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Scrambled words '67'

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Scrambled words '67'
Message de marit64 posté le 23-06-2010 à 22:57:14 (S | E | F)


Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- To change direction suddenly. ..... (reve)
2- To fill with too much of something. ..... (arldoove)
3- A synonym of "happy". ..... (yloufj)
4- A type of large oven for baking pottery or bricks, drying grain etc. ..... (lkni)
5- A long hanging piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water. ..... (liiecc)
6- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... (nbcuh)
7- A person who has become dependent on something, especially drugs. ..... (iactdd)
8- A small cube-shaped mass of sugar. ..... (mlpu)
9- To experience or endure. ..... (rnougde)
10- A person who presents a news brodcast. ..... (awrntecess)

Good luck and have fun!

Enjoy your summer time!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '67' de headway, postée le 24-06-2010 à 09:24:13 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit,

1-To change direction suddenly. ..... (reve)VEER
2- To fill with too much of something. ..... (arldoove)OVERLOAD
3- A synonym of "happy". ..... (yloufj)JOYFUL
4- A type of large oven for baking pottery or bricks, drying grain etc. ..... (lkni)KILN
5- A long hanging piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water. ..... (liiecc)ICICLE
6- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... (nbcuh)BUNCH
7- A person who has become dependent on something, especially drugs. ..... (iactdd)ADDICT
8- A small cube-shaped mass of sugar. ..... (mlpu)LUMP
9- To experience or endure. ..... (rnougde)UNDERGO
10- A person who presents a news brodcast. ..... (awrntecess)NEWSCASTER

Thanks and wish you a speedy recovery.


Réponse: Scrambled words '67' de eos17, postée le 24-06-2010 à 11:38:53 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- To change direction suddenly. ..... (reve) TO VEER
2- To fill with too much of something. ..... (arldoove) TO OVERLOAD
3- A synonym of "happy". ..... (yloufj) JOYFUL
4- A type of large oven for baking pottery or bricks, drying grain etc. ..... (lkni) KILN
5- A long hanging piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water. ..... (liiecc) ICICLE
6- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... (nbcuh) BUNCH
7- A person who has become dependent on something, especially drugs. ..... (iactdd) ADDICT
8- A small cube-shaped mass of sugar. ..... (mlpu) LUMP
9- To experience or endure. ..... (rnougde) TO UNDERGO
10- A person who presents a news brodcast. ..... (awrntecess) NEWCASTER

My best wishes and a speedy recovery .Eos

Réponse: Scrambled words '67' de nina80, postée le 24-06-2010 à 17:38:53 (S | E)
Dear Marit,

1 - to veer
2 - to overload
3 - joyful
4 - kiln
5 - icicle
6 - bunch
7 - addict
8 - lump
9 - undergo
10- newscaster

- soignez vous bien.

Réponse: Scrambled words '67' de mick92, postée le 25-06-2010 à 02:09:30 (S | E)
salut c'est la première fois que je participe à un forum et je veux qu'on parle de vacances et voyages


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