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Correction - message

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Correction - message
Message de bibou9 posté le 26-02-2010 à 23:08:42 (S | E | F)

Salut a tous
Voila mon expression écrite, si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider à corriger mes erreurs ce serait gentil:

My dearest Anna,
I don't want the boring life that i am destined, I don't want to work in this oppressive world and for this consumer society. I dream of freedom and adventure. I need to get closer to nature and real values of life. That's why I went away and I regret nothing. I wants to leave everything behind.
I brought everything I need for this trip. First I hit the road hitchhiking towards Mexico but today I head to Canada. I discover new horizons and I meet people of great simplicity. The trip is sometimes tiring and difficult but it's very interesting.
I am aware that Mum should be panic-stricken and that Dad disapproves my behavior but it's my life, don't worry about me and respect my dream
That's all for now


Merci d'avance

Réponse: Correction - message de gerondif, postée le 27-02-2010 à 18:31:13 (S | E)
My dearest Anna,
I don't want the boring life that i am destined, I don't want to work in this oppressive world and for this consumer society. I dream of freedom and adventure. I need to get closer to nature and real values of life. That's why I went away and I regret nothing. I wants to leave everything behind.
I brought everything I need for this trip. First I hit the road hitchhiking towards Mexico but today I head to (to head for, mettez le au présent en ing)Canada. I discover new horizons and I meet people of great simplicity. The trip is sometimes tiring and difficult but it's very interesting.
I am aware that Mum should be panic-stricken and that Dad disapproves of my behavior but it's my life, don't worry about me and respect my dream
That's all for now


Réponse: Correction - message de karnie53, postée le 27-02-2010 à 23:38:21 (S | E)

1 destined; leading 2 work: live 3 for this consumer society;consuming society 4 regret:regretted 5 wants :want6 Head to Canada:Aim heading to Canada 7 about me: about myself 8 respect my dreams :realize my dreams


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