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At the weekend-correction

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At the weekend-correction
Message de cirkas posté le 20-01-2010 à 09:49:03 (S | E | F)

Pouvez vous me corriger mon paragraphe s'il vous plaît?

What do you do at the weekends? ask B

Usually, on Sunday morning my husband and me do (grocery) shopping and in the afternoon, or we stay in the house or we walk through the city.
In the evening, we have dinner both or some friends, sometimes we go to the cinema.
And at last, on Sunday we eat with our family.

Your weekends are good full!


Réponse: At the weekend-correction de gerondif, postée le 20-01-2010 à 10:13:59 (S | E)

What do you do at the weekends? ask B(ne pas inverser, mettre un s au verbe)

Usually, on Sunday morning, my husband and me(mettre un sujet (je)(nominatif) et non pas un cod (accusatif) ) do (grocery) shopping ( I go * shopping / I do my shopping)and in the afternoon, or(ou, ou = either ...or) we stay in the house (at home est plus courant)or we walk through the city.
In the evening, we have dinner both( mal employé et mal placé juste nous deux: just the two of us) or (avec)some friends, sometimes we go to the cinema.
And at last, on Sunday we eat(préférer: to have lunch) with our family.

Your weekends are good full!(ils sont bons pleins: français traduit)(nous sommes très occupés le week end)

Réponse: At the weekend-correction de cirkas, postée le 20-01-2010 à 10:27:01 (S | E)
What do you do at the weekends? B asks

Usually, on Sunday morning, my husband and I go shopping and in the afternoon, either we stay at home or we walk through the city.
In the evening, we have dinner together or with some friends, sometimes we go to the cinema.
And at last, on Sunday we have luch with our family.

B : Your weekends are good full! je veux dire vos weekends sont bien pleins^^

Merci pour la correction

Réponse: At the weekend-correction de gerondif, postée le 20-01-2010 à 10:36:21 (S | E)
Méfiez vous du mot plein:
my tank is full: mon réservoir est plein, au sens de rempli.
il y a plein de gens: impossible de mettre full, on ne peut pas dire: il y a rempli de gens:
there are a lot of people, lots of prople, plenty of people.
Nos week-ends sont bien remplis: remplis est métaphorique en français mais full ne va pas bien ici, préférez "busy"
Your week-ends are very busy. (very full sonne mal)


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