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Aide/exercice anglais

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/exercice anglais
Message de prive3000 posté le 08-12-2011 à 22:19:19 (S | E | F)

j'ai un exercice d'anglais dont le but est de conjuguer les verbes avec les bons temps mais je n'arrive pas à trouver les bons temps.
Si vous pouvez m'aider et corriger ceux que j'ai essayé de faire.
Merci pour vos réponses.

1/ The abandoned satellite is losing altitude. If nothing is done, it is expected that it [would have entered].......(enter) the atmosphere sometime in the autumn.

2/ So far this year three attempts ........(to be made) to reach the summit of Kinchinjanga.

3/ Delegates [have been beginning].....(to begin) a five-week conference in Geneva last week to discuss the sharing of space for communication satellites.

4/ For centuries it [was believed].......(to be believed) that the Earth was flat.

5/ Further experiments [will be carried out].........(to be carried out) next year.

6/ Up to now the drug [has failling]...........(to fail) to have any effect.

7/ Once the new law .......(to come) into effect, the exportation of toxic waste will not be allowed.

8/ The number of algae.......(to increase) rapidly due to the high nitrate levels.

9/ Between 1985 and 1986 the number of accidents caused by small aircraft......(to rise) by 10%.

10/ By analysing satellite photographs, scientists........... at last (to identify) geological irregularities near Prague as being due to a meteorite impact 15 million years ago.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-12-2011 08:20

Réponse: Aide/exercice anglais de gerondif, postée le 08-12-2011 à 23:49:12 (S | E)
1/ The abandoned satellite is losing altitude. If nothing is done, it is expected that it [would have entered](il faut un futur).......(enter) the atmosphere sometime in the autumn.

2/ So far this year three attempts (present perfect passif)........(to be made) to reach the summit of Kinchinjanga.

3/ Delegates [have been beginning].....(to begin) a five-week conference in Geneva last week (vous oblige à mettre un prétérit)to discuss the sharing of space for communication satellites.

4/ For centuries it [was believed].......(to be believed) that the Earth was(donc, le premier verbe est aussi au prétérit) flat.

5/ Further experiments [will be carried out].ok........(to be carried out) next year.

6/ Up to now the drug [has failling](present perfect)...........(to fail) to have any effect.

7/ Once the new law .......(to come)(piège !! pas le droit de mettre un futur !!) into effect, the exportation of toxic waste will not be allowed.

8/ The number of algae.......(to increase) rapidly due to the high nitrate levels.
sans complément de temps, plusieurs solutions possibles: présent en ing, prétérit,...
9/ Between 1985 and 1986 (date, donc prétérit) the number of accidents caused by small aircraft......(to rise) by 10%.

10/ By analysing satellite photographs, scientists........... at last (to identify) geological irregularities near Prague as being due to a meteorite impact 15 million years ago. (prétérit ou present perfect)

Réponse: Aide/exercice anglais de prive3000, postée le 09-12-2011 à 20:34:58 (S | E)
Bonsoir et merci beaucoup

Voila j'ai conjugué les verbes, pourriez-vous vérifier si je les ai bien conjugués.
Merci d'avance.

1/ The abandoned satellite is losing altitude. If nothing is done, it is expected that it [will be entering](il faut un futur).......(enter) the atmosphere sometime in the autumn.

2/ So far this year three attempts [has been made](present perfect passif)........(to be made) to reach the summit of Kinchinjanga.

3/ Delegates [began].....(to begin) a five-week conference in Geneva last week (vous oblige à mettre un prétérit)to discuss the sharing of space for communication satellites.

4/ For centuries it [was believed - ici je vois pas was est deja au prétérit].......(to be believed) that the Earth was(donc, le premier verbe est aussi au prétérit) flat.

5/ Further experiments [will be carried out].ok........(to be carried out) next year.

6/ Up to now the drug [has failed](present perfect)...........(to fail) to have any effect.

7/ Once the new law [is coming - j'ai utilisé présent progressif].......(to come)(piège !! pas le droit de mettre un futur !!) into effect, the exportation of toxic waste will not be allowed.

8/ The number of algae [are increasing ou increased].......(to increase) rapidly due to the high nitrate levels.
sans complément de temps, plusieurs solutions possibles: présent en ing, prétérit,...

9/ Between 1985 and 1986 (date, donc prétérit) the number of accidents caused by small aircraft [rose]......(to rise) by 10%.

10/ By analysing satellite photographs, scientists [identified]........... at last (to identify) geological irregularities near Prague as being due to a meteorite impact 15 million years ago. (prétérit ou present perfect)

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-12-2011 21:48

Réponse: Aide/exercice anglais de gerondif, postée le 09-12-2011 à 22:37:37 (S | E)

1/ The abandoned satellite is losing altitude. If nothing is done, it is expected that it will be entering ou (will enter) the atmosphere sometime in the autumn.

2/ So far this year three attempts [has been made](pluriel) to reach the summit of Kinchinjanga.

3/ Delegates began a five-week conference in Geneva last week to discuss the sharing of space for communication satellites.ok

4/ For centuries it was believed that the Earth was flat.ok

5/ Further experiments [will be carried out].ok next year.

6/ Up to now the drug has failed to have any effect.

7/ Once the new law [is coming non présent simple!!) into effect, the exportation of toxic waste will not be allowed.

8/ The number of algae [are (singulier) increasing ou increased].......(to increase) rapidly due to the high nitrate levels.

9/ Between 1985 and 1986 (date, donc prétérit) the number of accidents caused by small aircraft [rose]......(to rise) by 10%.ok.

10/ By analysing satellite photographs, scientists at last identified geological irregularities near Prague as being due to a meteorite impact 15 million years ago. (prétérit ou present perfect)

Réponse: Aide/exercice anglais de prive3000, postée le 10-12-2011 à 21:59:00 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup de votre aide, ça m'a beaucoup aidé.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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