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Correction d'exercices

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Correction d'exercices
Message de thirty posté le 22-04-2010 à 15:06:00 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, pourriez-vous me corriger ces exercices, et m'aider pour l'exercice 2 s'il vous plait.

Exercice 1
Complétez les phrases suivantes en mettant les expressions verbales entre parenthèses au temps approprié (simple ou en be +-ing )

1. (I / just / see) a film about the First World War, it (denounce) the pain endured on all sides.
2. We (meet) him a year ago. He (recover) from his wounds.
3. He (try) to convince them for hours and doesn’t seem to (succeed).
4. How long (they / live) with this on their mind? They (never / be able) to understand what happened.
5. They (already speak) to some journalists, they (answer not) yet.

Exercice 2
Faites des phrases en utilisant des pronoms relatifs ou le pronom relatif  à partir des propositions suivantes

1. That boy was my first boyfriend. / I have just met him again.
2. I had always hoped to see him again. / It seemed impossible.
3. He has just been appointed manager in the firm. / My father is the owner of that firm.
4. Every afternoon he would go jogging in the forest. / He enjoyed the forest.
5. That girl was my best friend. / You were talking about that girl.

Exercice 3
Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais

1. L’homme qui vient d’entrer est un ancien camarade d’école.
2. C’est le film le plus émouvant que j’ai jamais vu.
3. C’était le seul pays qu’ils connaissaient.
4. Je rencontrais souvent son frère avec qui j’allais au stade.
5. L’homme avec lequel je parlais est journaliste.

Exercice 1

1 - I have just seen - it denounces
2 - Met - was recovering
3 - has tried - succeed
4 - have they lived - have never being able
5 - have already spoken - didn't answer yet

Exercice 2

1 - That boy I have just met again was my first boyfriend
2 -
3 - He has just been appointed manager in the firm whose my father is the owner
4 -
5 - Every afternoon he would go jogging in the forest which he enjoyed

Exercice 3

1 - The man who has just entered is a former school classmate
2 - This is the most moving film I've ever seen
3 - It was the only country they knew
4 - I often met his brother with whom I went to the stadium
5 - The man with whom I was speaking is a journalist.

Réponse: Correction d'exercices de gerondif, postée le 22-04-2010 à 18:27:17 (S | E)

Bonjour, je vous indique quelques erreurs.

Exercice 1

1 - I have just seen - it denounces
2 - Met - was recovering
3 - has tried - succeed
4 - have they lived - have never being able
5 - have already spoken - didn't answer yet

Exercice 2

1 - That boy I have just met again was my first boyfriend
2 - ce qui semblait impossible....
3 - He has just been appointed manager in the firm whose my father is the owner
5) -la fille dont vous parliez: l'anglais dira: la fille "que vous parliez de"(désolé pour le charabia)
4) - Every afternoon he would go jogging in the forest which/that/ he enjoyed

Exercice 3

1 - The man who has just entered is a former school classmate
2 - This is the most moving film I've ever seen
3 - It was the only country they knew
4 - I often met his brother with whom I went to the stadium
(with whom est un peu démodé mais très correct) on pourrait penser au passé révolu: I used to ...)
5 - The man with whom I was speaking is a journalist.

Réponse: Correction d'exercices de laure95, postée le 22-04-2010 à 18:28:25 (S | E)

Exercice 1
1 - I have just seen - it denounces OK
2 - Met - was recovering OK
3 - has tried - succeed OK
4 - have they lived OK - have never being able
5 - have already spoken OK - didn't answer (pas le bon temps) yet

Exercice 2
1 - That boy I have just met again was my first boyfriend OK
3 - He has just been appointed manager in the firm whose my father is the owner
5 - Every afternoon he would go jogging in the forest which he enjoyed OK (ou rien, ou THAT)
Essayez pour les phrases 2 et 4.

Exercice 3
1 - The man who has just entered is a former school classmate OK
2 - This is the most moving film I've ever seen OK
3 - It was the only country they knew OK
4 - I often met his brother with whom I went to the stadium OK
5 - The man with whom I was speaking is a journalist. OK

Réponse: Correction d'exercices de notrepere, postée le 22-04-2010 à 19:50:26 (S | E)

He (try) to convince them for hours and doesn’t seem to (succeed).


He has been trying to convince them for hours and doesn't seem to be succeeding.


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