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Something right/ meaning

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Something right/ meaning
Message from tatu posted on 31-05-2012 at 12:05:46 (D | E | F)

I'm a new member. I would like to ask about grammar in this phrase:
"Obviously, she had been doing something right to be so full of vitality and joy after such short time"
Could you explain me why "right" is put after "something"?
Please answer me by English.
Thank you in advance !

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2012 13:01

Re: Something right/ meaning from gerondif, posted on 31-05-2012 at 17:06:18 (D | E)

"Obviously, she had been doing something right to be so full of vitality and joy after such short time" means:
"Obviously, she had been doing something good, something correct, something beneficial to her, to be so full of vitality and joy after such a short time"

It is normal to put and adjective after "something" in sentences like:
I ate something good.
I did something wrong.
I said something right, something correct.
I saw something bizarre.
I heard something strange.

Re: Something right/ meaning from a_limon, posted on 07-06-2012 at 19:39:15 (D | E)
"Something" is the pronoun. The adjective follows the pronoun,describing it, but does not stand before it.

Edited by lucile83 on 07-06-2012 21:16

Re: Something right/ meaning from traviskidd, posted on 08-06-2012 at 05:24:02 (D | E)
this is an example of an elliptical phrase, in which "that is" is omitted.
something right = something that is(/was) right

See you.

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Forum > English only


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