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Thême bac pro

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Thême bac pro
Message de cicou6 posté le 03-12-2011 à 18:58:46 (S | E | F)

je suis élève de bac pro en hôtellerie pour l'oral du bac; j'ai 3 thèmes à rédiger.Voici le premier sur l'écologie et plus précisément sur les océans .
Est-ce-que quelqu'un peut-il s'il vous plaît me corriger les éventuelles fautes de syntaxe , de temps ou d'orthographe. Cela m'aiderait énormément.
Merci d'avance.

The ocean
Good morning miss! My name is Cécile gonot, I study food and beverages service in the vocational high school Condorcet. I would like to specialize in “wedding planning”.
Now let’s talk about of the ocean all over the world.
For a long time all drains leaded to the ocean. We discharge oil –polluted, rubbish, sewage …etc. And every oil spill poisons the marine ecosystem, every garbage which meets in the sea contribute to the extinction of one or several marine sorts. There is in the North Pacific a zone bigger than France, where the rubbish is turning in spiral. The water pollution is a serious problem. If we won’t stop the water pollution, there will not be fishes anymore in the oceans before 2048.The illegal fishing are more and more present and
Fishes cannot reproduce any more.
Moreover, the global warming has a lot of consequences on the ocean. The arctic ice is melting; sea levels are rising, threatening coastal areas and major cities worldwide. And if the arctic sea melted completely, polar bears would disappear. This problem results from the greenhouse effect caused by CO2 emissions.
We can notice more and more disaster. And lot of act of god: a flood, earthquake, tsunami, hurricane …etc.
As for as I am concerned, I think we could stop this phenomenon but it is necessary to make it now. According to me if we continue without changing anything, we sign our death sentence and that of the earth.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-12-2011 19:00


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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