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Correction/report of survey

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/report of survey
Message de besoindl posté le 22-05-2012 à 21:31:40 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous !

J'aimerais s'il vous plaît que l'on corrige une expression écrite si cela est possible
Merci pour vos réponses.

Writing a report from a survey.

During a survey in form of quiz lead in class concerning our ecological footprint, we establish approximately the census of answer from the whole class.
The result was positive, whole of class respect ecological and they isn't a threat of this one.

First of all, about travels and transport. Although the majority of students is aware of the consequence of some means of transport, they ignore it and use it nevertheless but there also a majority who use public transport and share their car with colleagues or friends.

Then about holidays we establish that the bulk of students travel by car, prefer youth accommodations of their holidays and anly once per years. Therefore on the one hand there are economic means and the other hand ecological means.

Next on the subject of food and shopping, students are ecological because they buy fruit in season and sometimes fair trade product, they also avoid wasting food most of time although the bulk of them don't use the compost.

Besides about energy use, renewable and energy sources. Despite that there is a majority of 7 students out of 13 heat their houses with oil, there are however all of them in favor of solar panels and 11 students out of 13 turn of the light and avoid leaving electrical appliances on a standby position. That it's positive of ecological footprint.

Finally deforestation is a subject that the possibility are less because the choice of paper that students use is limited and the quality of recycle paper isn't effective. Anyway, according to the census this subject is less important that other.

In conclusion, even if students are bound to use means which aren't ecological the whole result of student armful to the earth.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-05-2012 21:33

Réponse: Correction/report of survey de notrepere, postée le 23-05-2012 à 00:56:32 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques.

Writing a report from a survey.
During a survey in form of quiz(deux articles différents manquants) lead in class concerning our ecological footprint, we establish(temps) approximately the census of answer(pas les bons mots) from the whole class.
The result was positive, whole of class(Pourquoi pas 'the whole class' comme au dessus ?) respect ecological(forme du mot) and they isn't a threat of this one.

First of all, about travels and transport. Although the majority of students is aware of the consequences of some means of transport, they ignore it and use it nevertheless but there [verbe manquant] also a majority who use public transportation and share their car with colleagues or friends.

Then about the holidays we establish(temps) that the bulk of students travel by car, prefer youth accommodations on? their holidays and anly once per years. Therefore on the one hand there are economic means and on the other hand ecological means.

Next on the subject of food and shopping, students are ecological because they buy fruit in season and sometimes fair trade product, they also avoid wasting food most of time although the bulk of them don't use the compost.

Besides about energy use, renewable and energy sources. Despite that there is Although a majority of 7 students out of 13 heat their houses with oil, there are however all of them are in favor of solar panels and 11 students out of 13 turn of the lights and avoid leaving electrical appliances on a standby position. That it's positive of ecological footprint.

Finally deforestation is a subject that the possibility are less because the choice of paper that students use is limited and the quality of recycle paper isn't effective(un autre mot). Anyway, according to the census this subject is less important that others.

In conclusion, even if students are bound to use means which aren't ecological the whole result of student armful to the earth.

Modifié par notrepere le 23-05-2012 00:56


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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