un homme ,mon fils!" devenir "l'étoffe des héros"-"The stuff of the heroes"..Bien "formatés" .

L'équipe et quasiment tous les hommes du Titanic se sont comportés en héros. Quatorze ont voulu forcer le passage,saisis de panique (panic-stricken)et terreur " prenant donc la place des "femmes et enfants d'abord" : ils ont été fusillés les uns après les autres (du sang sur le pont).D'autres ont sauté et trouvé la mort évidemment.
On rapporte qu'un gradé accompagna la jeune instructrice de ses enfants jusqu'en bas; le "lifeboat" à l'eau ,il la câla ("tucked",comme border un enfant dans son lit) dans un coin,bien enveloppée de couvertures et la quitta avec un émouvant et solennel "Good bye,Miss..and thank you !" .Et il fut remonté pour continuer à aider.

Well....I must close ,here, for tonight. Have a good night . See you.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 15-01-2010 à 23:31:24 (S | E)
Lien Internet

Bonsoir à tous,

Oublions le maniérisme des présentateurs ..imaginons le bébé qu'Iris a eu dans les bras..

Occupée toute la journée, je ne peux faire que cela ,ce soir.Sorry. Je le cherchais ,hier.
.A demain. Merci. Have a sweet night.

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III de violet91, postée le 16-01-2010 à 14:05:49 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,my friends...ce week-end devrait enfin être le bon!! Have a nice time !


15 ) To part from : se séparer de (avec chagrin)(departure/arrival); se départir(difficilement) de (une oeuvre,un écrit que l'on aime par ex.)

--Horrifying,awful, dreadful,distressing partings (separations est plus générique voire parfois bénéfique)

16 )Heartbreaking (brisant)= heart-rending :déchirants (adieux)(to rend= to tear,tore,tore ; to wrench)

16 ) Good-byes # farewells : farewell est la "conclusion" de welcome à l'arrivée. Le "partant " se voit souhaiter une belle et agréable suite.."Take care")(wellfare > welfare= well- being).

Good-bye,quand il se dit ,est très tenu (au quotidien, on dit "Bye") et signifie au revoir pour longtemps. Dans certains cas, c'est un dernier . Good-byes,les hommes se devinant perdus.(cf.témoignages)

--Dans le magnifique film "Au revoir les enfants " de Louis Malle, le prêtre se voulait rassurant : "good-bye" recouvrant alors les deux sens.

Lien Internet

Les terribles " good-byes" du Titanic : certains couples préférèrent ne pas séparer pour mourir ensemble ; une mère fit passer son bébé ..; sur 12 newly-married (on honey-moon!) , 11 jeunes maris quittèrent leurs jeunes épouses (1 seul survécut), à une autre échelle, une "Lady", seule,se voyant interdire d'emporter son petdog (un grand dogue) préféra rester sur le pont et périr...

17 )A so-called = a pretended : un soi-disant..

18 )To sooth ['s : "th dur ] :calmer ,apaiser (to calm down).A soothing medicine,remedy.(un calmant,un analgésique)
Méthode Leboyer : naissance sans violence (lumière tamisée, eau tiède pour le bébé et "tampoura",instrument à cordes jouant deux ,trois notes répétitives de berceuse indienne.) Soothing music.

Lien Internet

19 )" Nearer,MY God,TO Thee(tutoiement ): a famous Christian hymn. Il y a polémique sur la réalité. Certains ont témoigné de "Autumn"

Lien Internet
(qui "colle" mieux à l'histoire)

Lien Internet

20 ) An orchestra ['kistr] Ooo : Wallace Henrya mis en musique puis "conducted" (mener avec < latin) = mener (led)
--A conductor such as Sir George Solti , Barenboim, Karajan, Abbado..:chef d'orchestre./un contrôleur de métro,bus,train..# a driver (bus..)

21 ) "Iris" a raconté avoir eu un seul ami (one and only) à bord : Scottish violinist John Hume .

A violin ['vlin -triphtong]. To play the violin. (pas jouer les violons",travis..which means to exaggerate and make everybody cry using this or that way of narrating unhappy things!In French we say : jouer du violon,de la flûte,du pipo !..
Pas d'impôt : a taxer 'hello!..)
-A male friend/a female friend.(utiliser que si vraiment nécessaire à la description)

--L'orchestre était spécifiquement masculin (comme beaucoup, à l'époque).# Celui d'Auschwitz était au contraire spécifiquement féminin. (ce qui "sauva" la vie de la plupart des musiciennes.. pas celle de leur "conductor", Alma Mahler, soeur de Gustav,probablement empoisonnée le 4 Avril 1944)

Lien Internet

Magnifique et bouleversante émission (à avoir) d'arte : "La dernière chaconne". retrouvailles et témoignages de quelques rescapées éparpillées de par le monde.

(à plus tard dans l'après-midi..)Merci.


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