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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de mimi1727 posté le 01-05-2012 à 16:02:32 (S | E | F)

j'ai écrit ce résumé.Pouvez-vous me corriger svp s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

For this passage, it begins at the end from the page 89 to the page 93.

The characters are Mrs Chasen, Harold and Edith Phern.
They are in Harold's house: at first in the garage and then in the library.
In this passage, Mrs Chasen presents Edith Phern, the Harold's second date. At first, they go to the garage to meet Harold and to see his car that he transformed.
Mr Chasen is shocked because Harold has to transform Jaguar in one hearse, the former car which he had.
Later, she asks to Harold for join in the library. During this time, Edith and Mrs Chasen discuss. But Mrs Chasen seems not interested in what Edith says.
When Harold arrives, he puts the left hand on a small table. Then, he takes a meat cleaver and cuts his hand. But it is not true, because he has a plastic hand.
Edith falls on the ground and Mr Chasen remembers Victor's words. He told her to send Harold to Army.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2012 16:06

Réponse: Résumé/livre de notrepere, postée le 01-05-2012 à 18:01:42 (S | E)

The characters are Mrs Chasen, Harold and Edith Phern.
They are in Harold's house: at first in the garage and then in the library.
In this passage, Mrs Chasen presents Edith Phern, the Harold's second date. At first, they go to the garage to meet Harold and to see his car that he transformed.
Mr Chasen is shocked because Harold has to transform [ ] Jaguar into one(un(e) est mal traduit) hearse, the former car which he had.
Later, she asks to Harold for join [ ] in the library. During this time, Edith and Mrs Chasen discuss. But Mrs Chasen seems uninterested in what Edith says.
When Harold arrives, he puts his left hand on a small table. Then, he takes a meat cleaver and cuts his hand. But it is not true, because he has a plastic hand.
Edith falls on the ground and Mr Chasen remembers Victor's words. He told her to send Harold to [ ] Army.

[ ] = mot manquant

= mot erroné

Réponse: Résumé/livre de mimi1727, postée le 01-05-2012 à 18:58:03 (S | E)

J'ai fait les corrections. Pouvez-vous, s'il vous plaît, revoir mon texte ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

The characters are Mrs Chasen, Harold and Edith Phern.
They are in Harold's house: at first in the garage and then in the library.
In this passage, Mrs Chasen presents Edith Phern, Harold's second date. At first, they go to the garage to meet Harold and to see his car that he transformed.
Mr Chasen is shocked because Harold has to transform the Jaguar into a hearse, the former car which he had.
Later, she asks Harold to join them in the library. During this time, Edith and Mrs Chasen discuss together. But Mrs Chasen seems uninterested in what Edith says.
When Harold arrives, he puts his left hand on a small table. Then, he takes a meat cleaver and cuts his hand. But it is not real, because he has a plastic hand.
Edith falls on the ground and Mr Chasen remembers Victor's words. He told her to send Harold to the Army.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2012 21:36

Réponse: Résumé/livre de notrepere, postée le 02-05-2012 à 03:44:23 (S | E)

Très bien

They are in Harold's house: at first in the garage and then in the library.
In this passage, Mrs Chasen presents Edith Phern, Harold's second date. At first, they go to the garage to meet Harold and to see his car that he has transformed.
Mr Chasen is shocked because Harold has to transform the Jaguar into a hearse, the former car which he had.
Later, she asks Harold to join them in the library. During this time, Edith and Mrs Chasen discuss together (talk amongst themselves). But Mrs Chasen seems uninterested in what Edith is saying.
When Harold arrives, he puts his left hand on a small table. Then, he takes a meat cleaver and cuts his hand. But it is not real, because he has a plastic hand.
Edith falls on the ground and Mr Chasen remembers Victor's words. He told her to send Harold to the Army.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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