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Besoin d'aide/conférence
Message de croquette87 posté le 17-03-2011 à 22:42:23 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je vais faire une conférence en anglais en Macédoine. Mais j'ai de grosses difficultés en anglais.
J'ai réellement besoin de votre aide. J'ai essayé d'écrire mon texte mais je pense avoir fait plusieurs fautes.
Pourriez-vous m'aider et m'indiquer si effectivement c'est si catastrophique que ça

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.

Voilà le texte:

Now, let’s continue with the legal context of dual education system.
The dual education system is very regulated by the law, besides there is a specific contract named "dual education contract".
This one must be a temporary contract between 6 months and 3 years.
Students who signed this contract have a trial period of two months during which one the contract can be broke by one of the two co-contracting party.
The end of the contract comes to an end when student is graduated. At this moment, the firm can decide to hire the student but there is no legal obligation.
However, after this period, the contract can be terminate if:
- Student is unsuited to carry out one’s duties
- Student made a serious misconduct
- Student got its diploma
- Both parties (Student and employer) want to break the contract
The student is subjected to the labor law and has a status of full-time equivalent employee towards vacation, towards disease protection, maternity leave and occupational accidents.

Dual Educational System: Who is concerned?
In France, most of the time, the legal age is from 16 to 26 years old, and sometimes a little bit more. For example, one of our classmates is aged to 31 years old.
Moreover, you must be registered in a university to pass a diploma.

Rhythm of dual education system
When you are in a dual education system, you have to alternate working period and class period. In France, all combinations are possible, for example :
- 3 days in a company, 2 days at school,
- One week in a company, one week at school,
- Six months in a company, six months at school.
In our university, the rhythm is about 3 weeks in our company and 1 week at school per month. The goal of this concept is prepare you to the working world.

Employer has to pay a salary to the student. This salary varies from the age, seniority and grade level. In france, it is between 25% to 78% of the SMIC - the legal minimum wage – that is to say almost 21075.0 MKD to 65753.5 MKD
However, the salary can be higher. It depends to the firm.
It is important to know, students who are in dual education system receive a tax exemption of 15301€ a year (944957.5 MKD). If they earn more, they have to declare the rest and they are taxed like all salaries.

In France, there is a legal time of work which is established at 35 hours a week. The students who are in dual education system have to respect these schedules.
They can work longer but the supplementary schedules must be paid.

Students who are in the dual education system have the same numbers of vacation as all the other employees, that is to say 2, 5 days per month.
But, like the salary, it depends to the company. Students can have more vacation days but never less.

French companies must provide a tutor or other person responsible for the students, or a human resources officer to deal with them. Their duties may involve daily tutoring and/or targeted training.
In the company, student has a tutor. This employee takes care of the student’s good integration and he carries out the link with training organization.
In our school, teachers have to visit the different student’s firms. These “examinations” allows verifying if the tutor and the student have a good relationship, if the student feels well in the company, and if both are satisfied about the situation.

At the end of the contract, a student who was in a dual education system can receive the ASSEDIC (organization managing unemployment contributions and payments.)

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2011 08:10

Réponse: Besoin d'aide/conférence de notrepere, postée le 19-03-2011 à 16:15:21 (S | E)

Quelle tâche intimidante (Votre texte est long)

Now, let’s continue with the legal context of the dual education system.
The dual education system is very regulated by the law, besides there is a specific contract named "dual education contract".
This one (2) must be a temporary contract between 6 months and 3 years.
Students who signed (3) this contract have a trial period of two months during which one the contract (4) can be broke (5) by one of the two co-contracting party.
The end of the contract comes to an end (6) when student is graduated (7). At this moment, the firm can decide to hire the student but there is no legal obligation.
However, after this period, the contract can be terminate (5) if:
- Student is unsuited to carry out one’s duties
- Student made (3) a serious misconduct
- Student got its diploma
- Both parties (Student and employer) want to break the contract

N.B. Il faut un article avant "dual education system"
(1) phrase à reformuler
(2) pas les bons mots
(3) present perfect vaut mieux
(4) je ne comprends pas; peut-être le mot "one" est superflu ?
(5) voix passive: forme du verbe (il faut revoir la voix passive en anglais)
(6) reformuler: The contract ...
(7) ou "the student graduates"

Réponse: Besoin d'aide/conférence de croquette87, postée le 20-03-2011 à 19:55:32 (S | E)
je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aide.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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