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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de dav76 posté le 06-12-2011 à 03:23:48 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui ne va pas s'il vous plaît ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Patricia Kuls speaks about what is happening in little brains of babies.
She begins her speech with an example of a mother in India who’s speaking to her baby using Koro, a newly discovered language. She does this to preserve this language, spoken only by 800 people in the world, and this is the best way to do it. Actually, babies learn easily new languages compared to adults. On a graphic showed by Patricia, we can see that the skill at acquiring a new language is at the top until they turn seven, and decline since this moment.
Patricia describes babies all over the world like “citizens of the world” because they can recognize all languages no matter what country is tested and what language is used. We, adults, can’t do this. We are culture-bound listeners; we can recognize the sounds of our own language, but not those of foreign languages.
So the question is, when we lost this ability?
The answer is before our first birthday. At six to eight month, babies are totally equivalent. Two month later, they are preparing for exactly the language that they are going to learn and so lost this ability.
Then, another question: what is happening during this two month period?
Babies are listening intently to us, and they are taking statistics.
For example, the statistics of Japanese and English are very different. English has a lot of Rs sand Ls.
Babies absorb this statistics and it changer their brains, it changes them from citizens of the world to the culture-bound listeners. So we, adults, can no longer absorb those statistics.
An experiment shows us that expose a group of babies to English doesn’t improve their Mandarin, whereas it is the case for a group of babies exposed to Mandarin for 12 sessions. They were as good as the babies in Taiwan. This demonstrates that babies take statistics on a new language.
Another experiment shows us that this learning should be realized with the human contact. Actually, when sessions were done through a television set or an audio record, there is no learning. The social brain is controlling when the babies are taking their statistics.

Je sais qu'il est tard, mais si vous n' avez rien à faire et que vous pouvez lire, ce serait sympa.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2011 08:32


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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