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Lettre/Ellis Island

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Lettre/Ellis Island
Message de canard3001 posté le 26-05-2012 à 19:52:33 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear dad,
I was very impressed when I arrived to New York. It’s wonderful.
The trip lasted 2 weeks. It was uncomfortable because we travelled in the steerage and there were some bad storms. We slept in bunk beds. The food was horrible. I was sea sick.
When I arrived and saw the Statue of Liberty, I felt a rush of joy because, as you know, it was the symbol of a new start. Everyone was happy.
I have to speak to you about my new life and about what happened at Ellis-Island. Mom, like the other immigrants, had to answer many questions coming from officers as well as to pass a medical examination to be allowed to enter the country. As for me, the doctor examined me and he discovered I had a cold. He thus said to me that I couldn't leave with my mother. At that moment there, I cried and begged because I was terrified to be all alone in this strange place. When I felt better, I was allowed to enter America. On the whole, I felt sad to stay on Ellis Island.
During the first weeks I sought a few rooms where I can sing. I will earn money to become a famous singer. We looked for a place to sleep and found a nice little flat. The food is not the same as in Poland but it's good. Mother works now at the beauty shop.
II will become worldly famous and I will be able to make you come to New York in spite of the restrictions.
I miss you. I love you.

Your daughter

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2012 21:09

Réponse: Lettre/Ellis Island de notrepere, postée le 26-05-2012 à 20:25:14 (S | E)

I was very impressed when I arrived to New York. It was (temps de narration ; on parle de temps passé) wonderful.
The trip lasted 2 weeks. It was uncomfortable because we travelled in the steerage and there were some bad storms. We slept in bunk beds. The food was horrible. I was sea sick.
When I arrived and saw the Statue of Liberty, I felt a rush of joy because, as you know, it was the symbol of a new start. Everyone was happy.
I have to speak to you about my new life and about what happened at Ellis-Island. Mom, like the other immigrants, had to answer many questions coming from officers as well as to pass a medical examination to be allowed to enter the country. As for me, the doctor examined me and he discovered I had a cold. Thus, he thus said to told me that I couldn't leave with my mother. At that moment there(le 'there' est superflu), I cried and begged because I was terrified to be all alone in this strange place. When I felt better, I was allowed to enter America. On the whole, I felt sad to stay on Ellis Island.
During the first weeks I sought a few rooms where I can(temps) sing. I will earn money to become a famous singer. We looked for a place to sleep and found a nice little flat. The food is not the same as in Poland but it's good. Mother works now at the beauty shop.
II will become worldly famous and I will be able to make you come to New York in spite of the restrictions.
I miss you. I love you.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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