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Aide/rapport stage BTS

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/rapport stage BTS
Message de mande16 posté le 02-05-2012 à 18:10:51 (S | E | F)

Je suis en 2ème année de Bts et je dois faire un rapport de stage de 3 pages en anglais ainsi qu'une fiche de communication.
Je voulais savoir si vous pouviez m'indiquer mes fautes s'il vous plaît car mon professeur ne corrige pas :S
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Company presentation :

 Company name : xxxxx SAS
 Activity of the company : Manufacture of medical/surgical equipment and orthopaedic fabrication de matériel médico-chirurgical et d'orthopédie
 Affiliate : Patterson Medical
 Business sector : Metallurgy Métallurgie
 Date of creation : in 1975
 Name of creator : The physiotherapist xxxxx
 Legal Shape : Simplified joint stock company (SAS)
 Share capital : € xxxx
 Staff : 60 employees
 Main customers : xxxxxx
 Main supplier : Clinics, hospitals, doctors, physiotherapists Cliniques, hôpitaux,médecins, kinésithérapeutes
 Part of the market in France : 75 %
 Part of market of the International : 80 %

My name is xxxxxxxxx
I carried out a training period (The January 16, 2012 or February 24, 2012) in a firm called xxx. This course has for objective to or even all the problems related to the safety of employees
On the first day, I visited all the company and I had a meeting with the members of the health and safety committee (This was necessary for my integration in the firm).
I did various activities in the firm In relation to the safety and health at work:
- Analysis of the questionnaires of the risks, distributed prior to employees.
- Creation of a table of comparison of the risks per work units and categories of risks.
- Observations near various work stations at the risks.
- Modification of the table of comparison of the risks.
- Catches of photographs to note the risk.
- Reflection on the various action plans to be implemented.
- Order near various suppliers for materials adapted to the employees.
- Installation of various action plans (sending of mail of ergonomics at the work station…)
- Catch of photographs of the improvements in the company.
With these various activities, I was able to acquire some experience.
Morever, our relationship was very interesting. In effect, this company has a very family atmosphere which allows you to work in good condition with a good team.

Positive points:
During this training course, I was helped by my tutor of training course (Mr. MARTINEZ Gregory) which knew work perfectly well that I had to carry out. Also, my work conditions were very good, this why I fully could enrich me by new knowledge and make profitable those studied

Negative points:
I had some concern in my training course, at the time of the passage near the employees to know their opinion on the risks which they incur. But also, when I proposed tracks of improvements to them.
It is sometimes difficult to be essential as anybody external with the company since I do not provide same work as them.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2012 19:09
Mise en forme + anonymat


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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