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Aide rédaction CV 2

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Aide rédaction CV 2
Message de ozzirsenga posté le 30-09-2010 à 17:56:25 (S | E | F)
Voici la suite de mon CV poster dans aide rédaction CV 1
MERCI !!!!!

Project manager on Social Development - MINISTRY OF FRENCH FOREIGN AFFAIRS

• "Fond de Solidarité Prioritaire" (French tool for bilateral cooperation) Support program for the urban development of xxx
• Responsible of the component for building local citizenship and the development process of dialogue between civil society actors and local authorities
• Supported technical and financial setting up of development projects of the civil society • Supported the implementation of projects, assessments and monitoring of projects, participatory diagnosis, manage surveys and data collection:
• Supported the establishment of a urban planning workshop within the technical services of the Urban Community of Yaoundé in order to develop planning and programming skills for urban operations (setting up of project, GIS, analysis of tender, feasibility studies, surveys...)
• Contributed to building capacity for locales authorities and civil society by implementing trainings : project cycle management, elaboration of projects proposals and budgets, participatory diagnosis, mapping...

Study Manager - xxx– xxx
• Technical assistance and support in planning for local authorities of Greater Nantes (22 municipalities).
• Developed technical and financial of projects on the topics of housing, environment, economy, transport...
• Developed diagnosis, surveys analysis, GIS, statistical analyse, feasibility studies, elaboration of maps

Study Manager - Urban Agency of Nantes agglomeration – Nantes
• Provided technical assistance and support in planning for local authorities of Greater Nantes (22 municipalities).
• Developed technical and financial studies on the topics of housing, environment, economy, transport...
• Conducted studies, diagnosis, surveys analysis, GIS, statistical analyses, feasibility studies, maps

Adviser - NGO PACT (Senegalese NGO) / GRET ( French NGO) - Ziguinchor – Sénégal
• Supervised of a feasibility study on improving living conditions in neighborhoods of Ziguinchor
• Analysis and processing of household surveys, participatory diagnostic
• Designed a program of priority actions with the populations of two neighborhoods
• Assessment and monitoring of projects (MHO, community centres and support groups for women).
• Supported organizational and institutional support to NGO

Tangier's urban development agency - MOROCCO
• Conducted a urban diagnosis of the medina,

xxx - Centre for the Study and Promotion of Development - Lima - PERU
• Conducted a study on public participation in planning spaces and public facilities in Villa El Salvador shantytown of 300,000 people south of Metropolitan Lima.

Postgraduate degree International Expertise, Planning and Local Development
IFU - xxx.

• Master’s degree in Planning and Local Development
Institute of Development, Tourism and Urban Development - University of xxx III.

• Two-year university degree in science in Geography and in History - University of xxx.

• Languages: English, French, Spanish good skills, both written and oral :
• Languages: Arabic dialect
• Computer knowledge: Word, Excel, PP, Illustrator, Photoshop, Access, Arc View, Map Info
• Interests: Theatre, capoeira, photography, watercolor, African dance
• Travels abroad: Cameroon, Gambia, Morocco, Senegal, Peru, Bolivia, Sao Tome, Gabon
Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Madagascar, Spain, Belgium, Holland
• Driving licence, vehicle available

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-09-2010 18:16

Réponse: Aide rédaction CV 2 de bela-minani, postée le 30-09-2010 à 19:38:04 (S | E)
bonjour moi comme algeriennne et candaiane j'ai dirai l'arabe anglais françcais c deja bien pour traviller merci bayyy


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