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Correction /Stress Management

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Correction /Stress Management
Message de chica-bonita posté le 04-12-2010 à 20:26:25 (S | E | F)
Hi, could you please correct my text?

A meeting of the Stress Management team was held on 29 November 2010. The following recommendations were made.

1- The new H.R Director needs to be changed because:
.She is extremely unpopular;
.She doesn't listen to people or try to understand their points of view.
.She often criticizes staff and rarely praises them.
.She never mixes with staff outside office hours.

2- The open-plan office needs to be replaced by the cellular office because:
.Staffs don't have enough space or privacy.
.Many of them work in small areas without windows.
.The office is noisy and staff are often interrupted by colleagues.

If you approve our recommendations , we will start working on these two issues.Please let me know your decision as soon as possible.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2010 20:32


Réponse: Correction /Stress Management de lamy, postée le 04-12-2010 à 21:10:38 (S | E)

Good job ! Let me change 1 or 2 things:
1. She doesn't listen to people , nor does she try to understand their points of view .

2. The open-plan office needs to be replaced by a cellular office

3. If you approve of our recommendations…




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