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Appropriate tenses

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Appropriate tenses
Message de inesica posté le 11-06-2010 à 18:59:10 (S | E | F)


I have a couple of sentences, and I don't know if whether the tenses are appropriate...thank you for helping me!!!!

1) (I/just/see) a film about the First World War, it (denounce) the pain endured on all sides.

I have just seen a film about the First World War, it denounced the pain endured on all sided.

2) We (meet) him a year ago. He (recover) from his wounds.

I met (have met?) him a year ago. He was recovering from his wounds.

3) He (try) to convince them for hours and doesn't seem to (succeed).

He has been trying to convince them for hours and doesn't seem to have succeeded.

4) How long (they/live) with this on their mind? They (never/be able) to understand what happened.

How long have they been living with this on their mind? They were never able to understand what happenned.

5) They (already/speak) to some journalists, they (answer not) yet.

They have already spoken to some journalists, they have not answered yet.

Thank you very much!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-06-2010 19:23

Réponse: Appropriate tenses de gerondif, postée le 11-06-2010 à 20:17:36 (S | E)

1) (I/just/see) a film about the First World War, it (denounce) the pain endured on all sides.

I have just seen a film about the First World War, it denounced (plutôt un présent simple) the pain endured on all sides.

2) We (meet) him a year ago. He (recover) from his wounds.

I met (have met?) him a year ago. He was recovering from his wounds.

3) He (try) to convince them for hours and doesn't seem to (succeed).

He has been trying to convince them for hours and doesn't seem to have succeeded.(to succeed irait bien car on est dans le présent: cela fait des heures qu'il essaie de les convaincre et il ne semble pas y réussir)

4) How long (they/live) with this on their mind? They (never/be able) to understand what happened.

How long have they been living with this on their mind?

They were never able to understand what happened.(le present perfect pourrait se concevoir aussi)

5) They (already/speak) to some journalists, they (answer not) yet.

They have already spoken to some journalists, they have not answered yet.


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