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Reporting an exclamation

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Reporting an exclamation
Message de superline08 posté le 04-02-2011 à 02:46:22 (S | E | F)
Je voudrais que vous m'éclairiez sur ces phrases:
1)The students exclaimed joyfully that they were going to have a holiday the day after.
2)The cook regretted having forgotten all about his cake in the oven and adding he hoped it was not burnt to a cinder.

En ré-écrivant les phrases au "direct speech", on a mis ceci:
1)"Hooray!We are going to have a holiday tomorrow," the students said.
2)"Good heavens!/Oh my God!I've forgotten all about my cake in the oven. I hope it is not burnt to a cinder," the cook said.

Dans la première phrase, on a remplacé joyfully par Hooray. Je n'y avais pas pensé. Est-ce qu'on pourrait aussi utiliser un autre mot que Hooray?
Dans la deuxième on a traduit regret par Good heavens!/Oh my God!

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-02-2011 06:44

Réponse: Reporting an exclamation de notrepere, postée le 04-02-2011 à 04:59:05 (S | E)

Vos choix conviennent. On peut dire "Yay!" au lieu de "Hooray".


Réponse: Reporting an exclamation de traviskidd, postée le 04-02-2011 à 20:11:06 (S | E)
Moi j'aurais mis "Oh no!" pour le second.

Réponse: Reporting an exclamation de superline08, postée le 07-02-2011 à 01:29:58 (S | E)
Merci tout le monde!

Réponse: Reporting an exclamation de cattie, postée le 07-02-2011 à 13:30:13 (S | E)

1)The students exclaimed joyfully that it would be the holidays tomorrow.
2)The cook said that he regretted having forgotten all about his cake in the oven and added that he hoped it was not burnt to a cinder.

1)"Hooray!We are going to have a holiday tomorrow," said the students.
2)"Oh no!I've forgotten all about my cake in the oven. I hope it is not burnt to a cinder," said the cook.


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