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Résumé/crash of their plane

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Résumé/crash of their plane
Message de vivina7 posté le 09-04-2011 à 19:08:03 (S | E | F)

je dois faire un résumé de ce texte en anglais (voir lien plus bas); j'aurais besoin d'aide au niveau de l'anglais s'il vous plait.
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Les mots que je dois utiliser :
ejected/nickname/ the group of choral/ its heard/ to go on/ to came together/ the beach/ heard names/ twins/ to recognize/ to present oneself/ laughed/ to blame/ laughter/ to worsen the situation uncomfortable and ashamed of himself/ to be chief/ he can sing C sharp/ vote / to elect the Chief

Mon résumé :

During the crash of their plane, a group of children were ejected from the plane and scattered in a deserted island. One of them, Ralph met one other boy, whose nickname is Piggy. During their discussion the rest of the group included the group of choral and its heard Jack came together on the beach. Ralph decide to made a meeting for they can decide what do they do. Piggy has heard names of the children, he says they are twins Sam'n Eric . He try to recognize the children. To recognize them, he asked each to present oneself.
But the children laughed at his physique, Ralph Feels angry and to blame he said, He's not Fatty his real nam's Piggy.
A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in to worsen the situation uncomfortable and ashamed of himself.
Ralph says they should have a chief. Jack says he ought to be chief Because he can sing C sharp and he is a heard boy .Jack proposed a vote to elect the Chief.

Pourriez-vous m'indiquer mes fautes ? merci d'avance,et bonne journée.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-04-2011 21:00

Réponse: Résumé/crash of their plane de may, postée le 10-04-2011 à 01:54:34 (S | E)

During the crash of their plane, a group of children were ejected from the plane and scattered in a deserted island. One of them, Ralph met one préposition + article défini other boyS ( ou another boy ), whose nickname is Piggy. During their discussion the rest of the group included the group of choral and its heard COMMA Jack came together on the beach. Ralph decide/préterit to made a meeting (for)so that they can decide what (do they) do/avec to. Piggy has heard names of the children, manquer information ici he says that they are twins Sam'n Eric/Sam and Eric . He try/preterit to recognize the children. In order To recognize them, he asked each to present oneself.
But the children laughed at his physique/physical appearance?, Ralph Feels/préterit angry and (to) blame/préterit whom? he said, He's not Fatty his real nam's Piggy/put this phrase in quotation mark.
A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in to worsen the situation Pontuation/commencer une autre phrase avec un nom et un verbe uncomfortable and ashamed of himself.
Ralph says that they should have a chief, and (Jack says) he ought to be chief Because he can sing C sharp and he is a heard boy . Jack proposed a vote to elect the Chief.

Bonne chance,

Modifié par may le 10-04-2011 01:57

Réponse: Résumé/crash of their plane de vivina7, postée le 10-04-2011 à 15:28:18 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci beaucoup pour votre aide may !

During the crash of their plane, a group of children were ejected from the plane and scattered in a deserted island. One of them, Ralph met one another boy, whose nickname is Piggy. During their discussion the rest of the group included the group of choral and its heard Jack came together on the beach. Ralph decided to made a meeting so that they can decide what do to. Piggy has heard names of the children, he says that they are twins Sam and Eric . He tried to recognize the children. In order To recognize them, he asked each to present oneself.
But the children laughed at his physical appearance, Ralph felt angry and blamed. Ralph said, " He's not Fatty his real name's Piggy"
A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in to worsen the situation. Piggy feels uncomfortable and ashamed of himself.
Ralph says that they should have a chief, and Jack says, he ought to be chief because he can sing C sharp and he is a heard boy. Jack proposed a vote to elect the Chief.

Par contre je n'ai pas trouvé l'endroit auquel il manque une information.
Bonne journée

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2011 15:33

Réponse: Résumé/crash of their plane de may, postée le 10-04-2011 à 16:20:28 (S | E)

During the crash of their plane, a group of children were ejected from the plane and scattered in a deserted island. One of them, Ralph,(j'ajoute un virgule) met (one) another boy, whose nickname is Piggy. During their discussion the rest of the group included/ING form the group of choral and its heard (what's the meaning of heard???) Jack,(virgule) came together on the beach. Ralph decided to made a meeting so that they can decide what do to. Piggy has heard names of the children,(besides the twins, there is Johnny, Eric....n'est ce pas?) he says that they are twins Sam and Eric . He tried to recognize the children. In order To recognize them, he asked each to present oneself.
But the children laughed at his physical appearance, Ralph felt angry and blamed...qui?. Ralph said, " He's not Fatty his real name's Piggy"
A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in to worsen the situation. Piggy feels/préterit uncomfortable and ashamed of himself.
Ralph says/préterit that they should have a chief, and (Jack says,) he ought to be chief because he can sing C sharp and he is a heard boy. Jack proposed a vote to elect the Chief.

Bon dimanche,

Réponse: Résumé/crash of their plane de vivina7, postée le 10-04-2011 à 18:25:50 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci,

During the crash of their plane, a group of children were ejected from the plane and scattered in a deserted island. One of them, Ralph, met another boy, whose nickname is Piggy. During their discussion the rest of the group including form the group of choral and its head Jack,came together on the beach. Ralph decided to make a meeting so that they can decide what do to. Piggy has heard names of the children, he says that they are twins Sam and Eric and another boys: Eric and Johnny. He tried to recognize the children. In order to recognize them, he asked each to present oneself.But the children laughed at his physical appearance, Ralph felt angry to blamed Piggy. Ralph said " He's not Fatty his real name's Piggy"
A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in to worsen the situation. Piggy felt préterit uncomfortable and ashamed of himself. Ralph said that they should have a chief, and he ought to be chief because he can sing C sharp and he is a head boy. Jack proposed a vote to elect the Chief.

Bonne fin de journée

Réponse: Résumé/crash of their plane de may, postée le 11-04-2011 à 02:41:56 (S | E)
Bonsoir vivina7,

Good! J'ai juste quelques remarques..

During the crash of their plane, a group of children were ejected from the plane and scattered in a deserted island. One of them, Ralph, met another boy, whose nickname is Piggy. During their discussion the rest of the group including form the group of choral and its head Jack,came together on the beach. Ralph decided to make a meeting so that they can decide what do to. Piggy has heard names of the children, he says that they are twins Sam and Eric and (another) the other boys: Eric and Johnny. He tried to recognize the children. In order to recognize them, he asked each to present oneself. But the children laughed at his physical appearance, Ralph felt angry to blamed Piggy and blamed the children for insulting Piggy. Ralph said " He's not Fatty his real name's Piggy"
A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in to worsen the situation. Piggy felt préterit uncomfortable and ashamed of himself. Ralph said that they should have a chief, and he ought to be chief because he can sing C sharp and he is a head boy. Jack proposed a vote to elect the Chief.

Best wishes,


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