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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


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Message de frechuix posté le 29-04-2012 à 13:33:01 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous

J'ai fait un résumé de texte
Est-ce qu'une personne pourrait me corriger s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance

Poe has found not long after a distant cousin who was a count, is called Olaf and lived whithin limits of city. When they were in Poe's car he explained even if he was a count, he was too a actor of theater when the car arrived, they are greeted by the judge Justice Strauss on the high cour and suppose she is Olaf's wife but she was only the neighboor. He had accepted to adopt to them to steal their avasr fortune. He is a sinister, self-absorbed person.

Every day, before he left the home to work with his group, he always let a list of difficult chores to them. One day, he has given them a task for example they were able to cook a dinner for ten persones but they had not a cookbook and finally they went to justine's private library, so that they could find a cookbook.

After this search of the cookbook, they began to prepare the meal, before they went to the market to buy the necessary ingredients for Pasta Puttanesca.

When Olaf came back the homme with his theater groupe. He asked them if they prepared a roast beef as they didn'y. He has threaten Sunny. After he had drunk a lots, he struck Klaus because Klaus has accused him his bad behaviour with them.tomorrow they go to see Mr Poe to talk these awful events but he say that Olaf is acting in loco parentis. The orphans reeturned the house without hope and they borrow several books from Strauss's library to make a figurative escape.

At breakfast, he announced that they have chosen each a role in a play but the children don't believe and they know he is after their fortune. Consequently they decide to go to strauss's library to research inheritance law.

At library, the children concentred to read books about inheritance. The hook-handed Man arrived and threaten Klaus because Klaus could find Olaf's plan. Finally he takes them to the house and Klaus have stolen a book under his shirt to read. Klaus was staying up all night to read this book and he discovers Olaf's plan. He explained to his sister that the play will be a trap to get married really whith you to have the entire control on their fortune. She getted out of bed quickly and their sister was nowhere to be found and Olaf standed in the doorway and was smiking. Olaf had trapped sunny in the birdcage on the top of forbidden tower and she will bef free if Violet getted married with him.

She have created a rope to climn the forbidden tower but she have caught by the hook-handed man.

The Beaudelaire Children are now all in forbidden tower before olaf took them to the theater; they try to find a plan of escape because tonight is the performance of play. On the stage Violet said " I do " and signed the legal document with her left hand.

As soon as the documet has been signed, Violet is really his wife but she said finally that she have signied with the wrong hand at the same time Sunny arrived on the stage with the hook-handed man. Olaf have run away with his complices.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2012 13:59
oops, c'est incompréhensible!

Réponse: Résumé/ texte de bluestar, postée le 30-04-2012 à 14:03:27 (S | E)

Poe has found discovered not long after a distant cousin who was a count, is called Olaf and lived whithin limits of city. When they were in Poe's car he explained even if he was a count, he was too a actor too. of theater Wwhen the car arrived, they are were greeted by the judge Justice Strauss on of the high court and suppose she is Olaf's wife but she was only the neighboor (qui?). He had accepted agreed to adopt to them to steal their avasr vast fortune. He is a sinister, self-absorbed person.

Every day, before he left the home to work with his group, he always let set a list of difficult chores to for them. One day, he has given gave them a task, For for example they were able had to cook a dinner for ten persones but they had not a cookbook and finally they went to j Justine's private library, so that they could find a cookbook.

After this search of for the cookbook, they began to prepare the meal, before they after going went to the market to buy the necessary ingredients for Pasta Puttanesca.

When Olaf came back the homme with his theater groupe. He asked them if they prepared a roast beef. As they didn'ty. he He has threatened Sunny. After he had drunk a lots, he struck Klaus because Klaus has had accused him hisof bad behaviour with them.Ttomorrow they go to see Mr Poe to talk discuss these awful events but he say said that Olaf is acting in loco parentis. The orphans reeturned the house without hope and they borrowed several books from Strauss's library to make a figurative escape.

At breakfast, he announced that they have each chosen each a role in a play but the children don't believe and they know he is after their fortune. Consequently they decide to go to s Strauss's library to research inheritance law.

At the library, the children concentrated to read books about inheritance. The hook-handed Man man arriveded and threatened Klaus because Klaus could not? find Olaf's plan. Finally he takes took them to the house and Klaus have stolen a book under his shirt to read. Klaus was stayeding up all night to read this book and he discovereds Olaf's plan. He explained to his sister that the play will be a trap to get married really whith to you to have the entire control on their fortune. She getted got out of bed quickly.Their sister was nowhere to be found and Olaf standed stood in the doorway and was smirking. Olaf had trapped Ssunny in the birdcage on the top of forbidden tower and she will bef free only if Violet getted marrieds with him.

She have created made a rope to climbn the forbidden tower but she have was caught by the hook-handed man.

Réponse: Résumé/ texte de bluestar, postée le 30-04-2012 à 14:07:06 (S | E)
Modifié par bluestar le 30-04-2012 14:08

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2012 18:43
You can't give the correction; please show where the mistakes are,that's all.
Correction erased,sorry.

Réponse: Résumé/ texte de notrepere, postée le 30-04-2012 à 18:38:30 (S | E)

Il reste beaucoup de phrases qui sont maladroites. De plus, il est demandé aux membres qui auront la gentillesse de répondre de signaler les fautes, d'aider le demandeur à se corriger mais de ne jamais faire le travail à sa place.

There are still many corrections to make to your text and not all of the errors have been noted. Additionally, it is asked of members who respond to posts on the forum to only indicate the errors, not to correct them or do the work for other members.



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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