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Les enfants -exercice Thème

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Les enfants -exercice Thème
Message de taconnet posté le 22-11-2010 à 10:30:08 (S | E | F)

Je vous propose de traduire quelques lignes extraites d'un roman de Dan Franck, Les enfants.

Lien Internet

Le système des temps anglais n'est pas un calque du système français. Il n'y a donc pas de correspondance systématique entre certains temps français et certaines formes verbales anglaises.

La première phrase ainsi que la dernière comportent des points grammaticaux que vous devez connaître.

Niveau :
Correction : 7 décembre 2010.

La première fois qu’ils se sont rencontrés, chez des amis communs, il n’avait pas remarqué qu’elle avait la peau légèrement mate. Elle portait un chemisier blanc, très simple, elle avait les jambes nues. Il avait admiré ses yeux noirs très vifs. Et aussi la manière presque brutale avec laquelle elle secoue parfois la tête, comme si elle relevait une frange qui n’existe plus. Elle a les cheveux bruns coupés ras. Elle est à peine maquillée : une ombre de mascara sur les cils, un voile brillant sur les lèvres.
Elle dit qu’elle sort peu le soir, seulement le mardi, un vendredi et un samedi sur deux ; c’est pourquoi elle lui a proposé ce jour-là, un mardi du mois de janvier.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de lakata, postée le 22-11-2010 à 16:55:10 (S | E)
Bonjour taconnet

(pas trouvé d'idiotisme traduisant "essuyer les plâtres"...)

The first time they had met, at some common friends', he had not noticed she had a slightly mat complexion. She was wearing a white blouse, quite simple, and was barelegged. He had admired her very quick black eyes and also the almost sharp way she had to shake her head as if she were raising a fringe which did not exist any more. She has a close crop of black hair. Slightly made up : a shade of mascara on her eyelashes, and brightly veiled lips.

She said she was not really used to going out at night, only on Tuesday and one Friday and Saturday out of two/ every other Friday and Saturday (...thanks to notrepère ). That is why she proposed (they meet on)this day, a Tuesday of January.

Les thèmes me ravissent, avec leurs chausse-trap(p)es. Merci de nous avoir proposé celui-ci.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de notrepere, postée le 22-11-2010 à 18:24:55 (S | E)
Hello Mr. T. Thank you for another translation exercise.

The first time they met at the house of some mutual friends, he hadn't noticed her slight olive complexion. She was wearing a very simple white blouse and was bare-legged. He had admired her lively dark eyes and the way in which she occasionally shook her head as if adjusting her non-existent bangs. She had short brown hair and was lightly made-up: a dark mascara on her lashes, a bright lipstick on her lips.

She said that she seldom went out in the evenings - only on Tuesdays and every other Friday or Saturday. This is why she had proposed this particular Tuesday in the month of January.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de bogro, postée le 22-11-2010 à 23:39:47 (S | E)
The first time they had met themselves at mutual friends’s home, he didn’t notice that her skin was hardly mate. She was wearing a very simple white shirt, her legs were naked. He admired her very lively eyes. And also the way she sometimes shoke her head as if she pushed up a no more existent fringe. She was close-cropped brown haired. She was hardly maked up, a shade of mascara on her eyelashes, a glittering veil on her lips.

She said she hardly go out in the evening, only on the Tuesdays, every other Friday and Saturday ; it was the reason why she suggested him this day, a Tuesday of January.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de taconnet, postée le 23-11-2010 à 09:56:51 (S | E)
Bonjour Lakata.

Je propose :

« To deal with teething troubles.»

If a project or new product has teething problems or teething troubles, there are problems in its early stages or when it first becomes available.

Peut-être que notre ami américain "notrepere" pourra nous dire si cette tournure idiomatique est couramment employée en anglais, et qu'elle a bien la signification que l'on lui attribue.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de maya92, postée le 23-11-2010 à 11:42:36 (S | E)
Bonjour Taconnet,

The first time they met at mutual friends’, he had not noticed her slightly dark complexion. She was wearing a very simple white blouse and was barelegged. He had admired her very lively black eyes and also the nearly rough way of shaking her head as if putting up a nonexistent fringe. Her brown hair was cut short and she was slightly made up : a shadow of mascara on her lashes and a light bright lipstick on her lips.
She said she rarely went out in the evening, only on Tuesdays, every other Friday or Saturday. That’s why she had suggested this day any Tuesday in January.

Thank you for this translation full of traps but so useful

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de dolfine56, postée le 23-11-2010 à 15:51:00 (S | E)
Bonjour Taconnet, bonjour à tous,
Thank you, Taconnet, to take care of us and our English language...

When they first met at mutual friends',he didn't notice her skin was slightly mat.She was wearing a white, very plain blouse. She was bare-legged, he admired her very bright black eyes, as well as the almost brutal manner she had to shake her head ,as though she were turning up a long fringe (bang?) that didn't exist any more....
She had brown crew cut hair.Her make up was hardly visible: a shadow of mascara on her eyelashes,a glossy touch on her lips; she said she rarely went out at night, only on Tuesdays,every second Friday or Saturday;therefore, on that very day,she suggested him one Tuesday in January.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de may, postée le 23-11-2010 à 21:13:30 (S | E)

The first time when they met each other, among mutual friends, he hadn't noticed her slightly indistinct skin. She wore a very simple white blouse, she had bare legs. He had admired her black eyes, very lively. And also her almost irrational way when she occasionally shakes the head, as if she raised a non-existed fringe. She has brown hair cutting short. She barely wears make-up: a shade of the mascara on her eyelashes, a lustrous veil on her lips.
She says she's rarely out at night, only on Tuesday, Friday and one Saturday every two weeks; that is why she offered him that day, which is a Tuesday in the month of January.

Merci et bonne soirée,

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de notrepere, postée le 24-11-2010 à 06:07:27 (S | E)

Regarding "teething troubles/problems", although I would understand what it meant if I heard it, I've never personally heard such an expression in reference to a project. I think it might be more British English. In American English, the expression "growing pains" might be closer.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de matou94, postée le 24-11-2010 à 17:40:38 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet and everybody,

Thanks a lot for this exercise !

"The first time they had met at common friend, he hadn't noticed her slightly tanned skin. She was wearing a white blouse, very plain and was barelegged. He had admired her black eyes : she has an intelligent look in one's eyes, and also the almost rough way with which, sometimes,she was shaking her head as if she was putting her fringe up wich does not exist any more. She has her short cut brown hair. She is little made-up : a shadow of mascara on her eyelashes, and a film of glossy on her lips.

She says she goes out rarely at nights, only on Tuesdays, one Friday and one Saturday every two weeks ; that is why she has suggested him, this day, one Tuesday of January."

Modifié par matou94 le 27-11-2010 13:08

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de ariane6, postée le 26-11-2010 à 16:51:20 (S | E)
Bonjour Taconnet,

Cet auteur prend beaucoup de libertés avec les temps !... malgré cela, je tente l'exercice !

The first time they met at the house of mutual friends, he hadn't noticed her slightly tanned complexion.

She was wearing a white blouse, very natural, and her legs were bare. ( Si c'est elle qui est simple, pas le chemisier.)

He had admired her very bright black eyes, and also the sharpish way she sometimes lifted her head, as if she was flicking a no longer existent fringe.

She has brown cropped hair. She wears very light make-up: a touch of mascara on her eyelashes and a thin coat of lip gloss on her lips.

She says she only goes out very occasionally at night, only on Tuesdays and on alternate Fridays and Saturdays. That is why she suggested that day, a Tuesday in the month of January.

Thank you !

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de taconnet, postée le 07-12-2010 à 19:36:08 (S | E)

En premier lieu je vous demanderai de consulter ces liens:

Pour le français:

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Pour l'anglais: (narrative tenses)

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

I- Chez :

1- suivi d'un nom, se traduit par le cas possessif.
She is coming from John's ──► Elle vient de chez John.

ce qui est sous-entendu, c'est house et non home

2- suivi d'un pronom désignant la même pesonne que le sujet, on emploie home

I feel comfortable at home ──► Je me sens bien chez moi( àla maison)
On leaving the factory he went straight home ──► En sortant de l'usine , il rentra directement chez lui.
Lily was returning from home ──► lily revenait de chez elle.


home n'est jamais précédé de to.

Cependant, on peut intercaler un adjectif possessif entre to et home.
Ainsi on dira indifféremment
He rushed home or he rushed to his home pour dire : Il se précipita chez lui.

3- suivi d'un pronom désignant une autre personne que le sujet, on emploie house ou d'autres mots équivalents comme rooms, cottage, place, flat...
We shall go to their house. ──► Nous irons chez eux.

4- suivi d'un nom de collectivité ou d'un nom au sens figuré on emploie with ou among

There are giants among the Africans. ──► Il y a des géants parmi les Africains.
That is customary with the English. ──► Cela est habituel chez les Anglais.

5- suivi d'un nom propre de personne il se traduit par in
In Balzac/Picasso ──► chez Balzac; chez Picasso.

II- La peau ──► the skin
Le teint ──► the complexion.

A swarthy complexion ──► un teint basané
A tanned complexion ──► un teint halé

III- Nu / nue

1- Naked : terme général
The body was lying on the bathroom floor, naked.
Dans la salle de bains,sur le sol, le cadavre gisait nu.

2- Nude : employé seulement dans le domaine du portrait.
He was caught showing photographs of nude women to three other boys.


nude s'emploie aussi comme substantif.

The museum has a vast collection of Greek and Roman nudes.

3- In the nude: en particulier quand cela est inhabituel ou choquant.

Mrs Jenkins explained to me that in summer she liked to walk about her flat in the nude.

4- bare : en parlant d'une partie dénudé du corps.
Dozens of children were walking about the village in bare feet.

Notez l'américanisme : barefoot ou bare-footed.

IV- coupés ras : close-cropped

V- le soir : at night /in the evening

VI- seulement le mardi ──► only on Tuesdays(ne pas oublier le s)

I'll be at home on Friday morning. ──► Je serai chez moi vendredi matin.(ce vendredi)
I go to the cinema on Saturdays ──► Je vais au cinéma le samedi.(tous les samedis)
Do you usually go out on Saturday evenings ?(s à evening)
Sortez-vous habiuellement le samedi soir ?

VII- Un jour sur deux /tous les deux jours : every two days /every second day/ every other day.

He rests every second day ──► il se repose tous les deux jours.
She goes to London every fourth month ──► Elle va à Londres tous les quatre mois.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de taconnet, postée le 07-12-2010 à 19:56:44 (S | E)
Voici ce que je vous propose.

The first time they had met, at mutual friends', he had not noticed her slightly brown complexion. She was wearing a very simple white blouse and her legs were bare. He had admired her dark and very bright eyes as well as the rather brutal way she moved her head backwards as if she wanted to brush back a fringe which was not there anymore. Her brown hair was close-cropped. She was lightly made-up: a little bit of mascara on her eyelashes, a bright red coat of lipsticks.
She said that she did not go out much at night; only on Tuesdays and every other Friday and Saturday. That was why she had suggested this particular Tuesday, a Tuesday of January.

Je vous remercie pour votre participation.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de ariane6, postée le 07-12-2010 à 20:46:04 (S | E)
Merci Taconnet pour votre correction, mais vous ne nous expliquez pas ce point particulièrement important de la traduction : doit-on traduire, comme vous l'avez fait, les phrases au présent par le prétérit ?

un voile brillant sur les lèvres ---> a bright red coat of lipsticks
Est-ce la même personne ?


Lucile, s'il vous plaît, pouvez-vous remettre un peu de couleur ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2010 21:05
Bug couleur réparé

Modifié par ariane6 le 07-12-2010 21:18
Merci !

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de notrepere, postée le 07-12-2010 à 22:08:32 (S | E)
Hello ariane, I think the answer to your question is contained in at least one of the links that Taconnet sent: "When narrating past events, DO NOT mix past and present tenses".

Here are some comments:

I think the adjective "brutal" is not a good choice and "lipstick" is not usually plural unless you happen to be wearing more than one at the same time. Oxford defines brutal as "violent and cruel", which doesn't really fit in this context. We hear of a "brutal attack" or "brutal honesty" but not brutal head movements. Lien Internet

You say:
La peau ──► the skin
Le teint ──► the complexion

The original uses "la peau" but you chose "complexion" for the translation. What was your rationale?

The spelling "anymore" in the sense of "any longer" is considered mostly . The British generally use two words: any more.

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

In American English, there is often a distinction between "any more" and "anymore" as illustrated in this sentence:

"I don't buy books anymore because I don't need any more books."
Lien Internet

Thank you again for this exercise, Taconnet.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de ariane6, postée le 08-12-2010 à 09:25:16 (S | E)

Merci NP, d'attirer mon attention sur les liens que je n'avais pas ouverts dans un premier temps. Je suis déçue.
Je n'ai pas lu ce bouquin, je ne connais pas le contexte, cependant ce qui me surprend, c'est qu'ici le temps du récit est le présent, le texte débutant par un retour en arrière avec des phrases au passé.
Tout ceci devrait bien pouvoir être rendu en anglais d'une manière ou d'une autre.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de taconnet, postée le 08-12-2010 à 10:12:05 (S | E)

1- En réponse à ARIANE

Merci Taconnet pour votre correction, mais vous ne nous expliquez pas ce point particulièrement important de la traduction : doit-on traduire, comme vous l'avez fait, les phrases au présent par le prétérit ?

Avant de proposer la correction j'ai conseillé aux participants de prendre connaissance des liens relatifs aux temps de narration.

Dans un texte narratif au passé écrit en français on emploie parfois le présent pour donner plus de vivacité au récit. Il n'en va pas de même dans un texte narratif anglais.
Le temps essentiel de la narration en angais est le prétérite.

Voici un exemple:

... Elle met son chapeau, prend son sac et dit : « Je suis prête »

...She put on her hat, took her hand-bag, and said : « I am ready »

II- En réponse à NOTREPERE.


En français, l'adjectif brutal se décline selon plusieurs sens.

Brutal, peut être synonyme de : cruel, dur , emporté, féroce, irascible, méchant, bourru, brusque, direct, entier, franc, cru, vif, apre, rude ...

Ici "brutal" est plutôt l'antonyme de délicat, calme , posé.

Brutal, traduit ici l'énervement, l'irritation, l'agacement.

Pour traduire "brutal" j'avais d'autres possibilités : brisk, brusque, abrupt, rough. J'ai choisi "brutal"

2-Lipsticks : j'assume.(No comment, it's a blunder)

3-Skin /complexion

The original uses "la peau" but you chose "complexion" for the translation. What was your rationale?

L'héroïne du roman est de race blanche. Pour éviter toute ambiguïté dans la traduction j'ai préféré employer teint/complexion plutôt que peau/skin.

"Elementary my dear Watson"

4- Any more

En effet en anglais on l'écrit en DEUX mots, mais pardonnez-moi, je me suis américanisé et souvent j'écris ANYMORE en un seul mot.

ref: The American heritage dictionary (fourth edition)

« We promised not to quarrel anymore.»

If you have any more questions that you would like to share I welcome them all !


Dans cet exercice de traduction, le but poursuivi est essentiellement grammatical.
Il vise à montrer que le temps de la narration en anglais est le prétérite.
Il permet aussi d'employer certaines tournures que j'ai développées dans mes commentaires préliminaires.

Je vous remercie tous les deux pour vos interventions.
Ces échanges "linguistiques" sont éminemment profitables.

Réponse: Les enfants -exercice Thème de may, postée le 12-12-2010 à 02:06:52 (S | E)

Merci taconnet pour tout cela

Best regards,


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