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Small or little? (1)

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Small or little?
Message from gabriscola posted on 19-02-2010 at 12:10:15

Someone could help me? When we have to use small and when we have to use little? Thank you for helping.

Edited by bridg on 19-02-2010 12:13

Re: Small or little? by bridg, posted on 19-02-2010 at 12:14:48
Please, take a look here:
Lien Internet

See you.

Re: Small or little? by brettdallen, posted on 19-02-2010 at 12:30:10
I'll try and explain that :
-"Small" : adjective that simply refers to (actual)size/weight/importance/amount etc. If you consider that something is exactly the opposite of "big", then you can describe it as "small".
(a house, a town, a person, an amount of money, etc)
-"Little" : "small" in such a way that it is attractive or it produces sympathy(so it expresses some kind of emotion).
Compare :
-"I'd like to have a little house of my own."(it's not necessary that small!)
-"I wonder how people can live in small houses like this one!"(it's really under the average size and living there must be uncomfortable.)
-"Look at the little girl! Isn't she cute?"(she may be the average size but she's a girl, not an adult, and watching her is touching.)
-"She's small for her age but she'll certainly keep up with her mates."
Hope I've given you some clues.

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