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Meaning of sentence

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Meaning of sentence
Message de loulouteliliche posté le 30-08-2010 à 12:46:56 (S | E | F)
Hello ,
I'd like to know what this sentence means :
"They would ever melt in the great melting pot"
Thank you
Edited by bridg on 30-08-2010 18:35
Interventions postées en français dans le topic -> Forum principal.

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de brettdallen, postée le 30-08-2010 à 12:56:43 (S | E)
If you double click on "melt", you'll get the meaning of "melt" and "melting pot" as well !

The meaning is "they will never become integrated into the ? society". I guess you should write "never" instead of "ever".

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de loulouteliliche, postée le 30-08-2010 à 13:07:24 (S | E)
thanks for your response ,I have the signification but i'm not sure .
mealting pot =have to respect cultures ,traditions ans language to became a real american

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de brettdallen, postée le 30-08-2010 à 13:32:37 (S | E)
A "melting pot", initially, is a pot in which (cooking)ingredients are melted ! The figurative meaning of it is "a place where there is a mixing of people of different races and nations". Note that the verb is carefully chosen ! If one melts various ingredients, they will no longer be recognizable and the whole thing will look like a single unit (i.e. a nation). As this is not exactly the case, some people thought we should replace the terms by "salad bowl"(a containers in which all ingredients are gathered together but separate).
Hope it's clearer now !

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de loulouteliliche, postée le 30-08-2010 à 13:51:56 (S | E)
Thanks a lot ,
It's an interessting response especially with example of cooking but i'm fasting and hungry ,I'm just joking

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de violet91, postée le 30-08-2010 à 14:03:17 (S | E)
Le "melting pot" est un terme employé depuis le XIXème à New York et aux USA en général. Un "creuset multiculturel". Les gens "avertis" ne le traduisent pas, en général.
--les" immigrants"(émigrants) de toutes origines se sont "fondus" pour faire une sorte de nouveau peuple.
---Soit vous voulez dire "never" : même là , ces gens ne sauraient s'intégrer aux autres.
---Soit le contraire (peu plausible) "even" : même eux (difficiles) trouveraient leur place dans ce creuset multiculturel.
Good luck.

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de loulouteliliche, postée le 30-08-2010 à 14:23:43 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponse .
Je pense que la signification exact est la deuxième (with ever ) tant que la phrase se termine par( became a real american )donc ils ont pu s'intégrer donc comme je l'ai dit tout à l'heure on peut remplacer( melting pot ) par they have to respect cultures and language to became a real american .

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de notrepere, postée le 30-08-2010 à 15:14:05 (S | E)

The only thing I would add to the wonderful responses so far is that the word "ever" would signify that the person did "melt in" and "never" would imply that they didn't. While the phrase "They would never melt..." sounds fine, the phrase "They would ever melt..." sounds a little contrived and unnatural unless you are trying to be poetic.
P.S. I posted a short exercise on the forum a couple of months ago. It contains a link to a song called "The great American melting pot". You might find it amusing to listen to it:
Lien Internet


Réponse: Meaning of sentence de loulouteliliche, postée le 30-08-2010 à 15:37:22 (S | E)
Thank you for your answer ;
Melting pot in french: mélange de race ,many of coutries melt to became one nation ,melting pot has been remplaced by the image of mixed salad because of the big question :if all of these races or coutires live side by side and make one nation ?

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de violet91, postée le 30-08-2010 à 16:09:26 (S | E)
Hello again,
The "melting pot" is not a question : it is a common American expression , une assertion (affirmation, déclaration).
Ou alors vous voulez poser la question avec "ever" :
- Ces gens-là arriveraient -ils jamais à s'intégrer dans le "melting pot" américain ?(c'est tout de même L'EXEMPLE de mixité de tous genres..(comme une fondue bourguignonne!!A toutes les sauces)
Si forme interrogative : "Would they ever melt ?
--Good luck, again.(et on va y perdre notre Latin, pas vrai, notrepère?!!)

Réponse: Meaning of sentence de notrepere, postée le 30-08-2010 à 17:52:26 (S | E)
Hello violet!

I should have said: Your sentence, as written, sounds a little contrived. Now, if the sentence was:
Do you think they would EVER melt in the "Melting Pot".
That would be OK. This essentially means: Do you think they will blend in?
Frankly, it reminded me of the Shakespeare poem/song in the movie "Much ado about nothing"
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never
Very beautiful in this context, but not natural as far as everyday speech goes.
Thinkest thou, into thy melting pot, meltest they ever?
Lien Internet



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