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Résumé/Shannon Ryan (1)

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Résumé/Shannon Ryan
Message de bryanne posté le 20-02-2011 à 13:39:48
je dois écrire un résumé de la vie de Shannon Ryan, et je voudrais avoir un coup de main pour l’autographe l'orthographe en anglais car je suis trés nul en autographe orthographe

Voici le résumé :

March 2, 1892. Shannon Ryan, aged sixteen years
born in Balbriggan, a small town 20 miles north of Dublin.
the death of his father at sea last year, Shannon decided to leave school and earn his living as a farm worker, life is too hard in Ireland, Shannon decided to leave Ireland and tried his luck in America.
After saving money, she took a boat to New York.
May 8, 1892, she boarded the HMS Shamrock in Dublin,
she is afraid of the unknown, but is also excited to begin her new life.
When she is wealthy family will join her.

May 9, 1892, it is in the warehouse because it is cheapest, but the air is dirty, food is scarce and mostly there was not enough toilets and drinking water for everyone.
In the warehouse she met Patrick O'Connor, he has his age and come from Dublin.

May 2, 1892, the day of her birthday, she was homesick, but all his friends tried to cheer him up by giving him a party on the deck.

May 23, 1892, she see the statue of liberty, it is exit but afraid of his new life at the same time.
May 27, 1892, was in New York, his uncle Patrick has agreed to host it for a few days
Patrick day after whatever part of California but left because shannon c'esr too dangerous for a woman.

June 4, 1892, she found a small room to rent dansmullen's Alley in the eastern side. 2 days later she found work as a nanny (she keeps the children)

May 20, 1893, for her birthday she receives a letter from Patrick, telling him he is in Los Angeles is a very good job.

Merci beaucoup d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-02-2011 13:44
+ forum

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-02-2011 17:13

Votre texte provient de toute évidence d'un traducteur en ligne, ce que nous ne pouvons accepter.
Vous pouvez obtenir un dictionnaire en ligne (pas un traducteur) en faisant un double clic sur un mot.
Merci de nous proposer un travail personnel qui sera alors sans doute corrigé.
Best wishes.

Réponse: Résumé/Shannon Ryan de headway, postée le 20-02-2011 à 17:00:55

En général, les traducteurs ne font pas de fautes d'orthographe à moins que la langue d'origine en contienne:

to rent dansmullen's

he is in Los Angeles is a very good job.

Modifié par headway le 20-02-2011 17:01
Shannon est un prénom féminin mais le traducteur ne le sait pas et donne: his, pour son/sa/ses.

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