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Correction of somes questions

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Correction of somes questions
Message de loupevivante posté le 25-02-2010 à 02:40:05 (S | E | F)

Are these questions correct? (Could you help me to correct my mistakes?) Thank you for your help.

1. How can the professional and technical careers valorisation be an effective solution to the labour shortage?
2. Which actors (minimum of two) take part of the present labour’s solution?
3. Identify the principal market sectors (minimum of three) which will be affected by this shortage during the next five years.
4. Name and explain one major cause of the labour shortage.
5. Do you think that a higher unemployment rate can counter labour shortage? Why?
6. How can we encourage young people (the ones under thirty) to establish themselves in regions in order to work there?
7. Which impacts could possibly have labour shortage for small companies?
a) Name the two more valued qualities by employers.
b) Why are these qualities so important for employers?
9. Which are both factors that influence the experience level requests by companies?
10. Which are the labour shortage’s possible consequences (minimum of two)?


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