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Expression écrite correction

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Expression écrite correction
Message de redboots posté le 26-02-2010 à 10:32:20 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous !
J'ai fais de bon matin du expression écrite "type bac", mais j'ai quelques doutes qui se sont immiscés. Pourriez vous m'aider à corriger ces phrases, merci !

- in the past, people weren't allowed to not getting married if they would live together and have children. From now on, people have changing their attitudes. Less people believe in God and have faith in the religious' values.

-Marriage's proceeding cost lot of money and takes time. All the same, people are married in that they are together and share they life. They rely on their reciproqual confident.

Réponse: Expression écrite correction de linsey34, postée le 26-02-2010 à 10:48:18 (S | E)
Hello !

- in the past, people weren't allowed to not getting married if they would live together and have children. From now on, people have changing their attitudes. Less people believe in God and have faith in the religious' values.

-Marriage's proceeding cost lot of money and takes time. All the same, people are married in that they are together and share they life. They rely on their reciproqual confident.

Réponse: Expression écrite correction de gerondif, postée le 26-02-2010 à 19:06:00 (S | E)

petit piège supplémentaire: moins de = less + singulier //fewer + pluriel
j'ai moins d'argent et moins d'amis: I've got less money and fewer friends. Appliquez à : moins de gens: moins + pluriel

Réponse: Expression écrite correction de redboots, postée le 27-02-2010 à 09:34:48 (S | E)

- in the past, people weren't allowed not to get married if they would live together and have children. From now on, people have changed their attitudes. Fewer people believe in God and have faith in religious values.

-Marriage's proceeding costs lots of money and takes time. All the same, people are married in that they are together and share their life. They rely on their reciproqual confidence.

Merci !

Réponse: Expression écrite correction de gerondif, postée le 27-02-2010 à 18:55:16 (S | E)
en relisant votre texte, je me dis quand même que ce serait plus léger de dire:
In the past, people couldn't live together and have children without getting married.

- in the past, people weren't allowed not to get married if they would(want to irait mieux, au prétérit) live together and have children. From now on(dorénavant ? je pense que vous vouliez dire "de nos jours", nowadays), people have changed their attitudes. Fewer people believe in God and have faith in religious values.

-Marriage's proceeding(parait bien technique ! Getting married costs a lot of money) costs lots of money and takes time. All the same, people are married in that they are together and share their life.
(n'a pas grand sens: les gens se marient pour être ensemble et partager leur vie ? utiliser le verbe marry ou le verbe to get married qui indique une action, un changement. pour + verbe = to : I got married to pay fewer taxes)They rely on their reciproqual confidence.(n'a pas trop de sens non plus)

Réponse: Expression écrite correction de redboots, postée le 28-02-2010 à 09:33:41 (S | E)
D'accord, un grand merci pour les précisions !


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