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Article/Tower Bridge

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Article/Tower Bridge
Message de guiben posté le 29-04-2012 à 15:14:51 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ce texte s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

"The Gazette
Murder in the Tower Bridge
Wednesday, May 02 th, 2012 by Guillaume Pelluet, Ben Mauger and Jean Yvon.
The victim has been found by Doris Menwether between 14pm and 15pm according to the forensic scientist. The DI John is leading the investigation of England, Thomson is the detective who investigating. He interrogated the witness and he collected the information, a testimony. The murder’s weapon is a champagne cork and the DI found Champagne’s bottle break bottom the tower bridge. The forensic scientist found the fingerprints on the glass’s displays and it was having Ruth Love. John thinks that isn’t a suicide. The detective investigated about Ruth Love and he discovered that she had a lover who was the usband of Doris Menwether. Louise Menwether would be tried to several injuries on Doris Menwether and she killed Ruth Love with champagne’s bottle. The husband awoke and he called the police. They want now the prime suspect, Louise Menwether."

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2012 15:55

Réponse: Article/Tower Bridge de bernard02, postée le 29-04-2012 à 15:40:34 (S | E)

j'ai déjà noté quelques fautes et quelques points que je ne comprends pas bien, je vous les ai repérés en rouge ci-dessous. Mais, attention, ce ne sont que quelques points après une première lecture rapide et il y a peut-être d'autres erreurs. Ne vous inquiétez pas, d'autres membres viendront sûrement vous signaler les autres fautes s'il y en a.

"The Gazette
Murder in the Tower-Bridge
Wednesday, May 02 th, 2012 by Guillaume Pelluet, Ben Mauger and Jean Yvon.
The victim has been found by Doris Menwether between 14pm and 15pm according to the forensic scientist. The DI John is leading the investigation of England (il ne manquerait pas quelque chose?), Thomson is the detective who investigating (idem). He interrogated the witness and he collected the information, a testimony. The murder’s weapon is a champagne cork (est-ce un canular?) and the DI found Champagne’s bottle break bottom the tower bridge. The forensic scientist found the fingerprints on the glass’s displays and it was having Ruth Love. John thinks that isn’t a suicide. The detective investigated about Ruth Love and he discovered that she had a lover who was the usband (faute) of Doris Menwether. Louise Menwether would be tried to several injuries on Doris Menwether and she killed Ruth Love with champagne’s bottle. The husband awoke and he called the police. They want now the prime suspect, Louise Menwether."

Je suis désolé de ne pas pouvoir vous aider un peu plus personnellement, mais je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps disponible aujourd'hui.


Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2012 17:51
Correction incomplète.
Tower Bridge sans trait d'union.

Réponse: Article/Tower Bridge de notrepere, postée le 29-04-2012 à 16:44:03 (S | E)

Il y a beaucoup plus de fautes à corriger.

The victim has been(temps) found by Doris Menwether between 14pm(on ne dit pas '14 p,m'- between 2 and 3 p.m.) and 15pm according to the forensic scientist. The DI John is leading the investigation of(mauvaise préposition) England, Thomson is the detective who [ verbe manquant] investigating. He interrogated(un present perfect vaut mieux) the witness and he collected(idem) the information, a testimony. The murder’s weapon is a champagne cork and the DI found Champagne’s bottle break bottom(the bottom of a broken champagne bottle at the tower bridge. The forensic scientist found the fingerprints on the glass’s displays and it was having Ruth Love. John thinks that isn’t a suicide. The detective investigated about Ruth Love and he discovered that she had a lover who was the husband of Doris Menwether. Louise Menwether would be tried to several injuries on Doris Menwether and she killed Ruth Love with achampagne’s bottle. The husband awoke and he called the police. They want now(mal placé) the prime suspect, Louise Menwether."

Réponse: Article/Tower Bridge de guiben, postée le 29-04-2012 à 18:46:17 (S | E)
mais pour ce qui est des temps (à la première ligne), je dois mettre quoi à la place de has been found?Found?.
Et pour la deuxième ligne, John is leading the investigation of(mauvaise préposition) England, comment sa mauvaise préposition, sa donne sa alors? inspector(ou investigation)'s England? Après Thomson is the detective who [verbe manquant(Look after?(s'occuper)] investigating.
A la 4ème ligne, found the fingerprints on the glass’s displays and it was having Ruth Love.>>(Trouvé des empreintes de doigts sur les morceau de verre et elles étaient à Ruth love.)Vous traduiriez sa comment? Ligne 5, John thinks that isn’t a suicide(john ne pensa pas que s'était un suicide), were is the faults? Après The detective investigated about (Sa vaut dire quoi le point d'exclamation?)Ruth Love . Et pour finir, à la dernière ligne, they want now(mal placé) the prime suspect, cela donne alors, they want the prime suspect now?

Réponse: Article/Tower Bridge de notrepere, postée le 29-04-2012 à 22:32:49 (S | E)

has found/found -> On emploie un prétérit si l'action est datée. Alors, quelle réponse convient ?

On dit : en Angleterre Comment traduit-on le mot 'en' en anglais ? -> leading the investigation England

who [ verbe manquant] investigating -> qui est en train de ... il faut un temps continue -> is investigating

un morceau de verre -> a piece of glass

that it wasn't a suicide


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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