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Aide à la traduction-contexte commercial
Message de taranghiano posté le 09-02-2010 à 22:25:17 (S | E | F)


Pourriez me vérifier ce texte ? Celui-ci est à placer dans un registre commercial où quelqu'un rapporte une situation à un autre collègue.

Merci d'avance.

I had a meeting with HHV company last week and it seems some suppliers like STAR for filtration application are about to set up new global contracts with the headquarter in Italy. I am not sure if they will extend this kind of contract for our field of application but that could be interested to get contact there.

Regarding French market; Mr John told me that production department has no complain about DASH s.a. and they even reduced cost of 20% compared to 3 years ago but he was not able to give some figures about cost/ hl...Strange ! Anyway He promised to send me some cost/consumption figures for the middle of February

Jerry B. – supply chain office - who is in favour of us confirmed me that Mr John has not a good communication with the production department and the technical added value of DASH s.a. is pretty poor !

I am sending some infos about our products as BOOSt V, OIL 4 to Jerry B. hoping that he could help us to force the Mr John's decision

Réponse: Aide à la traduction-contexte commercial de linsey34, postée le 09-02-2010 à 22:30:55 (S | E)
Hi !

alors voici ce que je relève:

I had a meeting with HHV company last week and it seems some suppliers like STAR for filtration application are about to set up new global contracts with the headquarter in Italy. I am not sure if they will extend this kind of contract for our field of application but that could be interested to get contact there.

Regarding X French market; Mr John told me that X production department has no complain about DASH s.a. and they even reduced cost of 20% compared to 3 years ago but he was not able to give some figures about cost/ hl...Strange ! Anyway He promised to send me some cost/consumption figures for the middle of February

Jerry B. – supply chain office - who is in favour of us confirmed me that Mr John has not a good communication with the production department and the technical added value of DASH s.a. is pretty poor !

I am sending some infos about our products as BOOSt V, OIL 4 to Jerry B. hoping that he could help us to force the Mr John's decision

Réponse: Aide à la traduction-contexte commercial de taranghiano, postée le 09-02-2010 à 22:45:38 (S | E)
Merci pour les remarques,

voici ma correction :

- interested IN
- THE french
- THE production
- je ne comprend mon erreur dans ' give some figures'
- info (sans S)
- éliminer le 'the' devant Mr John's decision

Est ce correct comme cela ?

Réponse: Aide à la traduction-contexte commercial de chatsometimes, postée le 10-02-2010 à 11:06:12 (S | E)


- interested IN : je dirais it could be "of interest" to get contact there.
- THE french OK
- THE production OK
- DOES NOT HAVE COMPLAIN peut-être un S à complain :-) ou alors any complain
- je ne comprend mon erreur dans ' give some figures' il y a négation avant donc ANY figures
- info (sans S) : information is better (sans S en effet)
- éliminer le 'the' devant Mr John's decision OK

Réponse: Aide à la traduction-contexte commercial de nine26, postée le 10-02-2010 à 12:57:51 (S | E)
Complain est le verbe.
Pour le substantif : il faut ajouter un "t". : Complaint !

Réponse: Aide à la traduction-contexte commercial de taranghiano, postée le 10-02-2010 à 17:07:35 (S | E)


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