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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de marj0h posté le 28-04-2011 à 16:47:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous ,

J'ai un autre devoir maison d'anglais à faire .
Le deuxième sujet de rédaction est :
One of the characters suggests that all that people in developing countries want is "food and medecine" . To what extent do you agree ?

Voilà ce que j'ai fait , je dois avoir plusieurs erreurs , donc si quelqu'un veut bien prendre 5 minutes pour me corriger, ce serait adorable .

What is highlighted here is whether or not food and medicine are what developing countries as Kenya want. The assumption that they need it is beyond dispute.
Indeed that is right, first of all food can struggle against malnutrition and undernutrition which occur in people very poor such as children or older ones and could kill. They suffer from starvation so developed countries' help is primordial.
In addition, medicine is essential : they need medical supplies to fight against HIV spread, malaria, cholera or hepatitis A and B transmitted through food, water, intimate contact or by insects. The insufficiency of health care originate fourty percent of death in developing coutries against one percent in rich ones and in Africa, nineteen thousand persons die everyday because of diseases.
In that way I understand why the character said that because starvation and a lack of medecine kill a lot of people alike political instability with armed conflict too.

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2011 17:05

Réponse: Africa,food,medicine de lucile83, postée le 28-04-2011 à 17:30:32 (S | E)

Des fautes de frappe là aussi + maladresses, mais rien de grave.

What is highlighted here is whether or not food and medicine are what developing countries as Kenya want. The assumption that they need it is beyond dispute.
Indeed that is right,mauvaise ponctuation first of all food can struggle against malnutrition and undernutrition which occur in people very poor such as children or older ones and could kill ..... They suffer from starvation so developed countries' help is primordial.
In addition, medicine is essential : they need medical supplies to fight against HIV spread, malaria, cholera or hepatitis A and B transmitted through food, water, intimate contact or by insects. The insufficiency of health care originate fourty percent of death in developing coutries against one percent in rich ones and in Africa, nineteen thousand persons die everyday because of diseases.
In that way I understand why the character said that because starvation and a lack of medecine kill a lot of people alike political instability with armed conflict too.oops, la phrase est bancale,il faut la refaire

Réponse: Africa,food,medicine de marj0h, postée le 29-04-2011 à 15:48:48 (S | E)
Encore une fois merci, j'ai pu localiser mes erreurs et modifier certaines parties.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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